Kinky and filthy things that have happened to us, all explicitly told

Category: Kink (Page 1 of 8)

Making Meetings Less Boring

Hello my lovelies

I am so sorry about the lack of posts over the last few months. My life really has become super busy for about the last six months, as several projects that I have been working on for some time have finally come to fruition (all at the same time of course) and I have been trying to progress them all. And sex, I’ve been having lots of sex.

I have to admit that I have been prioritising having sex over writing about sex. Although I do often orgasm when writing blog posts, I’d rather orgasm at the hands of another person. I’ve always been the same: I’d rather be masturbated by another person than do it myself too, although at times, needs must.

Today was one of those days. I had a day of important but boring video conferences. To make them more interesting, and to give me an edge in discussions (which doing something hidden and sexual whilst having a video conference always does), I decided to wear very little, only a slightly see through blouse and a bright red deep plunge bra that does nothing to hide my nipples. I love being a little tease in these meetings. I have to say, with some men, if I tease a little, I’ll pretty much get what I need out of the meeting. Whilst in some ways, I hate the fact that it works, in other ways, I’d be totally mad not to do it.

As for out of camera shot, I wore absolutely nothing below the waist, but I did have my large butt plug in place (the one with the thick neck that really stretches my sphincter), and my new sizeable vaginal plug, meaning I felt really stretched front and back. In addition, I had a vibrating clit clip attached, which I would be able to turn on with a remote control during the meeting. I chose a word that I knew would be used in the meeting, and whenever someone said the word, I turned the vibrations on, and left them on until someone else said the word (and no, me saying it didn’t count, although I could use the word to try to make someone else say it).

So despite being so full down there, and having my clit being assaulted by stints of the vibrations, I had to maintain composure, stay relevant to the meeting and get the outcome to the discussions I wanted. I certainly made life hard for myself.

And when the video was first connected, I realised the blouse was much more see through on camera than I realised, and my bright red bra and erect nipples clearly showed, which, combining with the blouse buttons undone down to my bra, made for a very sexy display for the other attendees. I had to front it out though, although the attendees were used to my corporate sexiness, and I secretly enjoyed being leered at, although the periods of clitoral vibrations were hard to ignore.

I was very grateful for the meeting being over, as the vibrations had been on for the last part of the meeting, sensations building over several minutes. Once the camera was off, I could drop the focus on the meeting, and I gripped on to the edge of the desk, as all that edging and the clitoral abuse resulted in a massive orgasm almost immediately. As I recovered (with the vibrations off), I thought about changing my blouse before the next meeting, but decided to carry on dressed as was, as I was rather enjoying myself.

And my initial thought was to keep the vibrations off for the next one, but my brain selected a different word, and I couldn’t resist another go. I realised though that at some point, I might need to “accidentally” drop out of the meeting if I couldn’t stop a second orgasm. You see, my clit would be painful when the vibrations started again, but after a couple of minutes, the pain would subside and it would be sensitive and hard, which would leave me on the verge of cumming again rather soon.

The inevitable happened, with the chair mentioning the word in his second sentence, referring to the second half of the meeting, and the vibrations were on solidly for about ten minutes. I knew I had nowhere to go, but luckily, my doorbell rang, and so I muted the mic and went to answer it (grabbing a skirt to put on first), grateful to the postman for giving me the interruption, but needing to get rid of him quickly as I so needed to cum. The excuse of being on the video conference got rid of him, and I grabbed onto to the kitchen counter and let a second orgasm go. It was huge, and my cunt was quite messy, but the vibrations were still on, and I decided to keep the skirt on as I went back to the meeting.

Luckily, after the vibrations carrying on long enough to get my clit over the painful time again, they started using the word intermittently, so my clit started to get some more rest and the next orgasmic build up was slower, with edging style drops and rises occurring as they said the word.

This, at least, allowed me to get my part of the meeting done, and as with the first meeting, they agreed to what I was proposing. The meeting finished with the vibrations on, and me heading to another orgasm, so once again, I grabbed onto the edge of the desk again and let the orgasm flood over me.

