Kinky and filthy things that have happened to us, all explicitly told

Month: April 2020

Influences and Progress

I was genuinely concerned that I had permanently lost my desire for sex. Whilst I was ill, I had sex primarily because I wanted to feel close to my husband and Victoria and to make them happy. Normally I want sex for my own sake as well, for the penetration, for the genital contact and for the orgasms.

My husband did his bit to help my desire return by wearing his suit much more than usual. He’s a respectable senior manager and he looks fucking gorgeous in a suit. When he comes in from work wearing it, my cunt usually moistens up immediately and I have a desperate need for him to fuck me whilst wearing it. I’m glad we bought a machine washable suit, as it would become expensive to keep having it dry cleaned. Even though I was feeling like shit, I still needed his cock in my cunt whilst wearing the suit, so it got me having more sex than I might otherwise have done. Cunning, and brilliant that he found a way that worked.

As I’ve recovered, I’ve got my desire back with a vengeance; in particular, Vicki has really got me hooked on having my cunt licked, which is interesting as less than a few years ago (before meeting Olivia on holiday), I really didn’t like it being licked that much.

Vicki’s tongue is amazing: so gymnastic, so flexible, so strong, and so long. It always feels like she is digging her way into my soul, rather than merely licking my cunt. My husband has a great tongue and uses it well, but it has nothing on Vicki’s. I guess it is because she knows what works well on her own cunt, and therefore does that to mine. That, together with the agility of her tongue, makes for an utterly mind-blowing and deeply probing cunnilingus session. Vicki has had a lot more lesbian experience than I have; sure, I’ve been with a good number of women before and I’ve had and given some wonderful orgasms, but Vicki is much more about the experience, the whole package, the love making; “The Vicki Fuck Experience” I call it (she said I make her sound like a theme park ride, and what a ride she is!).

Whilst I was feeling down and melancholic, I was thinking about how fragile sexual desire is. Up until that point, I had always wanted sex and had always found sex when I needed it. In morale terms, it was absolutely crushing to not want sex. I forced myself to do some stuff, a lot of anal for my husband to enjoy and a lot of cunnilingus for Victoria to enjoy. At the time of each act, I did enjoy myself, but for some reason there was no connecting that enjoyment to desire.

When I was at my lowest, I thought a lot about all the people that helped me to get here. Obviously, my husband and I (and now Vicki) encourage each other, and he has been positive not judgemental when I’ve made “disgusting” suggestions, and I don’t think I have suggested anything that we haven’t tried.

But there are others who had a big influence on where I’ve ended up.

The first was my sexual education teacher at school. I was only fourteen, and here was this beautiful young woman teaching a load of girls about relationships and sex. She was body positive and sex positive, telling us about female empowerment and how women should enjoy sex too and how to go about making sex what we want or need. My family always treated sex as if it was disgusting, yet here was a positive role model teaching us how to enjoy sex. Here was somebody strong, sassy, sexy and eloquent, and she almost instantly became a role model to me.

I still have the book she gave us in the classes. Amongst the advice was to never trim or shave your pubes as they have an important function to perform. Our teacher did a really good job of selling this to us; we didn’t find out until just after leaving school that she began the day of that particular class with trimmed pubes and ended the day (in an act of rebellion) with her cunt totally waxed. She was my hero and my inspiration.

I still remember the key bits of advice that she gave us. Never say no when you mean yes, masturbate frequently to build up your stamina, and always wear your panties on top of your suspenders to aid a quick fuck. Three important pieces of advice, and I suspect that isn’t quite what the government had in mind.

A few years later, the latter piece of advice became useful, as I realised that tights brought on cystitis, and just what a cock magnet stockings were. The men I encountered loved fucking me with my stockings on, a love of sex whilst clothed that is still going strong today.

Getting my panties off wasn’t a problem; finding them or remembering to look for them was quite a challenge. I lost count of the number of pairs of panties I left in unfortunate places. My favourite was I left a pair drying on a radiator in an Indian restaurant; I didn’t have the nerve to go back and ask for them.

