Kinky and filthy things that have happened to us, all explicitly told

Month: February 2018

Recruiting Some Watchers

There is something very naughty about sitting in a cafe talking to a friend about fucking in front of each other. Yet there Nikki and I were, debriefing the intimate sex party. We all (absent men included) agreed it was a great success, and that we all wanted to do it again. Yet, we both felt that wasn’t really enough fucking. The men did their best, but they (of course) need recovery time. We decided we’d have some more girl-on-girl action (assuming our men agreed, although I didn’t envisage that being a problem), and we could do some other sexy activities that don’t involve hard cocks, but what we felt we really needed was another couple.

But how would we find one? Nikki knows from experience how long it took to find us, and that was just a fluke conversation. Specifically asking someone isn’t an easy conversation to have. “So, fancy coming to a dinner party where we all get fucked whilst the others watch?” wasn’t likely to be a winner with someone who wasn’t kink-obsessed, and we had no idea who was kink-obsessed. Nikki and I are the two fuck happy members of our circle of friends – we are the two who like fucking rather a lot. The rest of the group appear somewhat less sex-obsessed than we are. We did decide though that the friendship angle was important for us too, so we really didn’t want to end up recruiting strangers. But given none of our friends were obviously kinky, we had to work out who was possible. As we went round the circle of mutual friends, there weren’t obvious candidates.

The discussion got to a rather reserved lady called Laura. I knew that my husband would have suggested her. Since the day he first met her, my husband thought her good housewife routine was an act, and that underneath, she was a filthy bitch. He had absolutely no evidence on which to base this for a couple of years. A small piece of evidence came at Christmas 2016, when a rather tipsy Laura briefly flashed her panties to us all. They were a rather small white cotton thong with the word “Slut” written on the front in permanent marker.

So, on this flimsy evidence (literally) and largely on my husband’s gut instinct, we decided that she was our best candidate and that we would to try to recruit Laura and her husband for the next sex party. We needed plausible deniability (in case she hated the idea) as we didn’t really want to cause tension in the wider group.

Our chance to have a discussion unexpectedly came a couple of weeks later. Again, it was a drunken ladies night, and this time, Laura, Nikki, and I ended up as the last there. Laura was wearing a top with a plunging neckline that revealed a substantial cleavage: those magnificent tits swinging back and forth to rhythm was no doubt the other reason my husband wanted to see her naked and being fucked. He’s always been a tits man.

It isn’t easy to start a sex party conversation, but we had to bide our time until an opportunity occurred when the discussion strayed onto panties. I was often pantyless at that time, and Nikki wasn’t wearing any that night either. Laura acted all coy, but her mask slipped when I mentioned the “Slut” panties. She had no recollection of the flashing incident, but both Nikki and I certainly remembered it. It turns out that she only wears white cotton thongs, and every day, her husband picks out her panties, which are adorned with a hand-written message from him. (Obviously, it is not always a new message, as it would be wasteful not to re-use the panties). “Slut” is one of the milder ones apparently. Laura was blushing when she spoke. Using messaged panties was just something fun they did, which reminded her of her sexuality often throughout a day. The obvious question was what was on her panties that day – “My cunt needs cum” was the exquisite answer. She already knew tomorrows would say “Ass fuck day”, and that meant she’d have his cock in her ass a number of times tomorrow and her cunt would go untouched all day. My husband was right though – she was much more into sex than her public persona would have you believe. That’s partially because she is very shy, particularly when talking about sex. Apparently, her husband wanted her to be more outgoing and free talking about sex, so he’d be happy she was having these conversations.

So, Nikki introduced our sex parties to her, described what happened at the first one, and how much fun we had. Laura listened intently and seemed somewhat excited, but she said that wasn’t the kind of thing she or her husband were in to. Nikki hadn’t asked at this point, so she just rounded off the conversation with a comment that if they changed their minds, we’d love to see her and her husband at the party, and that we were sure they’d have a great time. Then we moved the conversation on, the seed having been sown.

Nikki and I met up with a very excited Laura a few days later. After discussing it with her husband, they decided they were up for the party. She said today’s panties had the awesome message “Watch Me Fucking” and that she was getting turned on even thinking about our party. She realised that there wouldn’t be time for hesitancy at the party, and when it was their turn, they would need to get fucking. She said they appreciated that, and she was fully behind the plan, even the girl-on-girl interludes. Now I was getting excited. They are both gorgeous women, and my cunt got all moist thinking about kissing them, sucking on their fleshy tits, and yes, licking away at their cunts.