I was expecting to have a break before the last meeting and a chance to recover, but almost as soon as I’d cum, I had a message asking if I could do the meeting earlier.

What the hell. I said yes and hastily chose my word. Again, the word was used in the second sentence, but this time, it was being used a couple of times a minute, so the vibrations were on and off in short bursts. That allowed me to stay calm for longer this time. There was a sustained burst of vibrations in the middle, as the meeting got sidetracked, but I pulled the meeting back to subject, as I really needed the vibrations to be off.

The meeting was short, but the meeting did end with about three minutes of sustained vibrations, but with my very tender clit, I wasn’t far from cumming again when that meeting finished. So, for the third and final time, I grabbed onto the edge of the desk and allowed myself to cum. Clamping down on such a large vaginal plug as I came made for very satisfying orgasms, and that final one was still pretty large, considering I’d already cum three times, all of them massive.

So, meetings over, I removed the clip and both plugs, and feeling very empty down there, I went out to the village cafe to have lunch. I had to let my clit recover and save myself for tonight. I was expecting cock that night and I needed to be ready to cum again. I so love him making me cum.

The End Of Rebecca (Part Two)

Rebecca need not have worried about my now husband forgetting her. She had been such a fabulous slut for the whole year, with lots of risky fucking, a brazen attitude and gravity defying tits that he worshipped. He could never have forgotten her.

But she had one last roll of the dice to ensure her legendary status. Having slept with a tit gripped all night and woken to a loving gentle kiss with the taste of his cum still in her mouth, she had to muster up the guts to carry out her plan.

In between the little jabbed kisses, she asked him if he wanted to do something she’d never done before. Did he want her to make this memorable? He said he did. Of course, he did. But he had no idea what she had planned. He did ask, but she giggled saying it was something he’d mentioned before. His brain was trying to work out what he had said, but she was a bit coy with a massive smile on her face.

It didn’t matter to him. He was going to enjoy it all regardless. She repositioned herself, kneeling over his belly and facing him, her wonderful tits raising and lowering as she breathed. She looked down at him staring up mostly at her tits, and she could have stayed there all day.

But time was running out and she had to go soon. The time for her plan was now. She sat up a little and opened her cunt flaps with her fingers, allowing him to see her pinkness, and she pulled apart enough so that her pisshole was stretched open. She saw his eyes looking down there as she focussed on overcoming her nerves. After a while (not sure how long, but it seemed quite long), a small amount of piss squirted out of her distorted pisshole and sprayed over his chest.

She looked at his face, waiting for any sign of disgust. There was none, only a look of awe, his eyes locked onto her cunt, awaiting the next drop to emerge. She relaxed and closed her eyes to focus on squeezing the next drop out. She found this harder than she expected, but soon, another spray emerged, stronger and longer than the first and she opened her eyes to see the results, to see it even going on to his face a bit. She saw the joy on his face, and relaxed even more, this time, a more consistent stream emerged, spraying to towards his neck with drops ricocheting around his upper body and face.

After a few seconds of that, he put his finger to her pisshole and she took that as a sign to stop. She was worried now that he didn’t like it, but after she stopped, he put his hands to her ass cheeks and pulled her up his body, only stopping when her cunt was pressing against his open mouth, and he used his right hand to slap her ass cheek quite hard. This she didn’t expect, and she had no idea if she’d be able to get more piss out. The depravity of the act wasn’t lost on her.

She looked into his eyes, and he was expectant, ready to take her piss. Egging herself on, she closed her eyes and again focussed on squeezing a little piss out. She felt a small spray go into his mouth, and she heard him gulp it down and felt his tongue nudging at her pisshole. She focussed again and squeezed another drop out, which was again gulped down. She felt his tongue licking the pink bits of her cunt dry of piss drops, and then he moved his hands away from her ass. He put one in the small of her back, whilst bringing the other to the front and pressing on her bladder.

