Kinky and filthy things that have happened to us, all explicitly told

Tag: Lesbian (Page 1 of 2)

The Leavers Ball (Part Two)

Melissa and I were spending our last evening together at the university’s leavers’ ball, and we found ourselves in a room full of people fucking. We were focussing now on the all-women couples. For two of those couples, one woman was bent over the table, whilst the other licked at her asshole and down to her cunt, fingering the cunt and working it to make the other woman cum.

One couple of women were splayed out sitting on the desk, rubbing cunts together and using tits to maintain bodily control of their fuckmate. Their movements were mesmerising: rhythmic grinding, making each other make noise and bodily movements that Melissa and I never had. When we tried that, it was nice, it was arousing, but it never made us cum. Their movements made them cum, and hard.

The final couple of women were taking part in an activity that I knew would make us cum. One of them was just bent over a desk, the other one had her hands between the first’s legs and was quite viciously masturbating her, using a diamond of four fingers to penetrate the eager cunt in front of her, a vigorous and forceful fucking motion with the fingers, the thumb continually working the clit and the fingers did their fast in and out motions. With the other hand in the small of the firsts back, the first was pinned down, so there was no room for escape from the fast and forceful hand.

The hand made her cum and cum, its relentless movements pushing her to orgasm after orgasm. I really wanted to be her, to have my cunt as milked as hers, for my Melissa to draw that much juice out of me.

But Melissa had other ideas. She lay on the desk of a freshly cleared space and pulled me up, arranging me kneeling facing down her body. She pulled me into position, and then pulled my cunt down to her mouth. With me held in place by her hands, she started licking at my cunt. It was already slick with juices from the displays of the evening, but Melissa’s tongue was both effective at clearing the slickness from my cunt, but also very good at targetting my clit time and time again. I could feel the orgasm coming, but she was dragging it out, savouring every lick, eventually giving me a body shaking orgasm.

I collapsed as my arms couldn’t hold up my weight, but my face ended up mere inches from her cunt. I could smell the fragrance of arousal coming from it, and it wasn’t long before I wriggled into position, mouth directly over it, my tongue diving in. I felt her hands on the back of my head, forcing my head down, forcing my tongue deeper into her cunt. But instead of licking with speed, I licked slowly, burrowing my tongue into her channel between flicking over her clit. I put my hands over her thighs to keep them bolted to the table, as time after time, I flicked from clit to burrowing in the tunnel. She squirmed, she struggled, but her clamping my head and me clamping her thighs meant there was nowhere for her to go, no escape from my tongue.

I felt a moist wave with a musky odour flood my tongue as her hips tried to buck and rock away, and I accelerated because I knew she was near. And a forceful flick of the tongue was all it took to make her cum and cum, holding my head in place to taste her juices, my tongue never stopping moving across her cunt.

Once she had finished bucking, she let my head go, and I swivelled round, kissing her to let her taste her cunt and for me to taste mine.

But we couldn’t stay there, as there was a queue of people waiting to fuck. Time was passing quickly and it was after midnight when we returned to the bungee running tent, all too aware that our evening was drawing to a close, and all too aware that we were about to go our separate ways. In the tent was a discussion going on with about a dozen women and somebody from the students’ union. The bungee run was meant to be closed, but the women wanted to do one more run each, but this time, totally naked. In the end, it was agreed. The tent would be closed to new entrants and only the crowd still in place could stay. Then we would each get one run naked. I was about halfway down the list, Melissa somewhat later.

As my turn arrived, Melissa helped me to lift the dress off over my head, and she flicked the bra clasp to reveal my 38GG tits to the audience. There was an audible sound of approval as I walked down the bungee lane, my ass swinging as seductively as I could manage. The assistant began loading me into the harness, picking my tits up one by one pulling them through the harness and framing them with it.