My boyfriend of the time was always taking them off me at parties, mostly to masturbate me, and when I looked for them later, they had gone. Someone had a nice present, but my bank balance was stretched with having to keep buying new ones. It really wouldn’t have surprised me if he was selling them to his mates. He was ultimately an abuser who I saw for what he was and dumped, but he was an important influence in that he took sexual activity out of the bedroom and into the public arena, something my husband has built on.

The next person who influenced me was a girl at college called Di. We were flat mates who quickly descended into lesbian friends with benefits. Neither of us knew what we were doing, but we found our way through trial and error. We ended up most nights snogging, cuddling, and masturbating each other, and she taught me how to really let go when I orgasmed, as before her, I was rather quiet and reserved. I would love to have a session with her now, as I have come on leaps and bounds as a lesbian lover.

My final influence is a guy I knew about a decade after Di, and someone I have mentioned before. He has a condition that makes him between male and female (in that he has a small but functioning cock and decent sized breasts). He presents as male because his wife and soulmate didn’t want to be a lesbian, but he was amazing with me with encouragement and advice, about who I am as a person, about sexuality and getting what sex I want, and not following convention. He taught me a lot about gender identity and presentation, about being bi and pan, about how wanting and craving sex and going to get it is a good thing, and he introduced me to a whole community of interesting people, a community my husband and I are still very much involved in today.

I have been very lucky to have a lot of good influences on my development into my kinky self, and into a person who is able to talk about and support others who have made non-mainstream choices. After all, that is what this blog is really about – being the sexual animal you want to be, not the one society expects you to be.

The Great Cake And Cunnilingus Day Cake Sit (Part Two)

So, there I was, my cunt and ass embedded in a formerly pristine pink buttercream iced Victoria sponge, and it felt good, with all the squished cake in my ass crack and cunt, and I had just pleased two eager people by doing my first ever cake fart.

As I sat on the cake, it was sticky and squelchy and just felt amazing. I could have stayed sat for hours, but after I’d been sitting in it for a good while, it was time to feed Vicki some cake and time to feed my husband some cunt.

I lifted my ass up off the cake, and as my cheeks were being held open by the floor, when I lifted my ass up, my crack closed up and cake squelched out of it. I adore those cake squelching feelings. I gave my ass a little wiggle to make any loose cake fall off, and I looked back to see a lovely pattern of my cheeks and ass crack in the squashed cake. It worked better than I had hoped, and I made my husband take pictures of the cake and my cake covered ass.

Then I moved onto all fours, my pendulous 34H tits slightly oscillating as I positioned myself. My husband moved the flattened cake from between my legs and placed it to my side. Then he sat down to my side by my tits. He grabbed the hanging tit closest to him, picked up a handful of cake with the other hand and squashed it onto the lowest part of the tit, covering the nipple and all the area round it. This was new, but it was obvious what he was up to. He then added more handfuls of cake all round my tit until it was pretty well covered. He then let my tit go and watched it as it swung backwards and forwards until it naturally stopped, checking the cake wouldn’t fall off.

He then went round to the other tit and repeated the loading and squashing. After he had finished, he moved the spare cake away and took another admiring look at his handiwork and took a couple of photos. The extra weight on my tits accentuated their pendulous nature, meaning even small movements made for quite long periods of tit swinging.

Once he was satisfied, he lay down face up on the floor with his head just beyond my feet. Vicki positioned herself between my legs and his head, lowering her cunt to meet his mouth, and lowering her mouth to meet the cake stuck to my ass.

And thus, the simultaneous cake and cunt eating began. My husband commented later that Vicki’s cunt was already slick and dripping with juices when his mouth first made contact – clearly cake sitting and cake farts were getting her horny. Her mouth and tongue started clearing the cake off my ass, starting with the outside of my thighs and outer parts of my ass cheeks. She was clearly doing it deliberately to make me wait for her tongue to contact my cunt, asshole, and crack. That tactic usually works, but when there is squishing and oozing cake involved, I enjoy those feelings too, so was in no rush for her to stop them. I was also loving the swinging of my cake-laden tits, with every small movement I was making being accentuated by the extra weight.