The gentle force on her bladder made her moan a little. Her bladder was hard on his fingers, so he knew she had a load of piss in her. He pushed again and forced a hard jet of piss out, hitting the back of his throat with some force, making him cough a little. She was worried that if he did that again, she’d lose control, and it took her a few moments to realise that is what he wanted. So, stroking his hair, she asked him if he wanted a nice little drinkie and he nodded (only a touch, as he didn’t let his mouth lose contact with her cunt even for a millisecond).

So, she just relaxed all her muscles, and she felt some piss dribble out of her pisshole, eagerly received by his tongue. She pushed down a little and a nice steady flow began, this time, the depravity wasn’t enough to stop her from pissing. He sucked and drank as her bladder emptied, not losing a drop in the process. As the stream started faltering, he licked round the pink parts of her cunt clearing her of the piss.

As she finally stopped pissing, she lifted her cunt off his mouth, and he looked very happy. He pulled her down onto him and kissed her, making her taste her own piss in his mouth. She was so horny that she actually enjoyed the taste.

She reached back and felt how hard his cock was, and so she broke off the kiss and moved back down his body, kneeling up over his erect cock and then lowering her cunt over it, feeling his cock impaling her cunt for the last time before she left. She loved that first impaling of a fuck, both the physical feeling of a hard cock pushing into her cunt, and also the emotional feeling of being taken.

She was about to start sliding up and down his cock, but he put his hands on her hips and stopped her, then using his hands to open her cunt flaps again, this time finger fucking her and working on her clit. It was lovely having his hard cock inside her, as when she came from his fingers, she was able to clench down on his cock.

This squeezing made him a bit harder, but he carried on working at her cunt, getting rougher and rougher with her clit and making another orgasm grow within her. His cock in her cunt felt so good that she was happy to carry on like this, orgasming to his command and clenching down on his hard cock as she came.

But his cock kept inching larger and she knew what it meant when he released her hips. Time to test those leg muscles one last time as she began a rhythmic slide up and down his hard slick cock. Her tits were naturally jiggling as she rode his cock, and she added a little twist into her movements to really make her tits flail about. She knew just how much he loved watching her tits flail about. One more thing to remember.

She could see from his face that he was fighting his orgasm, trying to make this moment last as long as possible. She felt the same, but she couldn’t resist using her cunt muscles to clamp down on his cock. She felt that throb that mean he was about to spray her cunt with copious amount of cum, and she pushed down on his cock, impaling it as far as its hard length would go. At the same time, he grabbed onto her tits and squeezed them really hard, almost painfully hard as his cum started spraying around. That squeezing was enough to take away her last dregs of resistance and she orgasmed too, her cunt fluid mixing with his cum to make a really sticky mess.

His cock quickly slipped out of her cunt, and she got off and pulled her tiny pair of panties from last night back on to contain his cum. She had decided to keep the mess in her panties for the flight home, a promise she made to him as they split. There wasn’t a need to rinse off any piss, as his tongue had been very thorough, and she didn’t clean her body up at all and was dripping cum into her panties, meaning their relationship ended as it began, with her smelling of sex in public.

She could feel the grip of hands on her fleshy tits long after he released them. He knew she liked her tits being manhandled, and that was probably the hardest he’d ever squeezed them. She wasn’t the only one trying to make this memorable.

Once she was away from the university, she sobbed, crying for all she was worth. She didn’t want him to see her like this, and she held it together so that he didn’t. She wanted him to remember her as that sassy feisty slut who fucked him with abandon, who enjoyed the breeze across her body when she fucked, who had gravity-defying tits to die for and who came longer and harder with him than she had with anyone else.

She still couldn’t believe that not only did he love her pissing on him, that he drank it all down, not missing a drop, and she was so pleased that she’d got over her natural difficulties pissing for someone else. She was so proud of herself for carrying out the plan, and she had fabulous memories of fucking to power a lifetime of wanking, a lifetime of clitoral abuse and a lifetime of orgasmic dreams.