Our men were over the moon too, both with the new recruits and the girl-on-girl action. My husband was particularly pleased with himself for correctly picking Laura’s sexy side when none of the rest of us did.

For the next couple of hours that evening, Laura, Nikki, and I talked about activities, positions and roughly planned out the party – the venue, the date, the food and drink, and the activities. Our first party was an alcohol-free gathering because none of us wanted our performance to be diminished – we decided to make this a rule, and we decided to look for some non-alcoholic cocktails for the evening. Astonishingly, Nikki had far less of an anal history than either Laura or I, so we definitely included some anal activity in the plan. I told Laura how my husband would expect to see her ample tits swinging violently as she was fucked, and Laura insisted we included some activities to achieve that. A consequence of the “no private activity” rule that didn’t come up at the first party was that of pissing, so we made a plan to cover that. We also had some sexy games ideas and chose one of those. As before, the men knew nothing of the details and would be surprised on the day. The next party in late November could not come round soon enough!

This Is Going To Make Him Blush

I used to look at friends who had really close relationships and think that was all I wanted. I’d been through a succession of men who were all somewhat abusive, who tried to keep me down and under control. My family life wasn’t much better – there was a lot of psychological stuff going on throughout my childhood. I had been depressed and on medication for some years, and was broke, had mobility issues and was hardly a catch.

I had known my now husband for some years when we got together. We didn’t move in the same social circles, only occasionally meeting, but whenever we did, he was engaging to talk to. I knew he liked my tits. His eyes popped out of his head when my 34Hs in a corset were revealed as I arrived at a party. I didn’t know until recently that he had gone home that night and wanked thinking of them. That made me very happy.

I found myself comparing men to him, as he seemed like a decent caring guy. He’d even helped me out a couple of times, yet I was peripheral to his life. We’d done a couple of comedy gigs together, but it is clear he thought of us as mates. I wanted to be so much more, but I knew if I push or rushed, he’d run a mile, and I didn’t want to risk not having him in my life at all – a little of him was better than none of him.

It all changed in one gig, when I nuzzled up against him, and he put his arm round me. It felt wonderful to have him touch me, and I wanted it again. As we parted that night, we agreed to go out for a meal the following week. I made his favourite dessert, to make him come back to my place. I was wearing a top that showed my tits off to their finest. I could see him sneaking lots of looks, and that made him and me happy. He could have played with them if he wanted (but I didn’t say that in case it scared him off). Instead, as we watched a DVD, I snuggled up to him. He put his arm round me again, and I rested my head on his shoulder. He had a good view of my tits, and when I moved to get comfier and slightly covered them up, he said it was a shame. I was only too happy to readjust to give him the best view.

You see, by that point, I had realised. I felt safe. Totally safe. I managed to fight back the tears. I needed this to work. I needed him to touch me. I needed him to caress me. I needed him to fuck me. I needed him.

I was aware the credits were rolling. I turned off the telly without moving and looked up at him. He looked down at me, with love in his eyes, and then gently rolled his head forward and kissed me on the lips. Fireworks were going off in my mind. It was a brief kiss, but he looked down at me again. I later realised he was waiting for me to say no, but I didn’t. I moved my mouth closer to his and we kissed, this time longer, and our tongues touched. That was all the answer I needed, and I clambered up to him and properly snogged him.

As we broke our kiss again, I looked at him and said, “Please don’t mess with me.” With massive love in his eyes, he said that he had no plans to mess with me, how he never does anything by halves, and although it might not work out, he liked the idea of us being a couple. I said I did too, and I snogged his face off. For three hours we snogged. My tongue was exhausted, but we’d managed to snuggle and snog all night, even though he had to go to work the next day.

That first kiss changed my life. It changed everything. That was one amazing kiss.

Now this is going to make him blush. Yes, I realise how weird that sounds. A blog which is going into intimate and intricate detail about our sex and kink life, and an intro post about my husband is the one that is going to make him blush. But it will.