Once the straps were tight, the assistant left the lane and I was ready to run. With each step, because of the way the harness worked, my tits snapped violently from side to side. If you were to do this for a long time, it would hurt, but this never is going to take long. I ran for as long as I could (which was still only seconds), before that tug of the bungee cord took me off my feet, my bottom half swung forwards, my legs flailed apart and I was pulled down the bungee run, ending up in a heap at the end. This time, without the dress, my cunt and tits were both still fully on display as I lay there, laughing, but also being fully aware of my display. Eventually, I got up and went over to Melissa, hugging and full on tongue kissing her. Then I put the dress back on and we waited for her turn, watching other tits snap and other cunts fly.

Melissa’s turn was near the end, and we waited for everyone to have a go before starting to leave. It was past 1am now and the event was winding down. As was our relationship. Melissa was leaving for home at the end of her overseas year, and I was finishing with university all together. And Melissa’s taxi was in 4 hours, my lift back to my parents was in 8.

Trying to make this last as long as possible, we decided to make one last trip down the hill to our pissing light, and having emptied our bladders with long and high arches of piss, we walked back up the hill arm in arm, stopping only at the bench halfway up to lick each other’s cunts clean of piss and have a last orgasm (which for neither of us took long).

As we finally got back to our halls, we tongue kissed one last time and then just turned and walked away. I didn’t cry as I walked away, but back in my room, I was in floods of tears. I’d never had anyone like Melissa before, and I wasn’t to know if I ever would again. It felt very much like the end.

Camel-Toe Crazy

When I left for university, I was finally released from my mother’s rule. Those clothes she made me wear, the fear she instilled, everything that stopped me from developing into me, rather than a clone of her. At uni, I had a chance to find me.

Fucking men: that was me. Turns out fucking women was definitely me too. Melissa wasn’t the first woman I had lusted after, but she was the first one that I had kissed and we had paired up quickly after that first kiss. I continued fucking my uni guy (he knew and was turned on by the thoughts of me and Melissa fucking) and she fucked some guy too on and off, but we were both enjoying the lesbian sex more. Between them, I was getting the most sex I ever did until I met my now husband.

But the thing I was having real trouble with was style. I wasn’t exactly a slim girl, but I was shapely, with amazing tits (although I wasn’t best enamoured with them at the start) and a wardrobe full of clothes your granny would wear. Thanks Mum, I’m not you. My clothes were all loose, covering me up, lowering my self-esteem even more than what happened in the rest of my teenage years did.

But by this point, I had a whole posse at uni, not just Melissa, and they were determined to help me find and hone my style. I’m not one for clothes shopping, but with a group on hand, we sometimes went out, trying on various things, using their experience and styles to make progress.

After years of crawling under a rock to hide from everyone, I wanted to break free, to be noticed. I had started by wearing tighter clothes, ones that didn’t hide the fact I was slightly larger than ideal, but the clothes I selected all showed off my curves superbly. I got a kick out of the positive response I received. Being noticed was wild!

On one of those shopping trips, we found a bra that dramatically emphasised my cleavage, and I bought that and a dress that took advantage of it. The cup fabric of this deep-plunge bra was also very thin, as was the fabric of the dress, so my nipples showed perfectly. I was advised to use ice to make them bigger to make absolutely sure they were on display, and I started doing this every time I went out.

Figure hugging clothes with monster cleavage and on display nipples was definitely the way to go, and I got a mega kick from showing off my tits, something I still get to this day. It was the first time I really began to love my tits. I know some women get upset when men talk to their cleavage instead of their face, but I love it and it just makes me happy.

Now, I’m not usually one for trends, but there was one trend that it was suggested would get me noticed even more. It was about ten years since camel-toe had first made it into the Urban Dictionary. What for a few years was a fashion faux pas went to being the height of teenage fashion, then looked down on, and then back into fashion again.

One of the poshest girls in the group showed me a pair of shorts in one of the shops that were pretty obscene if I’m honest. The briefest of try-ons showed their potential, but the full obscenity only showed later; the fabric pulled tight into my ass crack and a long way up my cunt, and I could arrange my flaps to make a fabulous camel-toe. I couldn’t wear panties under them, as it obscured the camel-toe, and as I was doubting the purchase, my posh friend said that if I bought and wore a pair, she would too.

In that same trip, one of the others showed me a top that stretched tightly across my tits, and with my deep-plunge bra, the straining of the buttons across my cleavage meant that a column of enormous gapes ran right down between my tits and with my iced nipples showing, it was a fabulous view.

