Kinky and filthy things that have happened to us, all explicitly told

Tag: #Debbie

When Discomfort Is Sexy

Through his first two years at university, my now husband carried on sexually servicing both Debbie and Val, his cock and his tongue both getting regular action from both of them. He was connected to their cunts at least three times a week each during term time, and occasionally out of term as well. He knew both women fucked other men too, and he was fine with that. He didn’t need any more than these two lovely females gave him.

Some of his fondest memories came when they’d been fucking for about five months. There was this one day when Debbie came to his room and she seemed a little different. He thought he saw a twinkle in her eye right from when she arrived. She had been chatting openly and freely on all sorts of non-sexy topics for a good hour, when he noticed she was squirming in her seat.

He seemed to remember confessing to her in a drunken haze one night that he found this sort of desperation sexy, but it had been a throwaway comment and one he never expected anything to come from.

But over a couple of minutes, her discomfort was clearly growing and he noticed that her nipples had hardened and were now poking through her blouse. She couldn’t fail to have noticed his growing cock.

Eventually, during a bout of extreme squirming, she finally admitted that she needed a piss, and she nipped across the hall, but both the toilet and shower were engaged, resulting in her returning to his room. At this point, he knew it was deliberate, for whilst she was outside his room, she could have gone to the toilets in the bar, which was a minute away, or even in her own room, which was a minute further on. Furthermore, from where she was sitting, she could hear the bolts on the toilet and shower, so she would have known they would be engaged.

But as she came back into his room, she locked his door and began trying to ease her discomfort by squeezing her thighs together and hopping about. Her discomfort was such a turn on, and he thinks she knew the effect she was having. She was soon doubled over, her hands pushing against her clothed cunt and her legs squeezing tightly together (in what he’d come to know as a popular desperation manoeuvre). In no time at all, she was pleading with him for help, and he wasn’t about to suggest she leave to use one of the toilets back near the bar; this was too damned sexy and he was intrigued where it would go. As to where she would go, he made the obvious suggestion: that she should piss in the sink in his room. All the students pissed in their sinks, especially at night; he was sure Debbie would have done so before, and indeed she had, but never with an audience.

The next thing he knew, he was helping her to get her trousers and panties down, and onto the sink for what he describes as one of the seven wonders of the modern world, watching a woman piss. Aware that this might be a one time deal, he decided to not do anything to protect her modesty, and indeed to watch in close up detail. So, whilst he steadied her, she held open her pissflaps, and gave him a clear view of the piss emanating from her urethra. Her bladder must have been really full, as her strong stream started almost instantly that she spread her pissflaps and went on for about two minutes, before starting to taper off.

As her flow dried up, she asked him for some toilet paper, but he had none, so with a naughty glint in her eye, she told him he’d have to lick her dry – it was the least he could do. All too quickly, he was lying on the bed with her kneeling with her legs either side of his head and her slightly pissy cunt pressed into his mouth. At first, he placed his hands on her ass, but after some serious licking, he locked his hands over her upper legs and held her in position, as his licking turned from piss removal to general cunt exploration and bringing her towards orgasm.

As his tongue explored her folds, her body started moving in time with his tongue, and her moans started getting louder. He felt her thighs press against his head and her body tensed and her cunt started to get more lubricated and stickier, something his tongue was doing its best to devour. When he had cleared up most of her juices, he stopped and looked at her. She put her hands to the back of his head and gently pushed his face into her cunt, a clear instruction to carry on licking. This time, he was much more meticulous in his endeavours, making sure that he reached every millimetre of her cunt that he could. Her body motion was like she was riding his tongue, his head was gripped in place. She was in charge now, and she was using his tongue exactly as she needed.

And exactly as she needed was a long, slow, deep tonguing. He was worried his tongue would tire as her riding his face was going on for ages, and yet her wetness was steadily increasing, and her breath was getting quicker and quicker, and when she began to cry out, he switched his tongue to focus solely on her clit, and in no time, she was cumming again. He kept her cumming for a good half a minute, before she gently pushed on his forehead and told him to just clean her up, which he was happy to do.

She got off his face, bent over and gently kissed his lips, said thank you, and went and sat back on the chair she started in, and immediately began talking about an assignment, as if nothing had happened.

After she left, his mind went into overdrive, thinking over the events. She didn’t ask him to look away, in fact she made sure he was close and had a perfect view. She even knew he didn’t have toilet paper, as she asked him for some the day before. The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced it wasn’t accidental, and that made him happy.