Just before she was about to start on my crack, she stopped and started making loud noises. I was so engrossed in my squelchy mess that I’d completely forgotten my husband was working her cunt with his tongue, and she was clearly close to having an orgasm. I knew my husband would have speeded up to make her cum, and once that loud yell that signified her orgasm had happened, so she briefly paused before recommencing on my ass.  The challenge of Cake and Cunnilingus Day is that whilst she has cake, her cunt needs to be licked, so I knew that as soon as she started licking at my cake covered ass, he’d be licking at her sensitive cunt again. She appeared to not be in any rush though, with clear and deliberate movements with her tongue and mouth, moving down my ass crack to clear it of cake and icing.

My ass was a little sticky from the sugar and her tongue, but my cunt was still covered, and she was unable to reach my cunt with her tongue, so I needed to move. I got up and enjoyed the feeling of the cake squishing between the underside of my tits and my body. I stood admiring my cake-laden cunt and tits, and had him take more photos, all whilst she went to get a towel to protect the sofa. I sat on the sofa, with my legs wide and my ass hanging off the edge, my cake-covered tits resting proudly on my chest. After another couple of pictures, my husband retook his position and Vicki got herself comfortable over his mouth. The way she closed her eyes told me he immediately restarted licking (as the rules state, until she finishes her portion of cake, she can’t stop him licking her). She opened her eyes and they locked onto my cake covered cunt. She put her hands to my cunt and started slowly and deliberately opening the folds and licking her way round my cunt.

Fold by fold and with amazing precision, she cleared the cake and cream off my cunt, sucking away at my cunt and licking down my hole to ensure I was cake free. I shifted a little uncomfortably just as she cleaned off the last bit of cream – that shift is a sign that I was part way to an orgasm. Vicki clearly saw that and focussed on my hole and running her tongue round my clit. I started breathing heavily and Vicki was moaning in between licks – I correctly surmised that my husband was still licking her cunt and had her part way to another orgasm too.

It was a race between her tongue and my husband’s, and I was hoping she would win, as if he made her cum before I did, she’d probably stop and let my orgasm slip away. I need not have worried – her tongue was forceful and quick, and she made me yell out and cum about ten seconds before she yelled out with her orgasm. That was close.

She settled back away from me and sat looking lovingly at me. My husband got up and leant over me, kissing me with the taste of Vicki’s cunt strongly in his mouth. My tongue was very active trying to clear her taste from his mouth. When I broke his kiss, he smiled at me and asked if he was permitted cake. So that’s why he loaded my tits with it! We agreed that he was, and he set about diligently clearing my tits of cake, starting at the top, lingering over my nipples, and finished with the really squished cake under my tits.

Vicki and I were both very satisfied. I really enjoyed my cake sit, cake fart, and how he added cake to my swinging tits. I’d definitely want all three again. And then I remembered Vicki still had her cake sit to come. But right now, I needed cake, which meant I needed one of their tongues to lick my cunt. My husband volunteered his tongue and Vicki started feeding me squished cake with a spoon. I love Cake and Cunnilingus Day.

The Great Cake And Cunnilingus Day Cake Sit (Part One)

This year (April 14th) was my second Cake and Cunnilingus Day and Victoria’s first. We had observed Steak and a BJ Day (March 14th), with my husband having his favourite sirloin tips with a massive pile of chips, mushrooms, and onion rings twice, and two blow jobs resulting in him cumming. My jaw was aching before we even started (thanks body!), so Vicki made the selfless sacrifice to start mine off for me, and I took over when he was already pretty hard. It only took a minute or so after her sterling work to get a mouthful of cum. As per blow job etiquette, we had to have tits on display, pulled up out of their bra and resting on top of it, and we had to show him our mouthful of cum before swallowing it and show him our empty mouths after.