You see, he doesn’t appreciate what he is. He’s just doing what he thinks a partner should do. You know, simple things like supporting his partner, helping her to live a more comfortable and happy life, helping her to do the best she can in qualifications, helping her to build her self-esteem, loving her with all his heart, trying to make her happy, cuddling her, snogging her face off, fucking her well and selflessly whenever she wants, making her cum like a train. I don’t think he quite realises how few men would do what he does, how few men would care enough to improve my life, how few men would be such a great fuck in such a selfless manner. He’s amazing.

I realise all men fuck, but often very selfishly. I’ve had quite a few unsatisfying encounters myself. To be fair, so has he. He described his longest running ex as like fucking a sack of potatoes not a woman. Actually, she did him a lot of damage: she put him off women for years, and it took a visit from an old uni fuck to get him back to his sexual best.

So why was I different? He laughingly says 34Hs, but the truth is he doesn’t know. He said there was something about me, and he can’t lay his finger on it. He knew all the downsides of being with me (and rather a lot of lies from my ex as well), but he decided to risk it anyway.

That kiss. That perfect moment that changed everything. He decided walking to my place that he wanted to kiss me. He wasn’t sure if I wanted it, but when I had adjusted my position to give him the best view of my tits, he took that as a good sign. He paused for me to say no. I didn’t. I just snogged his face off.

It is just over 6 years since that kiss, and we’ve been married about 18 months. During that time, he’s fucked me over 1000 times (We know because he kept count!). That’s a little under once every two days on average. We’ve had some drier spells, and a lot of periods where we fuck every single day. I can honestly say that not one of those fucks was crap. Some were amazing, some were just ordinary (for him), but his ordinary is still fucking good. I think that is because of his selfless attitude. He completely focusses on me when he’s fucking me. He works on my mind and body, in full knowledge that he’ll be cumming anyway. He knows my body and reads signs that I don’t know I’m giving off. He just feels great inside me and I’m addicted to it, I’m addicted to fucking him and he’s not complaining!

Sometimes, I look at him and wonder how the hell we got here. How did we get from that scared wary man and an abuse-weary woman lacking in opportunity, to this – a blissfully happy couple with a raging sex life, loads of kinky stuff, and above all, a feeling of safety and love.

I fucking love him, and I love fucking him too.

Watch And Be Watched

My husband and I often talk about sex, right from the first week of being together. It helped us to really get to know each other, and our likes and dislikes. Well, a few months ago, we were talking about something it turns out we both had a little experience of before we knew each other existed, and that was watching other people fucking and to likewise be watched fucking. Our separate past experiences were more in the opportunistic and voyeuristic line, but for now, we were thinking more sex party, well lit with good close-up views, as we both love watching real sex and would love for other couples to enjoy our efforts without joining in.

We were of the opinion that going to a swingers club was about the best option and had started looking for one to try. But on a girl’s night of wine and gossip, I was talking to one of my best friends Nikki about our plan and possibly going to a swingers club. She asked whether we would consider having her and her husband watching us instead, as they had spoken about it before, didn’t fancy the swingers club, but would be up for it with like-minded friends.

This was an ideal scenario for me. A private sex party with friends I am comfortable with, out of public view but very much in private view. Danger was at a minimum, as we could set boundaries in advance, and we could be confident everyone would respect them.

The men agreed to the plan, and shortly after, Nikki and I agreed a few basic rules for the evening, namely that we would take it in turns (no simultaneous activity, as that would be a waste), that the men would only touch their respective women, that the women could touch each other if they wanted (and believe me, I wanted to!), and that there would be no private activities or conversations – everything was to be shared.

That first night last October was rather nerve-wracking to begin with. My husband was a little concerned in case he had trouble getting hard. He needn’t have worried.

After we arrived, Nikki and I each did a slow and provocative striptease, and then each stripped our man off. Then (as he was already hard) my husband sat on the sofa with his ass on the front edge of the cushion, I straddled him facing him and lent forward to give our friends the best view of my cunt (from behind) as I lowered my cunt onto his enormous hard cock. As I rode my husband’s cock, he could see they were transfixed, and they applauded as we both orgasmed. As I climbed off, I blushed a little as what we had done hit me. Nikki gave me a hug and said it was wonderful, and then we all sat and started talking about it. I knew my husband loved it, because of how enormous and hard his cock was. With another blush, I had to admit how much I got off on it, and I loved the applause and Nikki’s description of what she saw.