The whole group met at the bar that evening, and nothing was said about the incident between him and Debbie, until he was standing at the bar later in the evening, and Val came over to him to add her drink order, and with a twinkle in her eye, she said how she’d heard how good he was at helping a desperate damsel in distress, and how that’s something it is really good for a girl to know. She then swung round and sashaying off back to her chair.

He smiled to himself. Clearly Debbie and Val had talked about it, and he surmised that Debbie enjoyed herself and Val was enjoying teasing him, but he did wonder if she was intrigued by what she had heard, and therefore whether there was a chance he could see her piss too. He really wanted that. That day was a good day, not only did he confirm how sexy a woman needing a piss was, how turned on he got by female desperation, but he also found out how much he loved watching a woman piss in close up, a love he has never lost to this day.

Two Over The Pool Table

It was five days after my now husband received his first blow jobs from his good university friends Debbie and Val, and he was disappointed that nothing else had happened in those five days, even though both of them had been into his room at some point during those days (as they often were). He tried to drop hints separately with each of them, but he saw no evidence that the hints were getting through. Just goes to show how rubbish he was with hints.

Their actions had lit a fire under his libido, and he was desperate for sex. He was at the point where he had started contemplating fucking other people he knew at university, but he really wanted to fuck each of them and hadn’t given up on the idea.

It was Saturday night, and instead of being out enjoying themselves, they had been working. They had a nightmare assignment due in on the Monday and they were throwing everything at it, and it was after midnight before any of them noticed. They all popped out for quick takeaway burgers (as everywhere for food on campus was closed) and got back to campus at about 2am. They had missed the bar as well and when they went into the Junior Common Room, there was nobody there. The girls were discussing what to do with themselves, as their brains were still buzzing with work, meaning that none of them would be able to sleep.

Whilst they were thinking about music or games, what popped into his mind was a delightful idea. There was this pool table, and the various discolourations of the baize gave away that more was done regularly on this table than just playing pool, and there it was ready to have someone bent over it to be fucked. He imagined them side by side, facing away from him across the table with their skirts up over their waists, their panties round an ankle and their legs spread wide, their asses proudly pointing upwards and their cunts poking out from between their legs at perfect height for his cock. They seemed happy to both be present for his blow jobs, so why not this? The thought was mesmerising.

He snapped out of his daze as he heard his name being called. They asked him what he was thinking about, and he just said that he had worked out something they could do, and he described in detail the position he wanted them to assume.

Val, who was the more daring of the two and who immediately realised what might happen, was straight onto the table, skirt flipped up, telling him to arrange her as he wanted. He went up behind her, pulled her panties down and off one foot, then moved her feet apart and pushed on her back to push her into the table. Perfect.

He looked at Debbie, who was seemingly concerned about them being interrupted. But she came to the table as Val pointed out that orgasms would help them to calm down, and that they had watched several lots fuck over the pool table and none of their reputations was damaged at all by the incident: in fact, the reputations were somewhat enhanced. So, if they were seen, no harm would likely come of it.

Debbie was clearly thinking it through, but soon took her place next to Val, bending over and flipping her skirt up. Val grabbed her hand and squeezed it whilst smiling at her, as if to reassure Debbie she was doing the right thing. He arranged Debbie in the same way, then stepped back a few steps to admire the wonderful view.

The women heard a chair move and realised that he had sat down to take his time taking in these two wonderful women on display.

Debbie asked him what his plans were, but he hadn’t got that far. He wanted to fuck both of them, so sat contemplating whilst he watched and admired their bent over bodies, their cunt flaps gently quivering as they breathed. His cock was hardening without manual intervention, as a particularly mean game popped into his head.

The girls realised that it was mean as he outlined it. One timed minute of him fucking one cunt, before withdrawing and fucking the other for one timed minute, and backwards and forwards until he came. One of them would get to feel his cum flowing into their cunt, the other would not. And even worse, the girls would get nowhere near orgasm, as any momentum built up in their minute would be lost in the next minute.

Both women complained at the selfishness of his plan, but there was a method in his madness. By switching between cunts, he could cover for his comparative lack of experience (at this point, he had only fucked Anya, and he didn’t want to show himself lacking in front of these two gorgeous friends he wanted to fuck).

But with their cunts exposed as they were, making them feel horny, it was only a matter of time before they caved, agreeing to let him play his evil game. They only agreed to do it if he agreed to scoop some of his cum from the winner’s cunt and put it in the loser’s, followed by finger fucking each of them to multiple orgasms.

He agreed and quite quickly, they felt his glans rubbing against their slightly open cunts (open by virtue of their legs being a good way apart). That was it. Any thoughts of doubt had gone as they felt his glans repeatedly applied to the outer folds of their cunts.