My blowjob was at lunchtime with his first steak. Vicki repeated the exercise in the evening, when his body had had a chance to replenish his stock of cum. She licked her lips after downing his cum is such a sexy way I just had to dive in for a delicious long tonguy kiss.

Last year on Cake and Cunnilingus Day, my husband’s tongue was on its own, and it did a fabulous job servicing my cunt, but this year, there are three tongues and two cunts. Bear in mind that I had no intention of having my cunt licked less than last year, and I fully intended for Vicki’s to be licked for the same period as mine, so all our tongues would be busy.

My husband has been practicing and building up his stamina, and with two eager cunts to practice on, the amount he can carry on licking for is a lot better. Vicki’s tongue of course is amazing, and Vicki describes my tongue as quick, unrelenting, and deep, and she seems very satisfied from my efforts.

To add a bit of variety to our Cake and Cunnilingus Day proceedings, my husband decided that Vicki and I would each do a cake sit. He had become obsessed with cake sits since he found about Christina Aguilera burying her ass into a cake before we got together, although he was disappointed she was clothed, as in his mind, cake sits should always be naked.

I did the first one a few months ago mostly for his sexual pleasure but also as an act of Ass Worship, and I enjoyed it way more than I was expecting. I thought I would enjoy his licking the cake off my ass, but I got a lot of pleasure from the physical part of actually sitting on the cake, the tactile sensation of my cunt and ass meeting and then burying itself in something moist and squishy. The sensations of the cake oozing round my cunt and squeezing in my ass crack were amazing and I wanted to do it again almost immediately. I also took a lot of pleasure as I often do from the taboo nature and of taking a pristine cake and leaving a deep imprint of my ass in it – I really don’t know why I feel like this but it feels really good. The second and third time I did it was definitely for my pleasure (although my husband enjoyed watching and licking off the cake).

So, this was my fourth cake sit and Victoria’s first. She didn’t really know what to make of it, but I was so excited that she realised how much I got off on it. She’s always up for embracing something new, kinky, and taboo, so she was really eager to try it.

So, on this day, Vicki and I would each in turn plant our cute asses into a welcoming, soft, squidgy, creamy cake. After an extended period sitting in it, we would get up and present our asses for the other woman to lick the cake off, and remembering our rule about whenever a woman is eating cake, her cunt needs to be eaten too; my husband would eat that cunt.

Our plans for Cake and Cunnilingus Day were under threat for a while, but luckily the egg supply is good now, and I already had the rest of the ingredients from before the virus all started. So over Easter, in amongst our Easter related sex silliness, we made loads of cake. We’re good at baking, and at eating cake (and cunt for that matter).

We baked two cakes with the cake-sits in mind. These were multi-layer Victoria sponges (aptly named), layered with raspberry jam and topped with large amounts of elaborate pink swirls of soft buttercream icing. I chose pink because it brought to mind that whole princess aesthetic that I hate, and I can’t think of anything better to do with a bright princess inspired cake than to squash it and leave it imprinted with the shape of my ass.

So, when we were ready, I took up my favourite cake-sitting position, namely on my knees with my legs far enough apart for the cake to be placed. After the cake was positioned, I leant forward (to maintain my balance), and I used both hands to pull apart my ass cheeks. I loved the feeling of the cake squelching up into my ass crack, and this way, I really got to feel it. Also, as I stretched my ass, my little fingers pulled at the flesh either side of my cunt stretching it open a little too, as cake squelching into my cunt felt really good too.

I was only in this stretched position for a second before carefully lowering my ass to meet the cool pink swirls. The anticipation of what it feels like almost gets me off, but that first touch of soft icing on my body was divine. Then, as slowly and controlled as I could, I started applying my weight to the cake and it started squashing and I felt the oozing of cake and icing up my ass crack and into my cunt that I absolutely love. The control is important, as I don’t want to just destroy the cake, I want to see the formerly pristine cake with an equally perfect imprint of my ass and cunt in it – it is a visual thing as well as a sensation one.