Mass Relief

I’ve never been one for clubbing, but whilst at university, Melissa and I did frequent a lesbian friendly one at times, with a pack of girls who used to all go to keep an eye on each other. To be honest, for me, it was more a case of being somewhere Melissa and I could molest each other in public and nobody would mind.

The only downside was the trawl back up the hill to the university at the end of the night. Drinking alcopops all evening resulted in a 3am hike with a bunch of rowdy pissed up women, hardly the height of decorum.

The first such evening happened a month after I got together with Melissa. Neither of us had been with this group before, but as we spent the whole of one evening in a university bar tongue kissing and groping each other’s tits, we were both invited along the next Friday. It was February and we were thrown out of the club as it was closing, and we started the long meander. A kebab part way (where there were 4 grades of chilli sauce, mild, medium, hot and student) and a bucket of fizzy stuff to wash the heat down, and about 2/3 of the way up the hill, all those alcopops and all that fizz hit my bladder, ramped up by it being cold as well. It turns out I wasn’t the only one, as a couple of the girls started talking about desperately needing a piss.

A couple of minutes later, the group abruptly came to a halt in the alley that connected to the university land, stopped under a bright streetlight. One of the women became the organiser, asking who was going first? I had no idea what was happening, but three of the women stepped forwards.

They were waved off the path and they went and stooped down on their heels, their backs leaning against a brick wall. They each pulled their dresses and skirts up and panties aside, and then, one at a time, starting with the one of the left, the women each spread their pissflaps with their fingers and just pissed, an arc of piss emanating from their revealed pissholes, strong, blatant, free of all cares, and beautifully illuminated by the streetlight. Three wonderful women all emptying their bladders in full view of the crowd of women. And we were all watching and enjoying the view, basking in the moment. An unexpected thrill.

It was the first time I’d seen a woman piss, and never even dreamed of crouching down in a row and doing it, let alone of holding my pissflaps open for all to see. This was before it became popular as an internet craze, so it was unknown, and very exciting. Once all three had finished, they pulled their panties back over their cunts and stood up, curtseying a little for the crowd. The thought went through my head of three moist cunts leaving damp pissy patches on the panties that covered them, as none of them had wiped their piss flaps dry.

Three more took their places and repeated the ritual, including one, who didn’t have panties on at all, and so would have dripped all the way up the hill. I found the thought of that ridiculously sexy, as if a row of pissing women wasn’t sexy enough.

After the second batch, the organiser looked round and came over to Melissa and me. We three were the last of the group, and the organiser wanted a piss herself, so she offered us the chance to join in. Melissa was a touch hesitant, but I really really needed to empty my bladder, and like NOW!, so was raring to go. Not only was my bladder bursting, but seeing the others piss and more importantly hearing it (and their relief) had done me in. I had to go. Sod if Melissa wasn’t, I sure as fuck was. In the end, Melissa decided she didn’t want to be left out, so she crouched down in the middle, me of the left and the organiser on the right to finish off.

As I lifted up my skirt, I couldn’t quite believe what I was about to do. Six pairs of eyes looking up and down the row first at our panties, then at our cunts. My panties were some of the tiniest I owned, and basically moulded themselves to the shape of my lips. I peeled them aside and felt the light breeze blowing across my cunt. My bladder throbbing snapped me back to reality. I looked left to see Melissa and the organiser looking towards me, cunts exposed, waiting for me to begin.

I put my hands down to my cunt and peeled aside the pissflaps, revealing my pinkness and my pisshole to the assembled throng. I looked round to see six sets of eyes trained on my pisshole, just waiting for my stream to begin.

I was nervous. I didn’t really know if I could piss in those circumstances. I need not have concerned myself though. I relaxed my muscles only slightly, and the pressure from my full bladder meant that a nice strong stream almost immediately emerged, arcing away from my body and landing a good distance away from my feet. The relief was immense, and completely wiped away any nerves and concerns I had. The stream seemed to go on for ever, and I was actually able to smile at the attention and adoration those faces showed me. I had to say I really enjoyed it and was disappointed when my stream subsided. When I was definitely done, I let go of my pissflaps and looked to Melissa.