Pair that with the obscene shorts, I had a killer outfit that hid nothing. This was a new slutty out there me, and I was a hit in the club we went to every week. My body was totally on show, everything visible and I’m not going to lie; it got me groped quite a bit, but I didn’t mind. I was seen, noticed, I was me.

And I fucking enjoyed the groping. Interestingly, whilst I was groped by men, I was groped far more by women. I can’t recall how many women I snogged, full on tongues, many of them resulted in mutual masturbation sessions in the seating booths or even right there on the dance floor. I didn’t know their names, I didn’t much care, I just loved the connections, the kissing, the groping, the orgasms.

It always happened the same way. A handful of ass or tit was grabbed, you were hauled from the crowd and up to another woman’s body, tits got squashed against each other, faces got close and tongues got pushed into each other’s mouths. No subtlety or finesse. Just a long hard snog with tongues exploring each other’s mouths and hands exploring each other’s bodies.

With two whole-hearted participants, hands inevitably headed cunt-wards, initially rubbing on the outside of the shorts; the thin fabric was rough and therefore provided a little friction on the rubbing, which only added to the sensation.

Sometimes that was enough, and focussed rhythmic rubbing right there on the dance floor, the odd rough kiss added, was enough to make a girl cum. The fabric of the shorts didn’t react well to cunt juices, and so, for the rest of the evening, I’d have a damp patch at the front of my shorts. Well, so would the other girl, and that was fine. And then the second girl that started masturbating you put her fingers to some wet fabric and she knew. Although she was normally the same. And wet fabric only emphasised the camel-toe, stickiness making sure the fabric stayed up your cunt.

Of course, sometimes, it wasn’t a quick wank on the dance floor that you were after. Sometimes you wanted to feel hand touch your flesh, finger fuck you, and so, guiding each other, you left the dance floor and headed to what were knows as the cubicles, U-shaped benched seating populated by kissing couples, normally on the way to wanking or giving blow jobs. Sometimes you had to wait, such was the popularity, and the cubicles invariably smelled of cum.

So, there you’d be, sitting in this cubicle, legs spread wide, your buttons undone to show your heaving cleavage to your new friend, obscene shorts round an ankle, whilst your new friend works your cunt with her fingers, targeting your clit quite viciously, rubbing on your cunt flaps and finger fucking you with two or three fingers. You could always see the focus on her face as she looks down at your cunt and the joy she was bringing to it. The good ones made you cum several times and then dropped to their knees and got under the table to lick you clean, and then once clean, it was time to swap places and reciprocate, and you’d end up with hands smelling of cunt and mouths tasting of it. A final hard kiss, swapping tastes as we went, and we’d part in search of the next cunt to wank, frequently to never see each other again after that night.

And often, in the same cubicle was Melissa, who, having seen the success my outfits were, got some of her own. She too had monster cleavage and a fabulous camel-toe, and had similar success with the women at the club. And every time, we had a cubicle session too. After all, molesting Melissa was the reason I started going clubbing.

The club was a bit like a cattle market, only the cattle picked each other. You weren’t fussy. Pretty much any woman who grabbed you was fair game, any cunt to be cherished for that short while, and of course, when we got back to uni, Melissa and I licked each other’s cunts out, not only to taste our juices, but because we’d publicly pissed on the way back up the hill and never dried our cunts.

Because despite all the groping, all the cunts, I was still hers and she mine.

I instigated as much grabbing and groping as I was grabbed and groped. Let’s face it, if I saw a woman in that club that I wanted to kiss or to make cum, I went for it. It’s why most of us were there, on show at the cattle market. I was rarely rejected, and I virtually never rejected anyone. Why would I?

I remember those nights with great fondness. I have no idea how many women I made cum, or how many made me cum. But it was a lot. And more importantly, I felt alive, I felt free. What with the clothes, the kissing, the groping and the care-free orgasms, both in the club and with Melissa, I felt that I was finally being me.