That first fuck set the tone for the evening. It wasn’t long before Nikki and her husband fucked in the same way, and Nikki was clearly very excited about the view we had. I have no embarrassment in saying that I was transfixed by his cock moving in and out of her cunt and the fact that these were our friends and that this was real fucking made it so much more exciting. Our view was totally unhindered and her screams of pleasure as she came were totally wonderful.

There was no sign of a blush on Nikki’s cheeks, just a look of pride and mischief. It was clear that this wouldn’t be the last evening of fucking that we shared. The men’s cocks had yet to recover, so whilst they did, we decided they could have a play with our respective cunts. My husband kissed me and worked my cunt with his hand. I was fairly close to the edge already, so I came fairly easily. He didn’t stop moving his hand though, and so got me very near to cumming again, before proceeding to hold me on the edge of an orgasm for hours (well, actually about 10 minutes, but it felt like hours) before finally rubbing me to a massive orgasm. I was completely exhausted and collapsed into his arms. He just held me whilst Nikki got tremendously excited awaiting her chance to perform.

Once I had recovered enough to watch Nikki and her husband, he could finally get his hand to work. She came in seconds, but likewise, his hand did not stop working her clit and after a short build up, she came several times in a row. She too collapsed in his arms as we applauded, and finally, we were all able to gently chat about what we had seen and done.

Once we had recovered, we had a light meal, with dessert being “Honey Cunt” (honey poured over our cunts and licked off, served with squirty cream sucked from our nipples and clit). The men started with their respective women and went back for seconds… and thirds, before us women ate from each other’s cunts, nipples, and clits.

We talked sex and kink until later in the evening when both cocks had fully recovered. Moving to the bedroom, we removed the quilt from the bed. Nikki and her man went first this time, with them going for a fairly straight missionary position but with a couple of pillows under her ass to give us a better view. Hearing Nikki squeal and scream was wonderful and got me very hot. She came really hard and he did shortly after, then, he slid down the bed and began working her clit and cunt with his tongue. She squirmed under his flicking tongue and very shortly tensed up and came again. As she relaxed from her orgasm, her husband gently picked her up off the bed and moved her away so that we could take our turn.

I lay on my back and also put two pillows under my ass. It was a new concept to adjust positions to allow for better viewing, but it was important for our watchers’ enjoyment. Once comfortable, my husband lifted my legs up and entered my cunt from behind (a position known as “The Pancake”). He grabbed onto the bars of the headboard and used them to get power with which to impale me. He was really quite animal as he drove into me over and over again. I was even more aroused by hearing the excited gasps and squeals of Nikki and her man watching us intensely. I could tell my husband was fighting to not cum. I had no such issues and had three orgasms washed over me before my husband lost control and discharged his load. He knew my clit would be so sensitive that I would be unable to stand him licking it, so instead he just rolled over and cradled me in his arms, as Nikki and her husband applauded and beamed with delight.

By then, it was late, and we were all pretty sexed out. It was a fantastic night, but sadly it was at an end. The feelings were wonderful though. I think watching someone have sex was enthralling and very emotional. So, to see my good friends in very private ecstasy and release was a joy to behold. To be able to share our love, joy and ecstasy was equally amazing. I really wanted to do this again, and so did Nikki and the men, and it wouldn’t be long before we got our wish.

Being Pantyless Makes Me Horny

Welcome to The Sex Lives of KinkyMira and Friends blog.

I’m Mira and I’m your host for this look into all things sexy and kinky. I’m a mid-thirties female who, for the first time in my life, is finally happy. I have a wonderful husband, who helps me to be the best I can be, who looks after me, who loves me, who cuddles me loads and who fucks me well, often, and very very thoroughly. He also encourages me to be kinky and filthy. It turns out I don’t need much encouragement, and I fucking love it.

I’ve been encouraged to start this blog by some friends who are interested in hearing the details of my sexy activities, and some of those friends will get mentions too, as they are far from innocent maidens. Over the coming years, I will write about a number of things that have happened to us since I’ve found my inner kinky bitch and some of the history that has led up to this kinky state of affairs.