When I was fully sitting down with icing and cake squelched up my cunt and ass crack, I relaxed, let go of my cheeks and made myself comfortable, and I was blissfully happy.

I looked down at the mess under and around me, and that made me excited. But it is the feeling of the squashed cake connecting with my cunt and ass that feels the best.

But I was about to make my husband’s day. Cake farts are a thing, and my husband had always wanted me to fart on a cake, as he once read a description of how the fart made the icing vibrate, and that excited him. He was about to get his wish!

For it to be a proper cake fart, my asshole needed to be surrounded with icing, and I could feel it was. So, when I was ready, and they were both looking and, in a frenzy, I let out a long controlled fart. I could feel the icing move, and he described how it flickered like a pond with wind blowing over it; in reality it was even better than he imagined. I had a massive taboo kick from it – as if it wasn’t taboo enough to sit on a perfect princess inspired cake, it was even more taboo to fart on it and know your lovers will have to eat it. What a rush!

Without A Word

I think Victoria has settled in perfectly. It was only a few days after she had formally moved in, and she came in from work more than a little stressed and not wanting to chat. But it turned out she did want to fuck.

She came into the lounge to find my husband slumped on the sofa watching television and me sitting at the desk doing some admin, both of us naked.

She sank to her knees in front of my husband, moved his legs apart, and then shuffled in between them. She undid the buttons of her blouse, and then pulled it off over her head, releasing her 32GG tits. They sprang and rebounded as she pulled them free of the garment, and they oscillated in a very pleasing way, grabbing his attention away from what he was watching. I wasn’t sure for how much of the day she had been without a bra, but her blouse was quite thin, so I suspect she had used her tits as a distraction technique at work.

She grabbed his cock with her right hand, and lowered her head to meet it, first licking up and down his cock, and particularly round behind his glans, a manoeuvre she knows will immediately bring his cock to attention. She sprinkled in some sucking, focussing on sucking his big head into her mouth and rolling her tongue round it, and finally some serious milking his cock, long strokes with her fingers forming a tight ring around its shaft as she continued to suck in his head. It jumped to attention pretty quickly, and under the ministerings of her hands and mouth, it was getting very hard and very long.

She stood up, and in one swift fluid movement, she continued to pump at his cock with her hand, she clambered onto his lap, lifted up her skirt so it gathered at her waist, and lowered her eager cunt onto his erect cock.

She leant forward, pressing her tits into his chest as she started to ride up and down on his cock. The leaning forward gave me a superb view from behind of his cock sliding in and out of her cunt. What a wondrous sight it was – a close-up view of actual penetration in action. He saw me intently watching her display, so he decided to enhance it by roughly pulling apart her ass cheeks with his hands, improving the already fabulous view by adding her stretched asshole.

I sat closely watching her cunt and asshole for a number of minutes, putting my hands to my cunt, and rubbing my own clit and lips. As the noise level increased from the other two, I heard the noises of him trying to hold on as long as possible before he orgasmed. Vicki recognised the noises too, so her motions riding his cock got much faster and her noise level got much louder, until eventually he stopped her moving and drove his cock deep into her cunt, and I saw the tell-tale pulsing of his muscles and they both made noises that clearly signified he was cumming.

As they breathed quite heavily but lay otherwise motionless, I saw an opportunity for me to not be left out. I left the room, loaded myself into my harness and loaded a dildo into the harness that I know Vicki’s asshole can take, and armed with some lube and a lube syringe, I returned to the lounge.

My husband was making small rocking movements, trying to bring his cock back to life. He saw my strap-on ready to go, and he pulled her cheeks wide apart to improve my access. I sprayed some lube onto her asshole. She didn’t react and continued to lay pressed against him as I emptied the lube syringe into her asshole. Then I nudged the end of the lubed dildo against her asshole, and with my husband stretching it wide, it was easy for the tip of the dildo to slip into her asshole and with a steady even pressure, I pushed the dildo all the way in.