She opened her pissflaps and after a short delay, a weak stream began, which soon strengthened to a strong arc as her bladder emptied. The smile on her face said she enjoyed it as well, and our two performances were capped off by the organiser, who seemed to angle her pelvis up a touch and made her arc of piss much higher and therefore longer than the rest of it. She was showing off now. I resolved to try that the next time – I wanted there to be a next time.

We all put our panties back in place and wandered up the hill, our panties getting wet with the piss we would usually dab off with toilet roll. It felt very naughty.

Talking to one of the regulars as we walked up the hill, none of them piss before leaving the club, and they always have a bucket of fizzy stuff with the kebab to make sure they are bursting before they reach the streetlight. It was by luck that neither Melissa nor I realised the time, as we may have pissed before leaving – we just didn’t have the chance. This is a ritual they repeated every Friday, and Melissa and I were there for all of them after that. I suppose that is why it has always been easier for me to piss in front of others – I had had loads of practise.

After each public pissing, Melissa and I always licked each other’s cunts clean of piss when we got back to one of our rooms, this being my first taste of another woman’s piss. It wasn’t the taste, but the act that was so special, and the last time I was in my university town, I made a point of going to that streetlight at 3am (this time with Victoria) and we both carried out the same piss ritual, in honour of those amazing women who I regularly pissed there with.

Making Me Wait (Part Two)

Having had my ass filled with my husband’s cock, and then had an empty asshole for a couple of hours, with nothing to do other than think about how full my asshole was and now empty it now was, I was hyped up and craving a full asshole again. After that two hours of torture, he had me fill my cunt with my yoni stone and my ass with my inflatable butt plug (inflated to eyewatering levels) and then I was to use my wand to cum on camera for him.

With the vicious wand (which is my preferred wand these days), I usually started on low power and then stepped up the power to get to the highest settings, but not today. I was desperate to cum, so I whacked it on full power and applied the clit tool. I was so hyped up, so ready to cum, that I came in under thirty seconds, and it was a big one too, making me cry out loud and dampen the sheet between my legs.

As soon as the orgasm was over, I applied the wand to my clit again, still on full power. I was so relieved to cum, but I knew instantly that it wasn’t enough. I needed more. I needed another strong powerful orgasm. I was so hyped up that I just needed to cum again right now. It was only a couple of minutes of full-on clitoral assault before I was cumming again. I yelled the house down and realised after I had finished that I was a ball of sweat with an ever-growing damp patch on the sheets.

For a few moments, I forgot myself, but then I remembered the instructions. Three with the wand, so back on went the wand, causing my clit to throb a little in pain. I was in that place where I couldn’t give a fuck about it – my clit was taking one for the team. It was painful to apply the vicious wand, yet I had to apply it because I needed that third orgasm. My clit would just have to suffer. At least I would get both the pleasure and the pain. Sublime!

But even with the vicious wand on full power, the third orgasm was taking a while to come. I was so desperate, and my clit was throbbing with overuse, but I couldn’t deploy my fingers to help. I sometimes think you can wish too much, and it hinders you, and this is where I was. But the camera was running, and I needed to cum. All whilst I was holding the vicious wand at full power on my clit, I tried to calm down and think of the mercilessness of the pegging I’d dish out to his ass next time I was doing it. I felt the all-important warning signs in my cunt and started to move my hips to maximise the orgasm. Even though I was so desperate to cum, on instinct I tried to hold it off as long as I could. Eventually, though, the wave of orgasm overcame me, and I yelled in pleasure at my release.

I considered stopping there, but I really wanted that spanking, and so quickly began working on orgasm number 4, this time, without the wand, but with three fingers fucking my cunt, lubricated by my juices with just a thumb occasionally stroking across my throbbing clit. My finger fuck was quick to bring along number 4, and I didn’t even lose rhythm in carrying on towards number 5. It was hard work and quite a long finger fuck, but I eventually crept across the line for orgasm 5. One more to go, but I felt I needed to try something else.

