Kinky and filthy things that have happened to us, all explicitly told

Tag: Role-Play

My New Office Chair

I sat looking at this new arrival into our home office. It was a swivel chair on wheels, with a padded back in very similar fabric to our other office chairs, but with a plastic bucket seat, almost like a school chair, but adult-sized, a little deeper and with no hole in it.

I knew exactly what this was for, and I have to say I was ridiculously excited. This was a chair to wet myself on; the bucket seat would collect my piss and keep me sitting in it. I texted my husband (who ordered it), and he replied that he thought this would make me much more productive in the office. Yeah, right. It would make me much pissier and hornier, but I doubt more productive.

So, I put on a blouse and my work suit and settled down to start work, knowing full well that before the day is out, I would have wet myself in this new chair. I had a big bottle of drink to ensure my bladder was being steadily loaded during the morning, ready for him to return at about lunchtime.

When he did so, we were both already in character. I think he was pleased, not just with the chair, but he could tell from my movements that my bladder was fairly full, but I assumed I was going to be in for some serious desperation before I actually got to piss in the chair.

After a good amount of moving around working (each little movement putting a strain on my bladder), I settled down in my chair to do some computer work. My bladder was already full, but he kept topping up my glass to encourage me to top up my bladder.

At one point, I realised I had paused typing and was grabbing at my crotch. He had seen and asked me if I was OK. I said I was, but I did need a piss, but he insisted I finish this document first as it was urgent.

And so began the game. I finished something, drinking more liquid as I did it, asked to piss, and he said I needed to do something else first. And something else, and something else. I realised I could have just let go and pissed myself at any point, but where is the fun in that?

So, over the next half hour, I carried on drinking, crotch grabbing, squirming, and occasionally typing. At one point, he told me that going on and on about needing to piss was getting tiresome, and that I needed to do the job I was paid for without the interruptions. That little bit of role play really upped the game, and for the first time, I realised where this was going; he was setting this up delightfully.

After the fifth time I told him I desperately needed to piss, I was grabbing my crotch pretty much permanently. He told me to stop grabbing my crotch and carry on typing, and as I moved my hands away, I felt a small high pressure squirt. I clenched my muscles to try to stop it, but another squirt came and then the floodgates opened.

My face must have shown my predicament, as he realised and started asking if I was pissing. Was his nice professional secretary pissing herself in his office? He couldn’t believe how I had turned into this disgusting filthy bitch who couldn’t do her job without pissing herself. His words were turning me on enormously, but my bladder control had gone completely, and my piss was gushing out, seeping into the back of my skirt, and filling the plastic seat with a pool of my ever cooling piss.

There was no point in slowing the flow now, so I just let my piss seep out. He told me enough with the pissing obsession and to get typing again, so I started typing even as piss was still exiting my pisshole.

The ass area of my skirt was totally saturated and immersed in the piss, and I have to admit it felt rather thrilling.

A few minutes later, he asked if I’d finished pissing, if his lovely innocent professional secretary had finished pissing herself like a drunken tart, and I meekly said I had.

He said good and told me to stand up and bend over the desk. After I did so, I heard the camera taking pictures of my piss soaked skirt pulling tight over my ass.

Then he unzipped the two zips and lifted up the flap in my skirt to reveal my wet ass, moaning about his fingers being covered in piss. Then I felt his leather belt, doubled over to form a loop, impact across both my ass cheeks. It was clearly a hard strike, intensified by the wetness of my ass.

Another strike, then another, and the hard strikes were raining down at pace. After about a dozen, he stopped and zipped up my skirt, saying hopefully that would help me to think less about pissing and more about work. No chance, especially as the back of my skirt was still dripping and pulling taught over my burning ass, and that was before I sat back in the pool of piss and felt it flow back around my cheeks. It was soothing on my freshly tanned ass (and this is something I am not used to, as my ass usually has no soothing measures until well after the spanking session is completed).

As he told me what to do next, he put another glass of water in front of me as well. I sipped the water and tried to work, aware of the wetness around my ass, until about 20 minutes later, when he repeated the dozen spanks on my wet bare ass with his doubled up belt, and he repeated it every 20 minutes for a couple of hours, until I was fidgeting in my seat again. He saw me and told me I’d better not be about to piss again. I smiled sweetly at him, but my body movements must have given me away, as he knew my piss was flowing, topping up the puddle in the chair.

He couldn’t believe I was pissing myself again! He told me I had to learn pissing was not acceptable for a quality secretary, so once I had finished, he stripped my skirt and blouse off me, putting them into the piss on my chair, bent me over the desk, and began spanking me with his folded over belt again. I lost count of the number of strokes, but all the time, he was talking about me having to learn pissing was not acceptable. After he’d done, and my ass really was rather raw and painful, he told me to sit on top of my clothes back in the piss and stay there until my work was done, as he’d had enough of someone so disgusting.

I was there for about 30 minutes with the piss soothing my ass, sitting, and pushing my clothes into pool of piss. As he left the office, he was saying how he’d prefer his secretary to not piss herself every time she comes into the office. And yet I knew that was exactly what he had planned, and I loved it.