As he was doing it, he spun a coin on the baize and asked Val to choose heads or tails. Val called heads, and it was tails, meaning his glans gently pushed its way into Debbie’s folds first. Debbie loved the feeling of a cock nudging its way into her, gently taking its rightful place filling her cunt with throbbing muscle. But all too soon for Debbie, Val called a minute was up and, in an instant, her cunt was empty, and quite wet in the gentle breeze from the air conditioning.

He was a little swifter impaling Val, as he realised that her cunt would be more than ready. In amongst the empty feeling from her cunt, Debbie remembered she needed to time the minute, as he upped the pace with Val just a little. The minute seemed to really drag for Debbie (and particularly her empty cunt), but it raced by for Val, who had the first tinglings of an orgasm, just as Debbie called time and he extracted his cock, transferring it back to Debbie. Frustrating wasn’t the word.

Even the small break caused by him taking his cock out of one cunt and putting it into another was causing him to last a long time too. At one point, Val seriously thought about stopping the game, but she didn’t want to be the one to stop it, and anyway, he’d promised to finger fuck them later, so she stuck with it. She wasn’t the most patient of sorts, and she didn’t really like edging, and this was a massive ball of edge. Debbie however didn’t mind a nice edging session. She loved a nice slow build up: it was what made her legs go weak after an orgasm. She’d take this all day.

Both girls could feel his cock getting harder, both knew he was nearer to cumming, and both had decisions to make. They each wanted him to cum in their cunt, so had to decide whether to try to speed up his orgasm by squeezing his cock whilst he was inside them, or to just let him be and only resort to that if he is literally seconds from blowing. Debbie took the latter course, Val the former (impatience again), and unluckily for Val, her squeezing got him really hard and about to blow just as Debbie called time. Val cried out in frustration as he removed his cock from her cunt and forcefully impaled Debbie, fucking her hard as she clenched at his cock, forcing him to fire his cum into her in under half a minute.

Whilst he was still throbbing in Debbie’s cunt, he started working on Val’s with his fingers. He didn’t want to really piss her off, so very quickly brought her to an initial orgasm. She relaxed a little, as he scooped some cum out of Debbie’s cunt and pushed it into Val’s, before starting another slightly rougher finger fuck to give Val another three orgasms. His fingers then left a contented Val and gave Debbie four orgasms of her own.

Whilst he bent each of them over the pool table separately to fuck several times during the two years they were all there, they never repeated this. He did wonder if Val would back away from him, but she didn’t and she fucked him very frequently. But Debbie seemed to get confidence from this and came out of her shell a little. After all, she was the one who had made him cum, and that made her feel great.

Which One Of Them Is Going To Suck His Cock First? (Part Two)

Val thought she could tease him for quite a lot longer and was out to make him last as long as possible, to extend this ritual cock sucking for as long as she could manage. She seemed to know when her good friend at university (and my now husband) was nearing cumming and was able to back off.

Debbie wasn’t holding back though and seemed to be masturbating herself with her fingers as much and as vigorously as she could. He thought her fingers might tire, but she showed no sign of it. This was clearly a woman used to long masturbating sessions, and here she was using her two friends as wank fodder, as visual porn to aid her fingers. He counted five strong orgasms for Debbie before Val lost control of his cock. Actually, Val was annoyed. She got distracted with Debbie’s orgasms and missed a pulse from her friend’s cock, and once he began pumping copious amounts of cum into her mouth, there was no stopping him, and all she could do was run the end of her tongue up and down his shaft to extract every ounce of cum there was.

As she felt him finish pulsating and his cock starting to soften, she pulled her mouth off his cock and crawled over to Debbie, who had stopped wanking at the realisation that he was about to cum in his friend’s mouth. Without any hesitation, they leaned together and properly snogged, tongues flying and cum being transferred back and forth between their mouths.

When they had finished, they each showed him a mouthful of cum before swallowing it and showing him their empty mouths, licking their lips as they did so. It was very sexy and had he not just cum, he would have cum right there at the hotness of these two women kissing and sharing his cum.

They both sat there with their tits out for the rest of the time they were in his room, seemingly without a care or any embarrassment. None of them could stop looking at the amazing tits around them, and both girls really seemed to like it.

After they left, he couldn’t help thinking about the following day and the prospect of Debbie doing the sucking. He still couldn’t quite believe it. Val really had sucked his cock, and he drifted off to sleep dreaming about getting his hands on their perfect tits, of sucking on those pert nipples, and maybe just maybe filling their cunts too.

The following morning was weird. He saw them both in lectures, and not a word was said. Val was comparatively conservatively dressed (for her) and therefore gave him no hint of the wonderous tits he was staring at yesterday. Debbie gave him a hint and that just ratcheted up his anticipation.