Centenary Orgy

I was starting to get really excited. I had been planning this for months, especially to celebrate my blogging centenary. I always planned to have a massive sex party to celebrate the half-centenary, but fate intervened and that didn’t happen. So, many months ago, I decided that we had to have a party this time.

But, as we got nearer to the hundredth post, my thoughts began to change a little. I realised that what I really wanted to do was to celebrate the amazing women that have appeared in this blog, women who all love sex, who embrace orgasms, who really go for it sexually (even if they aren’t really sure how things might work out), and who defy the stereotypes or societal norms meant to keep women in their place (sexually or otherwise).

In this blog so far, we’ve named twelve women, some I don’t know, many I do, some from recent times, some longer ago. But all the women mentioned here are amazing, because of their attitudes, because of their love of sex and sexual adventure, and because they are, for the most part, up for giving things a try. This blog is fundamentally about women, and so it does seem fitting that the centenary post is about women too.

For the most-part, the men referred to here are part of the women’s stories, and in making the posts about the women, I somewhat (and a little deliberately) downplay the men. I wanted to maintain this female focus, as so much of what is out there is about and aimed at men; I wanted something to be about us.

That having been said, there is one man whose story is intricately woven into this blog. I never intended to have stories of women my husband fucked, women I’ve never met, but a lot of the stories seemed to fit my female viewpoint of the blog. So, you are reading more of my husband’s story than I ever intended, and therefore, I think it wouldn’t be appropriate to exclude him from the centenary celebration altogether.

Over a few weeks, a plan coalesced into view, a plan centred around and staring the women, but with a small, sustained part for my husband, a part that he would never forget.

This very special party happened a couple of weekends ago. It was an all-girl party (apart from the cameo from my husband), where anything between the women went; masturbation, oral, strap-ons, tits, asses, cunt, whatever. The only request I made of each and every woman was that if they came, they wouldn’t hold back. They’d just take full advantage of the other wonderful women in attendance, all willingly, all in fun, all with love, all for the O. I guess I was thinking orgy, where anyone was game for anything with anyone.

And this is where it was quite an ask, because a number of the women didn’t actually know anyone else there in reality, only from the pages of the blog (although I can tell you now that some people there haven’t even been published in the blog yet).

If I’m honest, I’m amazed some of these wonderful women accepted the invitation, given what was expected of them. They are kinky bitches the lot of them, getting kinkier all the time. All the women were naked below the waist for the entire evening, and then totally naked for the second half. Nakedness in front of women in a social setting was a freedom that some were enjoying for the first time. I loved seeing so many beautiful cunts all on display, totally without shame and not a single attempt to hide anything. It was a beautiful liberating expression of womanhood, and one I will remember for a long time.

And I loved what we got up to, the sheer joy of sharing our sexual voyages with other women, of women (one had never been with another woman) allowing themselves to be taken to sexual crescendo with enthusiasm and without doubt or shame. There was so much bodily contact, including groping and pawing of tits and intimate and intrusive examinations of cunts and assholes. There was an abundance of masturbation, either solo or each other, singly and in groups. There were even a number of strap-ons deployed for use on cunt and asshole, with an astonishing amount of lube consumed in the process. Amazing women doing amazing things in the pursuit of amazing orgasms.

Not one of the women shied away from any of this: every single one joining in with making others cum as well as themselves. It was a delight, a visual feast. We even shared my husband’s cum loads directly from the cunt involved. That was a total joy too.

But of course, this wasn’t all about him. We had a chart to ensure that all the women got a fair share and to sample everyone, but that wasn’t really needed. The action came thick and fast, and the visual feat of all these orgasms from all these cunts kept everyone near the edge all the time. Without needing to resort to the chart, each woman masturbated and masturbated others, their cunts were licked out and they licked out others, their ass cracks were licked down and assholes teased, and returning the favour, and their tits were sucked on, pulled, squeezed and generally worked to maintain arousal.

All in all, it was an amazing night, and one totally suitable to celebrate one hundred posts on this blog. For one of the women there, it was her first lesbian experience, and given the enthusiasm of her tongue, the abandon with which she orgasmed and the eagerness with which she tried things with a woman, it certainly won’t be her last.