Vicki yelped a little yelp of pleasure as I pushed the dildo home. I love making her make that noise. I started long strokes, slamming into her ass at each inwards stroke. I also felt my husband making his small rocking movements, clearly trying to improve the structural integrity of his cock.

The greedy slut loves both holes being filled, and my silicone cock would wait for his real cock to come back to life, something that happened fairly quickly. Luckily, I was feeling quite well today, so I had enough stamina to be able to give her a long hard pegging, and with a long hard pegging quickly come my rolling orgasms, wave after wave of orgasms as the end of the dildo connects with my increasingly tender clit. My rolling orgasms died away eventually, at about the same time that his cock got really hard and totally filled her, and she started moaning really loudly at the feeling.

My husband synchronised his thrusts with mine, so that we both thrust in at the same time and both pulled out at the same time. This gave her the sensation of having both holes really filled, going quickly to both holes gapingly empty. She orgasmed a couple of times in quick succession, but neither my husband nor I slowed to allow her a chance to recover; we knew her cunt would be really sensitive by now, but that wasn’t stopping us.

Normally, I tire from the physical exertion before her clit can’t take any more, but not today. She eventually begged us to give her clit a break, which we did after her next orgasm. My husband withdrew his cock from her cunt as I withdrew the strap-on from her asshole, and then he rolled her over onto her front so that she was lying on him. He grabbed a tit in each hand and lightly held her in place by them, giving her clit the rest she asked for.

I remembered a discussion he and I had a while ago, and I got what he had in mind. I nipped out of the room and returned with her high-powered mains wand, which I plugged in.

He then started holding her tits firmer and her lower half started flailing around as she squirmed. Amongst the squirming, I grabbed her hips, lifted her legs up so her knees were over my shoulders and lined up my silicone cock with her asshole again (this time with her the other way up), impaling her asshole with a little re-lubing of the dildo.

That significantly reduced her squirming, but her squirming increased again when I applied her wand to her already fragile and overused clit. I pinned her legs either side of my tits as I increased the power of the wand to its maximum, mercilessly holding the wand against her clit as she shrieked as it all got too much.

And then the magic happened. Quite forcefully, and in a vertical direction (as enforced by the dildo in her ass), she began to squirt. It was a fountain of sweet sticky liquid spraying up and mostly covering me and her chest. I held the wand in exactly the same position until the fountain started to drop, then I moved it around trying to extract every last drop of squirt out of her poor body.

When the fountain finally stopped, I removed the wand from her clit, and we all stayed in position, breathless and very happy, none of us in a desperate rush to clean up. The whole session was completed without a word being uttered, such is our friendship, love, and knowledge of each other.

My Sexy Studenty Self

Lacy underwear makes many women feel very sexy. It doesn’t for me. I hate lace: I think it looks crusty, fussy and is an instant turn-off. I used to be a strictly clothes off to fuck sort of girl, and I liked to be stripped before sex (still do). I think my husband was surprised in the early days that I had such a negative reaction to me being in my underwear.

What I did feel sexy in were well-shaped clothes, and a few months after we got together, I was squeezed into a figure-hugging dress and the bulge in his trousers clearly showed what was in his mind. I told him there was no way I was taking the dress off before we went out (as it took me long enough to get into the bloody thing), so instead he spun me round, bent me over the end of the bed, nudged my feet apart, pulled up the dress over my ass, moved my panties aside and eased his hard cock right in. No one had ever fucked me like this before, and it didn’t take long for me to cum. He made me cum three times before he came, then he withdrew, moved my panties back over my gooey cunt, pulled my dress back down and just carried on with preparing to go out like nothing had happened.

This started off somewhat of an addiction of us fucking with me fully dressed, and I loved it – it made me feel sexy in a way underwear never did, especially as it made me feel sexy at random times when I was wearing something that suited me well.