But before he could get his hands on their tits, he knew what would have to happen, that he would have Debbie’s mouth enveloping his cock. The anticipation of her tongue on his shaft, her hands round his balls, her tits wobbling as her mouth extracted another big load of cum, made the waiting unbearable, and yet, they got to evening mealtime and he had heard nothing. But as they were tucking into their cheesecake, they made it clear that his cum would be their second dessert.

And before long, they were back in his room, Debbie was on her knees, fabulous fleshy tits out and very much on display again. Val had her tits out too and her hand was down her skirt, starting work on her own cunt as Debbie started on his cock.

Debbie was particularly mean with her mouth, infrequently having his cock fully in her mouth, instead focussing on sucking his balls and running and extended tongue up and down his shaft. She was torturing him, but he realised it wasn’t about him, it was about being more stylish than Val, dragging it out longer than Val, making him cum harder than Val, and this was the first sign of a competitive streak between the women when sex was involved. Not nasty, but competitive, nonetheless.

His cock was so hard that it was almost going straight up. His breathing was getting shorter and yet she was still delaying the inevitable as much as she could. Val realised that her losing control of his cock had cost her, and Debbie was still perfectly in control, despite Val’s best efforts to distract Debbie with her noisy and hard orgasms (as Val herself was distracted yesterday). Debbie wasn’t being distracted from her mission, and she kept him right on the edge for a length of time that impressed Val. But even Debbie’s control of his cock slipped, and Debbie realised when he was about to cum, so she slid her tongue up his shaft and gently slipped her mouth over his glans.

Val saw his cock pulsating and Debbie felt a river of smooth white sticky cum flow into her mouth. She applied a couple of hand strokes just to extract every last drop, and then let his softening cock slip out of her mouth before going over to Val for the sharing, showing and swallowing ritual.

After licking their lips, the two women sat with their tits majestically out, watching his cock soften. Val asked him what he thought of their efforts, and he had nothing but praise, but it soon became clear to the girls that he was regretting not getting near their tits.  So, a quick game to Topless Paper Scissors Stone to decide the order, and he was allowed to work on all four tits one by one, for thirty minutes each.

In a flurry of activity, he grabbed and squeezed each tit, bringing the nipple to his mouth, where he sucked, squeezed, and gently bit on each one, as well as running his tongue round and round the nipple and tweaking at the nipple with his fingers.

For two solid hours, he was working these four magnificent tits, and clearly the women enjoyed it, remarking how good his tongue was.

And on several occasions whilst he was working on a tit, his cock got hard, and he felt the other woman’s mouth enrobe his cock and gently suck away. He was all cummed out, and that was OK, as it allowed the women longer to suck on his cock.

But all too soon, each tit had received its thirty-minute workout and they were all siting round chatting again like friends, only friends with tits and cock out, friends with a shared secret, friends who had enjoyed each other’s bodies. None of them put their respective parts away before the women got up to leave for the evening, a perfect end to a magnificent couple of days.

After they left, his thoughts turned to what to do next. Their tits were divine, their cock sucking was fabulous, yet he wanted more. In his head, he decided on some goals. He wanted to watch them masturbate each other. That would be hot. He wondered again if it had already happened. He vowed to find out. He vowed to make them make each other cum. But most of all, he wanted their cunts. He wanted to taste their cunts, he wanted to fill their cunts. For the first time since Anya, he just needed some cunt, and he couldn’t decide which, and he didn’t need to decide which. He vowed to have both. He realised he might fail, but he wanted to set himself a target to stop himself letting the opportunity slip away.

He spent the rest of the day thinking about three cunts; one he was intimately knowledgeable about, two more he hoped to be soon.

Which One Of Them Is Going To Suck His Cock First? (Part One)

My now husband was amused by the discussion taking place in front of him. He was in his university room, seven weeks into his first year, and his two best university female friends were discussing which one of them should suck his cock first; not in a nasty argumenty way, but in a slightly piss-taking getting one up on the other kind of way. He assumed that neither of them was actually going to suck his cock, but it was amusing nonetheless, and his cock was twitching with excitement.

Whilst many men saw going to university as an opportunity for sex, he didn’t (being demisexual although he didn’t know it), instead setting out to make some good friends and to have a blast!

