Kinky and filthy things that have happened to us, all explicitly told

Month: August 2021

We All Knew What Was Going To Happen (Part Two)

Laura and I were sitting topless on Laura’s sofa, our mouths and tongues locked together, our naked tits pressed against each other, our respective nipples rock hard and poking into the other’s fleshy tits. Laura had waited so long for this. Her wishes were about to come true.

Victoria had entered the room (The front door was left on the latch, as we thought we might get distracted.) and by the time either of us looked at Vicki, her blouse and bra were in a heap on the floor, and she had dropped to her knees to Laura’s right and my left.

Laura roughly grabbed at Vicki’s tits, said she was pleased to finally meet Vicki in person, and pulled Vicki towards her using her tits as handles. Laura slightly rotated, so her right tit left contact with mine and she pulled Vicki’s left tit to meet it, manhandling my left tit to contact with Vicki’s right. We were in a tit squashing triangle, and in no time, Vicki and Laura were full tongue kissing and we were in a three way hug. I couldn’t complain, I was full tongue kissing Laura for ages before Vicki arrived, but I got a grandstand view of them, all whilst my tits were being squashed.

This triangle of love was only briefly interrupted by a text from my husband announced that he was caught in traffic and was a good hour away. Plenty of time for some girl-on-girl love, plenty of time for me to taste Laura’s cunt again and for Victoria to get her first taste.

As Laura and Vicki started kissing again, I put my hand down between Laura’s legs and started gently stroking at the outer folds of her cunt. Laura didn’t flinch. It was like it was the most natural thing in the world.

And as I pushed just a little way into her cunt, it was clear she was hot and slick. I coated my fingers and withdrew them, putting my fingers to my lips and tasting them. Without realising, I had closed my eyes, because as I opened them, the two sexy women I was squashing tits with had stopped kissing and were watching me, Laura with a slight smirk, Vicki somewhat more lustful.

I wasn’t in the mood for prevarication: I just told Laura a blunt way that it was time to taste her cunt. In a trice, we felt her tits leave contact with ours and she arranged herself on the sofa, her legs spread wide and her fingers holding her cunt lips spread. This woman was so up for it.

I dropped to my knees in between her legs and lowered by face to her spread cunt. The aroma was intoxicating, and so I dived straight in, burying my tongue deep inside her cunt, my tongue flicking up from in her channel up over her clit and back down again. Not my usual warm up, but when someone holds their cunt open for you, I tend to dive straight in.

No sooner did my tongue start its rhythmic assault on her clit, but I felt a hand go straight to my cunt and start rubbing. Vicki was busy, as I could also feel her working on Laura’s tits. Vicki was only preparing my cunt for when Laura returned the favour, and she was making sure Laura stayed hot. Laura’s body was starting to move in time with my tongue, and it wasn’t long before I felt her back start to arch, and her cunt start to moisten further. As she cried out, her breathing quickened, her body stiffened, and her cunt was flooded with more juices.

But I didn’t stop. She tasted divine and I wasn’t about to hand over to Vicki just yet; I had a lot more of her juices to lap up, and so I carried on, not pausing for even a second whilst she orgasmed the first time. I don’t think I gave her a chance to recover; her body never got properly untensed, her breathing never had a chance to slow down, her cries did die down a little, but my relentless licking was keeping her near to orgasm, yet I was being very cruel in keeping her close without finishing her off. I was enjoying myself (and I knew at some point, she’d get her own back). Vicki wasn’t exactly helping by accelerating her fingers working my cunt. There was that draw to follow her rhythm with my tongue, but I had to remain focussed. Laura’s orgasm was totally within my control now, and I wasn’t about to let Vicki draw me into finishing her off early. My cries were muffled in amongst Laura’s cunt lips as I knew Vicki had me on the verge of cumming. I knew it was lost, so I intensified my licking and soon Laura and I were moaning in unison and Laura started to cum really hard mere moments before I did. Vicki said my cunt squeezed her fingers the tightest it ever had, and I realised I’d stopped licking Laura’s cunt whilst in the grips of my own orgasm. I was exhausted, my tongue in particular, so I pulled away from the cunt before me.

Vicki offered the fingers that had been up my cunt to Laura to lick, whilst she gently nudged me away. It was her time to taste a new cunt, so as she got herself into position, with her mouth homing in on Laura’s cunt and her own ass in the air, I positioned myself to put my hand to Vicki’s cunt, and I started rubbing almost before Vicki started licking. Now Vicki’s tongue has a lot of stamina, and Laura had already had 3 orgasms, so they were in for a long session. Vicki had yet to cum though, so my fingers soon got a response from Vicki’s ever moistening cunt. She was so worked up that even three fingers managed to get her orgasming hard enough to make her legs go weak and to briefly stop her licking rhythm. I was on a roll, so I got carried on, being just a tad rougher and a tad quicker. She realised I was trying to do to her what she did to me, but I think she had no resistance, as it was clear her tongue was speeding up as my fingers did. Laura was clearly near as her back was arching and she was crying out. I gritted my teeth and repeatedly slammed my fingers into her cunt, my thumb forcing itself down her clit. She came again, leaving Laura screaming that she needed to carry on licking, but the few seconds it took her to recover were enough for Laura to slide away from cumming. Laura looked at me with a slight but wicked smile, telling me “You’ll pay for that, bitch” whilst pushing Vicki’s head into her own eager cunt.

I offered the hand that had been working Vicki’s cunt to Laura to suck on, whilst starting to work Vicki’s cunt with my other hand. I decided that I’d tortured Laura enough, and that I wasn’t going to distract Vicki again, until just after Laura had cum. Twice, I managed to time Vicki’s orgasm to be about 30 seconds behind Laura. Do I know this girl’s cunt or do I?