I applied the wand to each nipple in turn, until they were each rock-hard and enormous. Then I moved the wand down and applied it to my perineum, wedging it against the bed, ensuring I could feel the vibrations right through my butt plugged ass and yoni stone filled cunt. Then I started tweaking and squeezing my poor clit with one hand, and finger fucking my cunt with the other. All this built up to provide me with orgasm 6, a new personal best for me in such a short space of time, and an orgasm that required a lot of persistence and a lot of patience. But I still delayed it as long as I could, and it was another big one.

I was totally exhausted, and a dripping sweatball. The pose he had me in was not flattering and the intensity of the hour-long session tired me out. I stopped the filming and messaged him to say I was done for all six. He messaged me back saying how great it was and how much my ass would regret it later. That made me smile.

But then, in a separate message, he asked if I wanted another orgasm before he came home, and I stupidly said I probably would. So then came another set of instructions. I was to remove the yoni stone and inflatable butt plug, and then lay still in the same unflattering position to watch the video I had just made in full, without speeding it up or missing anything out, and whilst watching it, I wasn’t allowed to touch my cunt, ass, or tits. I hate looking at myself on video, so I’ve generally not watched if he records me. This time, he was trying to get me worked up again, and he succeeded, because even though the pose was very unflattering, I was worked up and ready to cum again by the end of the video.

It was a brilliant plan and one I could not resist. When he got home from work, I was still watching the videos and he made me finish watching it and cum one last time before he started working on me.

He checked back the videos to make sure I had complied, and as a reward, he gave me that spanking he promised. At least a thorough and harsh ass spanking distracted me from the pain in my clit for a bit, and finally, after my ass was red, marked and painful, he lubed up my asshole and gave me that ass fuck I’d been needing all afternoon. It was heaven, and I swear he was even larger than before. He kept my ass filled and fucked for another whole hour, by this point, I was well beyond exhausted, and therefore, he just kept it in there as long as he wanted. Ever since this started, all I wanted was his cock in my ass again, and I got it for a whole hour.

He could see how exhausted I was, and he didn’t want me focussing on my empty asshole again when he finally finished, so this time, when he finally withdrew his cock, he replaced it with my comfy butt plug. He knew I could dream and squeeze down on that as much as I liked whilst I rested and recovered. It turned out to be a very long day, and one I absolutely adored, and when I woke up, I wanted his cock inside my ass again…..

Making Me Wait (Part One)

It was only a couple of hours. Having just had my ass filled with his enormous rock-hard cock for over an hour, relentlessly pounding, slamming, growing and cumming, my husband wanted me to just think about only my asshole for a couple of hours, thinking about how full my asshole was, how stretched it felt, how I felt like I couldn’t take him growing any further and then he grew again and stretched me even more, and then to think about how terribly empty my asshole now was, how it was yearning to be filled again, how it was desperate to feel his enormous rock-hard cock again, an empty chasm that I couldn’t fill for a couple of hours. In fact, he told me to do nothing for a couple of hours other than think about my full asshole and my empty asshole. I wasn’t allowed to touch my clit, cunt, ass, asshole and even my tits. Nothing.

A couple of hours doesn’t sound much, but when you are this hyped up, craving that full feeling I adore and you are not allowed to relieve yourself, it is agony. It had only been 35 minutes, and yet I was desperate to be filled again. And he had fucked off to a meeting.

He told me he’d message me and let me know what I was to do after the two hours. But he told me to not focus on waiting for the message. He wanted active focussing on my empty asshole and full asshole. I had to really feel the fullness and the emptiness. For two whole hours.

I had set an alarm for the two hours and then turn the clock around so that I couldn’t focus on the minutes ticking away. Closing my eyes, I could really focus on the fullness. It wasn’t that long ago that I was desperately full, a rock-hard piston pumping into me, every inch of its length stretching my pucker open, still growing, right on the edge of being painful, but not quite getting there. I could still feel it, the size, the hardness, the tugging of the motion as he fucked my asshole, the feeling of fullness that I love.