As I was clearing out a drawer one day a few months later, I came across a pink fitted t-shirt with “Twin Airbags fitted as standard” on it. My husband liked it because not only was the slogan funny, the t-shirt was very snug, so as it stretched across my 36GG tits (as they were then), the fabric went really thin and almost see-through. In fact, it was so tight that it held my tits in place without a bra. I had stopped wearing it out, as it showed every detail of my bra, but during the clear-out, I decided I would wear it at home for my husband without a bra, so he got to savour every detail of my massive tits.

I was thinking of pairing it with a very short skirt as an outfit specifically for sex. Several years previously, I bought a twin pack of tiered skirts, because I wanted the black one. The other one was a horrible reddish-brown colour with damage towards the bottom of the skirt, so I had never worn it. It was easy construction to modify though – there were four horizontal tiers, and each was attached to the one above. It was quite trivial to remove two of the four tiers (including the damaged one) to create a skirt that would barely cover anything. It was mostly cotton, so I was able to die it to almost black (which as the skirt had never been worn, was very successful).

I put the outfit on one day whilst he was at work, and I was reminded of being a first-year undergraduate at university. At the time, I was quite innocent and mostly unaware of the effect that my body could have on someone. I found some glasses that looked studious and put my hair up on a relaxed studenty sort of way and waited for him to come home.

When he came in, I found myself pretending to be undergrad me, being all innocent. My husband got excited, but he realised I was being coy, and played along, seeming to settle on an innocent nerdy persona, kind, gentle and dead keen on playing with my tits. I can well imagine this is what he was like at university.

He spent rather a long time sucking at my nipples, with the innocent fervour of an inexperienced lover, and he spent far longer than he normally does squeezing and kneading my tits (and he spends quite a long time normally playing with them).

After he reloaded my tits into my top, he lifted up my skirt, opened up my cunt, inserted two fingers into my cunt and started flicking his tongue over my clit, whilst gently fucking me with his fingers. My hips were rhythmically pulsing in time with his movements, and without breaking rhythm; he brought me to orgasm and then carried on. My clit sometimes gets very sensitive once I have orgasmed, and this was one of those days, so I gritted my teeth and hung on whilst his tongue worked my engorged and tender clit. I got louder with my moans but had to concentrate on not being a potty mouthed bitch as I sometimes am. Student Mira is sweet and innocent and wouldn’t use words like cunt. The distraction of staying in character was crucial in me being able to take the continued clit licking for as long as I did.

After I had orgasmed three times, he offered me his fingers to suck (which I happily did). I undid his trousers and let them slip to the floor. I pulled his thong down and released his cock, which was already fairly hard. I pulled him forwards and sucked his cock into my mouth, which at university was commonplace and universally expected. I figured that as he was so hard and so aroused already, I had a chance to make him cum with my mouth. I pulled my top up over my tits (as we have a rule that tits must be on display if a blow job is occurring), and I was contemplating having him pull out and cum all over my tits, but I got a taste of his pre-cum, so when I felt him twitch, I slid his cock back until the base of his glans nudged against my teeth. A couple of hand movements down the length of his cock, a grope of his balls and my flicking tongue over his glans produced a wave of cum landing on my tongue. I did that sweet thing of showing him his cum on my tongue before swallowing it and then showing him my empty tongue.

We cuddled and kissed for a while whilst his cock recovered, then I played with it to get it hard. I then told him with an innocent smile that I wasn’t the kind of girl to go to bed on a first encounter, so he did what any chivalrous man would do… and gently fucked me twice on the sofa instead.

It is a bit of a head-fuck actually, as this is the man who nails me rigorously, this is the man that I am very kinky with, and yet this was a simple, straight forward classic gentle innocent fuck. At no time did he take any of my clothes off. Every time he finished with my tits, he pulled the t-shirt back down over them, carefully arranging them to show them at their best. Every time he finished with my cunt, he pulled my skirt back down.

I really enjoyed both playing the persona and wearing the outfit; I loved how naughty it felt. It wasn’t a hard persona to play, as it was basically me years ago. I still wear the outfit sometimes, and if I do, he knows exactly the type of encounter I want.