We All Knew What Was Going To Happen (Part One)

The lockdown was very harsh on relationships. I know how lucky I am to have come through it with stronger relationships, both with my husband and Victoria. But Nikki and Laura weren’t as lucky.

Nikki split with her husband very shortly after lockdown 1 was announced. She had slowly been coming to the conclusion that she and her husband weren’t happy or after the same things, and the thoughts of being cooped up for weeks with each other was the thing that triggered the change. It was amicable, and they still fucked for a while, but they finally went their separate ways after lockdown 1 was lifted. A few months later, Nikki found herself another man, someone she described as an absolute gem, apart from the fact that he was so vanilla he didn’t even warrant a flake. I’m amazed she’d settle with someone that vanilla, and she has said she is working on him, but for the time being, she won’t be joining in with a sex party. Nevertheless, I’m really happy to see her moving on with her life.

Laura was somewhat different. Her husband just upped and left her and the children the day lockdown started. He’d been fucking an 18 year old at work, and he went to spend lockdown with her. Laura had no idea about the affair, and had her world ripped out from under her, at a point where she had very little support (despite our best efforts). Here was a fabulously sexy, increasingly kinky, and totally devoted woman who he turned his back on for a younger model only a few months older than his own children. Laura is far better off without him.

Her focus at the beginning was the children, the house and stability, and sex and sexiness were nowhere to be seen. She had twins and they were in the first year of their A-levels, so she wanted to provide as stable a situation to allow them to succeed. My husband and I felt a bit helpless, but nevertheless, we were there for her as much as rules would allow. As she said, at times of adversity, you really find out who your friends are, and our relationship got closer than ever. I have to say Laura did an amazing job holding it together for the sake of her teens, and I know they were appreciative and did as much as they could to help.

But right from the moment her husband confessed to her what he had been doing, she was adamant she wouldn’t take him back. All trust was gone. A few months down the line when he tried to get back with her, she made it very clear they were done. He can’t have his cake and eat it.

But over the last few months, Laura was starting to get the itch, starting to feel like she wanted to be fucked again, like she deserved to be fucked again. Especially in the months before they split, she had become somewhat addicted to sex. She loved nothing more than howling like a banshee whilst cumming her brains out.

In the intervening time, she had spent a fortune on sex toys, mostly funded by her online shop selling her stash of cotton panties with messages written on them. After her initial apprehension, she got to rather enjoy the individual requests for them, masturbating in them, exercising in them, pissing in them, pictures in them and pretty much anything else her purchasers wanted.

She had nearly disposed of them all, so she bought some new ones to carry on the trade. We supplied her with message ideas, some of which were far filthier than those she had previously. She had made life hard for herself by never having the same message twice, so each pair was unique, and therefore, she could price them accordingly.

But toys and selling panties increasingly wasn’t enough to satisfy her. She wanted touch, she wanted kissing, she wanted groping, she wanted masturbating and above all, she wanted cock.

And as we could start to actually meet, still within the rules, the discussions got filthier, and the sexual tension got higher. We all knew where this was going, even though no one said it.

Remember, I’d fucked Laura before at our sex parties, but this was pre-Victoria moving in, and my husband wasn’t able to fuck her then because of the party rules. Like me though, he’d seen her fuck and was really eager to get her screaming on the end of his cock. I knew how she used to rave about him ass fucking me against a wall, so I’m sure without her husband to stop her, she’d be there against the wall begging to have her asshole pounded. And then there was Vicki. The discussion between them had been ludicrously filthy.

All those years of being a mother and of quelled passions were behind her, and there was a fiery vixen waiting to come out, and we were just the people to bring her out. We agreed quite a bit beforehand that if the possibility came up for any of the three of us to do anything with Laura, then we were free to do so, without telling the others in advance.

But the first time we were allowed, a pantyless Laura was sitting on her sofa with me waiting for my husband and Victoria to get there. Laura was going to get the dose of cock she so craved today, she was finally going to meet Vicki in the flesh (so to speak) and finally I was going to taste Laura’s lovely cunt again. But probably more importantly, I could give her a big hug. She needed that too.

And the hug turned into crying and then sobbing, and as she regained her composure, she openly spoke about what she needed, more openly than I’d ever heard before.

It wasn’t long before our arms were entwined, our lips pressed together and our tongues doing gymnastics, and the longer we kissed, the more my cunt wanted in on the action.

We broke the kiss and looked at each other, just holding hands. It felt so good, but I knew what would feel better. I let go of her hands and started pulling at her flimsy summer dress. It took little persuasion to slip off her shoulders. She was wearing a front-loading bra, so I could unhook it and reveal her 32G tits, which in a moment should be pressing against mine. Laura got the idea and slipped my dress off my shoulders and reached round my back to unhook my bra and took it off my tits.

Once our tits were revealed, our arms entwined again, our tits pushed against the others and our lips and tongues recommenced their gymnastics. We stayed in our clinch for ages, enjoying every second of lip contact, every second of tongue contact and every second of tit contact. There’s something lovely about two fleshy tits pressing into each other, the rock hard nipples clashing with each other, the flesh squeezing against each other.

We were in that position a good time later when Vicki entered the room. (The front door was left on the latch, as we thought we might get distracted.) I’m glad Vicki got there before my husband did, as no doubt his cock would take centre stage when he arrived. Laura was clearly enjoying the kissing and the tit contact, and I was hoping to taste her cunt again before my husband sullied it with a big dose of cum.