My Sexy Secretary Self (Part Two)

I have no idea how much work he did whilst my dripping cunt was on display for him. It felt so exhilarating to have his cum dripping from my cunt in full view, and I didn’t want to move as I didn’t want this to end.

But end it had to, and he eventually told me to get up and take a seat opposite him. As I went to sit down, I thought it was naughtiest to undo the cunt access zip and sit with my legs apart so that he could see. I adjusted my position, and he said that was perfect. The change of position had made my cunt start to ooze again, but I didn’t dare touch myself.

He started talking about the role as his secretary. Behaviour, appearance, and professionalism were all mentioned, as was making good judgement calls and he commended me on my judgement so far. He then went to say that the best secretary he ever worked with understood that she was an extension of him, and she was very good at thinking what would he want or like her to do, rather than what she would want or like to do. He said he would also help her when she didn’t do what he wanted to help her to understand and remember better for the future. I smiled, as I knew exactly what that meant – spankings. He had beautifully set the scenario up, like the film but better.

I said I understood, and he said he thought I did, because what I’d done so far was perfect. He then gave me a load of stuff to get on with and started work himself; after all, he was there to actually work.

I did a few tasks successfully, as he popped out of the office. When he returned, he had me bend over the desk again. This time, he licked down and back up my ass crack, and then focussed his tongue on my asshole, circling it as well as pushing his tongue against my pucker. After a sublime couple of minutes, he stopped licking and I felt a squirt of cold lube hit my asshole. I was going to turn round and look but decided a good secretary would just lie there and take it without turning a hair. He had his cock in his hand and was rubbing his cockhead against my asshole. Then I felt the smooth plastic of a lube syringe depositing a load of lube inside my asshole (the way we always do it), then he put a knee up on the desk and worked his cock head through my pucker and into my asshole. As usual, my ass was able to suck his cock the rest of the way in, and then he quickly started growing as he was rocking backwards and forwards. I sometimes need to ask him to slow down his rocking to slow down his growth, but I really didn’t want to here – I wanted to be a good secretary and just take his cock filling my ass.

When I made a slight gasp at his size, he did slow down a little but nevertheless carried on with his strokes. When he was massive, he whispered in my ear that he wanted us standing up, and we both started gently shifting position to standing. Once we were upright with his cock still in my ass and his rhythm re-established, he put his arms under mine and roughly grabbed a blouse-covered tit with each hand. Whilst he was roughly squeezing on my tits, he put his lower arms against my belly, and used them to hold me in place and to increase the drive into my ass by bracing me against them. I could hear from his breath that he was fighting again cumming, but after a good minute of driving hard, he could no longer resist, and I felt his cock repeatedly pulse and spew cum deep into my ass, and no sooner had the throbbing stopped than he shrank and slipped out of my asshole. He bent me back over the table and I felt him wipe his cock on my asshole (something he has never done before), then he told me to stay exactly as I was (as he said before), this time with a cummy asshole and a cummy cunt on display.

I was finding this so exhilarating, that when I did return to the tasks he gave me, I made a careless mistake. With my mind was too wrapped up in sex, I got the numbers 14 and 18 the wrong way round. It was easy to fix, but he thought I needed to take more care and needed something to remind me.

He had me bend over the desk (again!) and undid the zips to reveal my ass again. He ran his hand over my ass as he explained that I needed to say “18” 14 times and then he would spank a cheek each time. He said I needed to take care not to mess up. Well, I didn’t. He spanked each cheek of my ass with a full force hand seven times, producing a nice sting on each cheek.

Then just in front of my face, he put a black leather strip paddle on the desk, padded on one side and unpadded on the other. He said that the other half of my “aide memoire” was to say “14” 18 times and then he would spank across both cheeks each time with the padded side of the paddle.

At the time, it was the biggest spanking I had taken, and I was a little apprehensive, but I said with my best professional voice “I’m ready. 14” and he quickly accelerated the paddle into my ass, striking what I now know to be his favourite position right on the bottom of my ass cheeks. Ow, that fucking hurt, but I knew better than to move or say anything other than “14”. One by one the paddle rained down blows on my ass, all striking near enough the same position. I got to the end and said I had finished, but he told me I had messed up; I’d called out one too many “14”s, something he would usually repeat the whole “14”s exercise for, but as I was new, he would just administer 3 strokes with the hard side of the paddle, and this time, I was to be silent.

I have no idea how I didn’t cry out as each of the three strokes impacted with my ass. My ass was totally on fire, and I was a little delirious from the pain, but I was very happy.

He left me bent over the desk for a while, the heat radiating from my bright red ass. Usually after a spanking, I had a cuddle, but not in this scenario, he just left me on display. After I’d been there a while, he “sent me home”, as he said I’d done enough for one day. He said I needed to ask my husband when I got home to apply some moisturiser to my ass; something he willingly did, but only after spanking me a little more “because I probably deserved it”.