For some of the women involved, it was the first such party, and as such, their counts of connecting sexually with other females took a major increase.

What was particularly magnificent was those that had not met anyone else at the party (apart from my husband, but he was hardly in a position to help) came and just got their cunts out and joined in wholeheartedly. I could not have expected more, and yet they delivered. What totally wonderful, determined and up for anything women they are. I suspect it won’t be the last time I get to taste their cunts too; if the party is anything to go by, they seem to have acquired a taste for it. What a dream situation I’m in at the moment. I’m so lucky to have access to the magnificent cunts of so many wonderful women, and I really can’t get enough.

And then, there was my husband’s cameo. A small yet important part in proceedings for the women, and yet a fully immersive experience for him, crossing off one of the few items on his list that he has yet to do. When you read about his cameo in the next blog post, it is important to remember that some of the women in the room had never done anything like this before. Stage fright could have curtailed their involvement, but it didn’t happen, and all the women took a full part with him. And he’ll never forget it. The women probably won’t either, but a centenary party that introduces people to new things, that changes their lives forever and that creates memories that will never fade is a perfect way to celebrate.

Here’s to the next one hundred blog posts (and the next few cunts I get to taste!)

We All Knew What Was Going To Happen (Part Three)

Poor Laura was exhausted. A good number of orgasms in such a short time. I hope we hadn’t gone too far, as my husband was on his way and expecting a really hard fuck from a turned on Laura. Whilst Laura collapsed in orgasm induced daze, Vicki and I started gently working on her nipples, with a little tweaking, licking, and sucking, with a little tit squeezing as Laura began to wake up.

With my husband still 20 minutes away, Laura decided she needed a taste of cunt, and Vicki was first up. She stooped over the sofa, pushing her cunt to Laura’s mouth, and letting Laura’s eager and flexible tongue start to lick over the folds. Vicki’s cunt was quite slick, so there was plenty to taste and to lick off. It is clear Laura wasn’t aiming to give more orgasms; she was clearly too tired, but she was cleaning Vicki up and enjoying every morsel of Vicki’s juices.

Once Vicki was clean, we swapped places and Laura cleared my cunt of juices too. She was very thorough in her inspection and eagerly cleaned me completely.

Just as she was about to finish, my husband arrived, smirking at the scene of debauchery in front of him. In fact, he asked what we’d done to poor Laura to exhaust her so much, but Vicki and I just innocently fluttered our eyelashes and said “Who, us?” (Laura was still licking my cunt at the time.)

He helped first Vicki and then me off the pile (both of us receiving a single hard spank with his hand as we got up), leaving Laura licking our flavour off her lips and leaving Vicki and me with a perfect red hand print on each of our asses. He slightly adjusted Laura’s position, so that her ass was just hanging off the front edge of the sofa, and her legs were in the air. He gave me and Vicki a leg each to hold back up her body and to spread apart, leaving a wide open, quivering, and gaping cunt in full view.

He took a while to take in this breath-taking view, before a pleading look on Laura’s face nudged him to carry on, him dropping his trousers, revealing he wasn’t wearing underwear and revealing a rock hard cock that was already rather big. He got to his knees and started rubbing his glans against the exposed pink parts of her cunt.

Laura looked at him, then put her hands down between her legs and pulled apart her cunt lips. She was pretty breathless, and this was a sure-fire way of her indicating what she wanted. She wanted him in no doubt. She wasn’t waiting a minute more. It was unsaid, but clear.

Vicki and I had done too good a job of cleaning her up, and so she wasn’t slick enough for him, so he carried on rubbing his glans against her now spreadeagled cunt lips, just occasionally dipping the very tip of his cock in between her lips. His mellow steady voice was telling her what a slut she was, and how little sluts like her only get what they deserve, and that was enough so that it wasn’t long before she was naturally lubing up, her cunt ready and keen for his cock. His cock was now easily hard enough that he could let go and continue the rubbing motion against her cunt, so he got his hands in position on the sofa and lifted his knees up to improve his drive.