This first blog post marks two months since I last wore panties. I didn’t intend to go for even one whole month – in fact I had a target of 17 days over our Christmas break. I knew my husband would be very excited – he loves it when I don’t wear panties. He loves the occasional flashes of cunt, whether accidental or totally deliberate. He loves sliding his hand up my skirt and having unhindered access to my ass and cunt, and I love what he does when his hand gets there, whether it be touching my cunt or ass, slipping his fingers inside my cunt, or rolling my clit in his fingers, he knows I’m a slut for whatever his hand wants to do to me. He loves it that I seem to be much hornier when I’m panty-free, and whenever I’m more horny, I always want to fuck a lot. He always does his best to oblige.

We both finished work for the year on Friday 15th December, so when he got home, I casually announced to my husband that I planned to not wear any panties until 2nd January (the day we returned to work). He did indeed get very excited! I asked him to remove my panties and put them in an airtight box for his later use. They were particularly fragrant, as I had been wearing them for 3 days to make them nice and ripe, and I had been masturbating in them across the three days to make them particularly pungent. I always prepared panties like this when he went away with work, to give him a good strong smell of my cunt and ass whilst he was away. I don’t know why I decided to do it this time, as at the time, I didn’t realise I may not wear panties again for some years, so I’m really glad he had one last pair to enjoy.

This is by far the longest I’ve ever gone without panties. I did wonder if my horniness would fade after a few days, but if anything, it grew. During the course of the 17 days, I was fucked over 40 times, including 3 days of mostly anal to give my poor cunt some rest. I was insatiable. It was the start of the most intensive period of fucking we had ever had.

I have been building up to a long pantyless stint over the last few years, increasingly wearing panties less and less. I had started being pantyless in the house, before extending it to when we went for a walk and I was expecting an outside fuck, to more mundane things like being panty-free going round shops. Even so, I was expecting I might feel a tug to put a pair on. In fact, my feelings were the opposite, and when I got within a few days of the end of my planned run, I began to feel sad at the thought of my panty-free stint being over. It was of course a self-imposed deadline, but to carry on, I would have to go without panties at work too. So, when the morning of my return to work arrived, I had a decision to make, and I chose to stuff a pair in my bag and set off sans panties. Of course, nothing happened at work. No one was aware of my pantyless state apart from me, and I just felt naughty. My spare panties stayed securely in my bag, and for the following work day, I had no panties with me at all. It was that morning I realised I wanted to be like this for the long haul, and that I needed to systematically remove any reason for wearing panties and indeed for clothes touching my cunt. I loved having my cunt open to the air (hidden by a skirt of course).

So, 17 days turned into 3 weeks, then 4 and now 8. I still feel really horny and don’t particularly want the feeling to stop, and we still fuck at least once every single day.

Over the last few weeks, I think I’ve removed virtually every reason to wear panties again (for a good few years at least). My periods have been stopped by a Mirena. I have packed away all the clothes that uncomfortably rubbed down there (like jeans). The only possible reason I have for wearing panties is that my husband and I both like me wetting myself, but my husband says he has found a solution to that one (can’t wait).

As the weather got a touch colder, I would normally have started to wear leggings, but of course, I would then lose all the benefits of not wearing panties. I used to wear leggings a lot (as my legs get cold) and occasionally wore trousers (never wore tights anyway). My husband found the solution for my cold legs – thicker stockings. We’ve also bought proper old-fashioned suspenders with metal clips, as they are much more robust for daily wear than plastic clips. I also love the fact that the metal clips show through a tight dress, so everyone knows you are wearing stockings. Weird isn’t it – I hated VPL, but I love my suspender clips showing.

So, armed with thicker stockings, I set about removing from my wardrobe any other item of clothing that touches my cunt. (Of course, apart from my wetting attire, I will also have to wear a swimsuit if naked swimming isn’t an option). All my leggings, trousers and shorts were packed away, and for the last month, I have only worn dresses, skirts, and stockings (for below the waist attire), meaning that for the entire month, I’ve had that fully exposed feeling, which I get a massive thrill from. I love the fact that I could be caught out by a gust of wind at any time – it makes me feel extra naughty.

So, I embark on my third pantyless month with no particular target in mind. I could see this going on for years. I just love feeling naughty, I adore feeling totally exposed under my skirt, I thrive on feeling horny, I love the smile on my husband’s face as I flash at him, and I love how much more freedom he has to play with me unhindered by what for me is now a pretty useless garment. I just love being pantyless!