I love these roles and we return to them again and again. I love the dynamics and the mental aspects, and I love the fiery ass I almost certainly end up with.

My Sexy Secretary Self (Part One)

The success of the innocent outfit and my enjoyment of clothed sex started me thinking about other outfits I could wear for sex. My husband works from home a bit and doesn’t really want to be disturbed when he does (after all, he is being paid to work). That is particularly disappointing when I really want a fuck, so I had an idea that if I dressed up as a sexy secretary, I might persuade him to pause work to fuck me.

I had an outfit idea in my head. I wanted a suit; with a very short skirt (obviously), a see-through blouse and stockings and suspenders. Suits were pricey, so I started scouring charity shops to find something. I looked for ages and found nothing, but eventually I hit the jackpot. There was this suit, and it was really cheap. It was a mid-grey colour. The jacket was about the right size, but my large tits made it gape a bit when I buttoned it up. That was just the look I was going for. It came with two pencil skirts, both to just above the knee, although they both had what looked like bleach damage. One it was on the bottom edge of the skirt, so I would have to shorten it by about a couple of inches, the other was right in the middle of the front skirt panel and would require removal of over half the length of the skirt.

Time to break out the sewing machine to carry out major surgery on the skirts. I could only work when my husband wasn’t there, as I wanted it to be a surprise, so progress was slow. I started taking apart the one with the major damage, reducing it to mid-thigh length, and then I had another idea my husband would love. I decided to put zips into the skirt up from the hem, one on the front (in the middle, right passed where my cunt would be) and two fitted one on either side of the back panel, creating a flap he could flip up to access the whole of my ass. I also needed to strengthen the thread holding the buttons on.

Over a few weeks, I reassembled the short skirt to my new design, and was really pleased with the result. I road tested it round the house, to ensure it would stay on and that the zips would stay closed. Typically, the skirt was ready at a time when he wasn’t working from home a lot, so I had to wait for the big reveal. In the meantime, I carried out similar surgery on the longer skirt (again with the zips). I left it longer as I thought I could actually wear it out to business-like functions whilst still having the zip access to my cunt and ass. I knew my husband would love that juxtaposition.

The final part of the outfit was a see-through blouse. I scoured the internet and eventually found a listing where every single one of the reviews was moaning about how see-through the blouse was and how the blouse gaped. That was exactly what I wanted. I ordered a couple, and they were fabulous. Like the t-shirt, they were shaped to hold my tits up without a bra but doing so made the blouse dangerously gape. It looked amazing, but I took the opportunity to reinforce the stitching, as it would be under a lot of strain.

The big reveal came a few weeks later, when he did the first of three days working from home. I left him for the first hour whilst I loaded myself into the shortest skirt, blouse, stockings and suspenders and jacket.

This girl was going to get herself fucked and probably spanked. You see he loves the film “Secretary”, although he moans that they didn’t go far enough. From the first time I thought of this idea, I wondered if he would go that way. I was fully prepared to be spanked, which was something we hadn’t done much of at that stage. I’d been spanked a few times and enjoyed it, and I secretly hoped for more.

I knocked and entered the office. He was engrossed in some paperwork. I asked him where to put his tea, and he waved towards his desk and said thank you. He obviously saw my outfit out of the corner of his eye, as when I turned round from putting down his tea, he was looking at me with a small smile he was trying to hide.

I smiled at him nervously and said how it was my first day as his secretary and how he really needed to start using me for anything he needed. He told me to take my jacket off (and his eyes popped out as he saw every detail of my tits through the blouse), and I did my best not to grin wildly at his reaction or to look smug – I was going to nervous and demure. When he regained his composure, he gave me a couple of short tasks to do, which I completely efficiently (I did sometimes help him with his work, so that wasn’t really new).

When I asked him what to do next, he told me to step towards him. Whilst he was complementing me on the suitability of my outfit, he unzipped the cunt access zip at the front, parted the fabric and bent down to take a look. He smiled and said he was pleased I wasn’t wearing panties, as in his opinion panties have no place on a secretary. He put his hand to my cunt and ran his fingers up and down my lips. My cunt was wet, and he told me that needed dealing with. He spent a couple of minutes using his fingers on my cunt to make them even more wet and me even more excited, and several times he put his fingers to my and his mouths to suck off my juices. Then, when he was satisfied with how worked up I was, he bent me over the desk and unzipped the rear zips and lifted up the flap. I was so pleased the zips had the desired effect.

He nudged my feet apart with his foot, then I felt the tip of his cock nuzzle against my cunt lips. As he was rubbing his cock head up and down my lips, he was talking about training plans and expectations of the role, then he firmly drove his cock into my wet cunt and started rhythmically withdrawing and driving in again. I was already excited, so it was easy to make me orgasm. I felt him twitch, and he withdrew his cock until only the tip was in me as he came, then he withdrew completely, and he told me to stay exactly as I was until he told me to move. So, there I was, dripping cunt on display for him to enjoy. You know by now how much I love being displayed, but I didn’t really know then. All I knew was that I loved being displayed for him and I loved him looking at me.