On the first night, he went to the bar to escape the disaster zone that was his room and met some people that night he stayed friends with, two of them were women, and over the next week or so, both turned into close friends. Debbie was a rugby player who didn’t have an ounce of fat on her, and who had thighs so hard he was sure she could crack walnuts. She used to say that the only thing that wobbled on her was her tits, and she had big tits and had a big personality to go with them. Val was almost the opposite, a petite blonde with gorgeous shimmering waist length blonde hair, who was tiny in every other dimension, apart from her sizable (for her frame) tits. She could have any man in the place (and probably most of the women), and she knew it, but despite that, she was actually a lovely person.

That night, he wondered if he’d ever fuck either of them, and indeed wanked at the thought. But he made a conscious choice that he wasn’t going to be one of those lecherous or predatory types. He was more interested in being friends than fucking, and he started the term in that way.

The two girls had clearly noticed him not hitting on them, as after a good few weeks, the three of them were in a bar talking and they brought up him never trying it on. He told them why he was happy with being friends, how he was happy thinking about his hundred fucks with Anya, and how he wasn’t really interested in one-off fucks and if he decided to fuck someone, he would want to do it lots over time.

They seemed happy with the explanation, and yet, a week later, they were trying to decide which of them was going to suck his cock first. He doesn’t really remember what happened to start the discussion, or how or why they started trying to one-up each other to decide. Indeed, he hadn’t given any indication he wanted either of them to suck his cock. He did obviously, but they ought really to have checked. After a little while, the one-upmanship died down and they ended up looking at him expectantly, Val asking him which one of them had made the better arguments, which one did he want to suck his cock first?

He wasn’t the most experienced at this point, but he knew not to make that choice, as he liked both women and ultimately wanted to fuck each of them. So, he summarised the arguments, and said it was tough. They nodded in agreement, but still clearly expected him to choose.

He began to wonder if they meant it. Was one of them actually about to suck his cock? Would the other do it some other time? He realised he needed to take this seriously, as he did want his cock sucked by these two lovely ladies, but he realised if he didn’t mess this up, this could be so much more.

They were looking at him expectantly. He decided to gamble a little and explained to them exactly how he wanted their blow jobs done; tits on display, demurely looking into his eyes as they did it, balls in on the action too, showing the cum in their mouth, sharing with the other woman in a sloppy but tonguy kiss, both show him the cum in their mouths, then swallow and show him their empty mouths.

He insisted they did it this way, and he thought Debbie was about to complain, but Val agreed (possibly too eagerly), and therefore so did Debbie. He had wondered if these two women had done anything sexually together. They might have done, but he did wonder if Val agreeing quickly meant that she fancied some action with Debbie, or did she just want his cock?

He decided to save his neutrality, and suggested they make the decision by Topless Paper Scissors Stone. Best of 5 games, with 5 hands in each game. The women agreed, and quite unceremoniously removed their tops and bras. What wonderous tits they were, but he felt he couldn’t reach out and touch them yet. Oh, their tits: how he dreamed of their tits. He missed playing with tits. His cock betrayed how much he wanted to.

And so, the game went on, each time they did the pump before displaying their hand, their tits were an amazing display of rhythmic wobbling, which carried on for some seconds after they showed their hand.

And after much tit wobbling, it inevitably game down to the final hand in the final game. His cock was very hard, in the expectation of soon being encased in a lovely moist mouth, being run up and down by an inquisitive tongue.

Val won. With a triple rock. Debbie was annoyed, as she overthought her response. Val comforted her a little, telling her she would be sucking his cock tomorrow, but she did look just slightly smug.

Val got him to stand up, and she removed his trousers, folding them and placing them on the bed. Much to his surprise and amazement, she was actually going to suck on his cock. She tugged down his pants and did the same, leaving his cock standing to attention waving in her face. She sat on the floor, arranging her skirt around her, then looked up into his eyes, channelling as much demureness as she could manage. She gently took hold of his cock in her left hand, bringing the tip to her mouth for a gentle kiss, each time she looked at his cock, she returned to looking at his eyes.

But she soon began to focus more on his cock, running her tongue up and down it, occasionally encasing it in her mouth, cupping his balls in her hand and working them. He took his eyes off her and looked at Debbie, who was not looking away from Val working his cock. Debbie had her hand down the front of her shorts, clearly working in her own cunt with her fingers.

He looked back down at Val, who was clearly teasing him. She was going to drag this out as long as she could, as she was doing one of her favourite things, and something she was bloody good at.

They heard Debbie cry out a little, and both looked round, to see her with her eyes closed and her body jolting as clearly, she had made herself cum. As she opened her eyes, she knew that her two friends had seen her orgasm, but she didn’t care, and she didn’t stop working her cunt.

His cock was getting harder and harder, and it was only a matter of time before Val had her mouthful of cum. She had no idea how much longer she could tease him and yet not have him cum, but she liked a challenge.