Fucking other people, watching others fuck, and having others watch us fuck are all scenarios that take time and effort to put in place, they take patience and sometimes a little bit of luck. You have to pick up on signs and then drop hints in plausibly deniable ways, most of which are just laughed off or not even spotted.

But occasionally, you drop hints, and they get a positive response, and they get people thinking or even flirting, and something wonderful comes of it. A few months ago, we had an invitation to stay with Sara and her husband, something that might have meant that a potential couple swap I’d been working on for a couple of years might actually happen. Or it might not. We tried to not get too hopeful.

We thought Sara and her husband were out of our league as they are both beautiful people well known in their field. We had never done anything socially with them, so the invitation was out of the blue. It could have been innocent and just that she had heard we were still without a permanent home, but she and I had some flirty sexual discussions a while ago (albeit in a plausibly deniable manner), so there was a teeny chance something would happen. I’ve known Sara’s husband since 2018 and was lucky enough to attend a few masterclasses run by Sara in 2019. In a professional sphere filled by egotistical and arrogant people, these two genuine people have gravitated together and have a wonderful marriage.

Sara is one of the very few people I’ve ever met that is truly drop dead gorgeous. It doesn’t matter what she wears, from a shimmering figure-hugging dress for a performance right through to jeans and a crop top, she looks fabulous. She has long jet-black hair, a really cute almost pixie like face, an ass big enough to fill out a pair of jeans, but small enough to be stunningly shapely under a shimmering dress, and her tits are sizable (although not as large as mine), with a killer cleavage.

Her husband is quite cute too and is mesmerising when he is performing. I joked with my husband how I wanted to fuck Sara’s husband, and my husband said he’d happily fuck Sara if I could sort a swap, and the seed I planted with her was somewhat grabbing an opportunity that presented itself.

Sara, me and one other woman were in a masterclass, and by this point, Sara and I knew we were on the same wavelength and had really clicked. Well, this other woman popped out for a drink, and Sara quickly took advantage of us being alone and started pulling up her dress, moaning how uncomfortable her panties were and how she was going to take them off for the rest of the day. As the dress was fairly tight, she had to pull the dress right up to her waist to get to her panties, and in the process, she gave me a good long flash of her cunt. I felt my cunt go moist as I had a tantalising look at her quivering cunt absolutely devoid of hair. All too soon, her cunt was gone, and she was straightening up her dress so that the other woman wouldn’t know.

Sara asked me why I was licking my lips (which I didn’t realise I was doing), and I just said, “Juicy cunt”, just as the door opened. Nothing else was said during that session, although I did think Sara was looking just a little mischievous and a little smug, and my mind was running wild for the rest of the session. After the session was finished and the other woman had left, I was helping Sara pack up, when she came out in a very blunt way asking me what I’d do with her juicy cunt?

That was one of those moments to roll the dice, so I was honest and told her I really wanted to taste the sweet nectar coming from her juicy cunt, and I knew I could make her cum like a train if she wanted. Her eyes said she did, and I added that my husband would like to fuck her too, and we might even be able to persuade her husband to get involved as well. It didn’t faze her, in fact, she seemed quite excited by the ideas.

But it all went quiet through the lockdowns. I thought the idea had slipped away until we got the message a few months back about staying. We gladly accepted, as even the slightest off chance of doing something sexual with them was worth pursuing.

We were left in limbo for about a week, not knowing if anything sexual was on the cards or not, until I got another message. This message left us in no doubt. It was asking us about contraceptives and STD testing “as we’re not used to doing this sort of thing”. Handily, like me, Sara had a Mirena coil, so that dealt with the contraception and an agreed slew of tests in the few days before we arrived would deal with the rest.

But this, to me, was even greater than another cunt to taste and another cock to ride. Ever since I had started pegging my husband, I have wanted him to feel a real cock cumming in his ass. I just wanted him to know how different it felt. Obviously, I’ve had plenty of both real cock and dildo in my ass, and they are very different, so just the once, I’d like him to know what it felt like. Ages ago when we went through the list of all the men we knew to find out which ones my husband would be happy to be anally fucked by, Sara’s husband was one of the few on the list. I was too scared to seriously bring up the possibility of the two men fucking, but I was desperate for it to happen.

I had to put it out of my mind as we arrived, as I had new cunt and cock to enjoy. It still feels quite strange to arrive at someone’s house knowing you are there to fuck. What was even stranger was that we didn’t know if we would get started that very evening, or whether it would be days away. I was so worked up before I arrived that I was likely to explode if it wasn’t that night.

Sara opened the door in a shimmering red dress, one that screamed sex goddess. I had picked my little black dress with the incredible cleavage. Sara directed her husband outside to help mine bring in our luggage, and as they returned with the first bags, they found us in a tight embrace with a long and tonguy kiss. I remember her husband distantly remarking that that didn’t take long.

When we finally stopped kissing, we went inside to chat in the kitchen whilst the men finished unloading our bags, after which they joined us, and we all settled in. The sexual tension was massive, until eventually Sara’s husband broke and pulled out a coin. He asked my husband to call heads or tails, to decide which one of them was going to fuck first. My husband won, and so, I settled down in Sara’s husband’s arms, with him rubbing and squeezing my clothed tits as my husband stood in front of Sara and started kissing her. All those hints, all that hope, and it was actually coming true, and very soon, Sara was going to be impaled on my husband’s cock.