And then he did it. He drove his rock hard cock deep into her sopping cunt. The force of her impaling made her lift her ass up a little off the sofa, and sink back as he withdrew, before repeating the body movements with every stroke. She was loud, in her grunts every time he drove in and in her telling him what he was doing to her. She told him how his cock was pressing against the top of her cunt and rubbing against her clit each time he withdrew. He was picking up the pace now, and her face had gone from exhaustion and ecstasy to gritted teeth and determination.

And from between those gritted teeth, she managed to gasp “Don’t change” as his motion was working and bringing her towards orgasm, and then once his rhythm and motion was being perfectly maintained, she dug in and gasped “Must fight”, as clearly, she was trying to delay her orgasm as long as possible. Despite her best efforts, she had little resistance, and he knew she was about to cum.

And when he felt it starting, he drove in as hard as possible and firmly held the tops of her arms in his hands as her body twitched with the power of her cumming, her cunt tightening around his granite-like cock. As soon as her orgasm died down and her cunt’s vice-like grip being eased, he started again in the same rhythm and motion, continuing our relentless assault on her cunt.

This time, it took a while. Clearly, she was almost orgasmed out, but he was confident he could get one more out of her. First me then Vicki grabbed Laura’s tits with our spare hands, focussing on her nipples and working it to increase her arousal. That was the last straw and soon Laura was again bucking against his cock fighting to hold off her orgasm.

She didn’t have much to fight it with, and so soon, another orgasm swept over her, her cunt’s vice-like grip of his cock being reasserted. This time, as the grip was slackened, he withdrew and waved his hard cock in her face. She opened her mouth for him to insert it, and she sucked on his cock a little, until he was clearly about to cum. He withdrew, aimed his cock at her tits, spewed his cum over the nipples and between her fleshy tits, then put his cock back in her mouth to finish off cumming, with her sucking on his cock to extract every ounce of cum and cleaning him up as she went.

I let go of her tit and began rubbing his cum into her tits, Vicki following me doing the same, and then we presented her with our hands to lick off what was left of his cum.

And there she was, Laura, the used up slut, orgasmed out, tits covered in drying cum, mouth tasting of cock and cunt, happier than she had been in months, if not years.

And there were we three, all happy that Laura was such a mess in such a short space of time, and this was just the start. My husband wanted his first ass fuck with her to be an against the wall driving hard special, and I knew she wanted to peg a man, and she knew how much my husband liked being pegged. Laura had come such a long way since that first party, and she was seriously into sex now. I think we all knew this was the first of many times we’d make her cum. What a great fuck she was! What a perfect slut she had become!

We All Knew What Was Going To Happen (Part Two)

Laura and I were sitting topless on Laura’s sofa, our mouths and tongues locked together, our naked tits pressed against each other, our respective nipples rock hard and poking into the other’s fleshy tits. Laura had waited so long for this. Her wishes were about to come true.

Victoria had entered the room (The front door was left on the latch, as we thought we might get distracted.) and by the time either of us looked at Vicki, her blouse and bra were in a heap on the floor, and she had dropped to her knees to Laura’s right and my left.

Laura roughly grabbed at Vicki’s tits, said she was pleased to finally meet Vicki in person, and pulled Vicki towards her using her tits as handles. Laura slightly rotated, so her right tit left contact with mine and she pulled Vicki’s left tit to meet it, manhandling my left tit to contact with Vicki’s right. We were in a tit squashing triangle, and in no time, Vicki and Laura were full tongue kissing and we were in a three way hug. I couldn’t complain, I was full tongue kissing Laura for ages before Vicki arrived, but I got a grandstand view of them, all whilst my tits were being squashed.

This triangle of love was only briefly interrupted by a text from my husband announced that he was caught in traffic and was a good hour away. Plenty of time for some girl-on-girl love, plenty of time for me to taste Laura’s cunt again and for Victoria to get her first taste.

As Laura and Vicki started kissing again, I put my hand down between Laura’s legs and started gently stroking at the outer folds of her cunt. Laura didn’t flinch. It was like it was the most natural thing in the world.