And then I got snapped back to the yawning emptiness, reminded of his size by the pulsing of my asshole as I squeeze it together, trying to grip a cock that wasn’t there. I squeezed it almost involuntarily in the hope it would be filled again. It wasn’t. Even a finger would have helped, but I wasn’t allowed, so all I could do was dream, imagine, remember, squeeze on a non-existent invader, and hope he would fill it again later.

I would have settled for an orgasm, hoping that would at least be a relief, but I wasn’t allowed that either, even the merest of touches of anywhere sexual were out. I was a massive ball of sexual need, just waiting for some relief, any relief, best of all a filled asshole again.

A couple of hours wait with a cavernously empty asshole was almost torture, but somehow, I made it through the time. It was a massive piece of mental edging that needed no physical input from anyone. It was exquisitely frustrating and divine in equal measure.

Out of the blue, I finally received my instructions for carrying out only after the two hours was up. I was to insert my yoni stone into my cunt (it is large, so really fills my cunt), then I was to insert my inflatable butt plug in my asshole and inflate it until I could take no more. Then, every minute for the next fifteen, I had to inflate the butt plug a little more. “Eye wateringly full” was the phrase he used. Only then could I apply the vicious wand with clit attachment to my clit. He had set the video camera up and I was to video myself filling my holes and then having three orgasms whilst filled like that, orgasms provoked by clit attachment and wand alone. Then, if I wanted to be spanked that evening, I would need to have another three orgasms, which I could get any way I liked, as long as both holes stayed full and provided I came on video.

The prospect of six orgasms was tantalising, and the waiting, the thinking about being full and empty, all went to heighten my arousal, and I knew it would strengthen my orgasms. He knew six solo orgasms would be a challenge for me, which I’m sure was why he picked a number that high, and he told me that if I wanted any more orgasms after the six, I would have to ask him for permission. He knows how to pull my strings. That would just make me want to cum even more and I’d probably be on at him soon after my sixth asking for permission. He knew what he was doing. He was going to end up with me horny for the rest of the day, and most probably a tired orgasmed out wreck, although I would still want him back in my asshole again regardless of how exhausted I was.

I hate the thoughts of being on camera, but I needed to cum, and to do that, it had to be recorded. I slumped in front of the camera with my legs spread wide and the camera looking right up my body. It was a very unflattering pose, selected deliberately I’m sure to make me feel very self-conscious. I turned the camera on and started lubing up my yoni stone before inserting it into my cunt. I flexed my muscles until it reached the correct location, and then I stopped to allow it to settle.

Then I lubed up the inflatable butt plug and rolled my body back, my spreadeagled ass being in shot and my asshole coming into view. Unflattering didn’t cover it, but I was in no mood to wait. I gently teased at my asshole with the tip of the plug, and slowly over a couple of minutes worked in into my asshole, my sphincter closing around the narrow neck of the plug.

Rolling forwards again to my slumped position, I grabbed the bulb and started to squeeze it, pushing small gusts of air into the plug. I love the feeling of the plug growing inside my ass, and it had plenty to grow. “Eye wateringly full” is what he wanted, and this girl and her asshole were going to deliver. When it was full and verging on painful, I stopped inflating, letting my insides adjust to the two intruders. The plug presses on the yoni stone, accentuating the fullness feeling there too. It felt so good to be full again, after the previous two hours of emptiness and denial.

As per instructions, each minute for the next fifteen, I inflated it a little more, each time stopping at just before painful, and then giving my ass the rest of the minute to become used to the size.

I was full. Very full, and still waiting for an orgasm. But I was near, and by the time the fifteen minutes was up, I was so gagging for it. My eyes did actually water at the size of the inflatable butt plug. It was so large that it really was taking my mind off the film being recorded. Time to apply the vicious wand to my poor clit.

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