And as I pushed just a little way into her cunt, it was clear she was hot and slick. I coated my fingers and withdrew them, putting my fingers to my lips and tasting them. Without realising, I had closed my eyes, because as I opened them, the two sexy women I was squashing tits with had stopped kissing and were watching me, Laura with a slight smirk, Vicki somewhat more lustful.

I wasn’t in the mood for prevarication: I just told Laura a blunt way that it was time to taste her cunt. In a trice, we felt her tits leave contact with ours and she arranged herself on the sofa, her legs spread wide and her fingers holding her cunt lips spread. This woman was so up for it.

I dropped to my knees in between her legs and lowered by face to her spread cunt. The aroma was intoxicating, and so I dived straight in, burying my tongue deep inside her cunt, my tongue flicking up from in her channel up over her clit and back down again. Not my usual warm up, but when someone holds their cunt open for you, I tend to dive straight in.

No sooner did my tongue start its rhythmic assault on her clit, but I felt a hand go straight to my cunt and start rubbing. Vicki was busy, as I could also feel her working on Laura’s tits. Vicki was only preparing my cunt for when Laura returned the favour, and she was making sure Laura stayed hot. Laura’s body was starting to move in time with my tongue, and it wasn’t long before I felt her back start to arch, and her cunt start to moisten further. As she cried out, her breathing quickened, her body stiffened, and her cunt was flooded with more juices.

But I didn’t stop. She tasted divine and I wasn’t about to hand over to Vicki just yet; I had a lot more of her juices to lap up, and so I carried on, not pausing for even a second whilst she orgasmed the first time. I don’t think I gave her a chance to recover; her body never got properly untensed, her breathing never had a chance to slow down, her cries did die down a little, but my relentless licking was keeping her near to orgasm, yet I was being very cruel in keeping her close without finishing her off. I was enjoying myself (and I knew at some point, she’d get her own back). Vicki wasn’t exactly helping by accelerating her fingers working my cunt. There was that draw to follow her rhythm with my tongue, but I had to remain focussed. Laura’s orgasm was totally within my control now, and I wasn’t about to let Vicki draw me into finishing her off early. My cries were muffled in amongst Laura’s cunt lips as I knew Vicki had me on the verge of cumming. I knew it was lost, so I intensified my licking and soon Laura and I were moaning in unison and Laura started to cum really hard mere moments before I did. Vicki said my cunt squeezed her fingers the tightest it ever had, and I realised I’d stopped licking Laura’s cunt whilst in the grips of my own orgasm. I was exhausted, my tongue in particular, so I pulled away from the cunt before me.

Vicki offered the fingers that had been up my cunt to Laura to lick, whilst she gently nudged me away. It was her time to taste a new cunt, so as she got herself into position, with her mouth homing in on Laura’s cunt and her own ass in the air, I positioned myself to put my hand to Vicki’s cunt, and I started rubbing almost before Vicki started licking. Now Vicki’s tongue has a lot of stamina, and Laura had already had 3 orgasms, so they were in for a long session. Vicki had yet to cum though, so my fingers soon got a response from Vicki’s ever moistening cunt. She was so worked up that even three fingers managed to get her orgasming hard enough to make her legs go weak and to briefly stop her licking rhythm. I was on a roll, so I got carried on, being just a tad rougher and a tad quicker. She realised I was trying to do to her what she did to me, but I think she had no resistance, as it was clear her tongue was speeding up as my fingers did. Laura was clearly near as her back was arching and she was crying out. I gritted my teeth and repeatedly slammed my fingers into her cunt, my thumb forcing itself down her clit. She came again, leaving Laura screaming that she needed to carry on licking, but the few seconds it took her to recover were enough for Laura to slide away from cumming. Laura looked at me with a slight but wicked smile, telling me “You’ll pay for that, bitch” whilst pushing Vicki’s head into her own eager cunt.

I offered the hand that had been working Vicki’s cunt to Laura to suck on, whilst starting to work Vicki’s cunt with my other hand. I decided that I’d tortured Laura enough, and that I wasn’t going to distract Vicki again, until just after Laura had cum. Twice, I managed to time Vicki’s orgasm to be about 30 seconds behind Laura. Do I know this girl’s cunt or do I?

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