It has been a busy few months, what with new opportunities, and life in general. There hasn’t been much time for sex and given a choice between writing about fucking and actual fucking, I am afraid that actual fucking wins every time. I’ve got a cunt and an asshole to fill and a husband with a girthy cock to fill them, so I’m making the most of it. After all, we’ve got records to uphold.

I still haven’t worn any panties in nine months, and we’ve still fucked at least once every day since mid-December. I’m particularly proud of those, especially the last one, which has been really difficult to maintain at times, given how busy we have been. We probably owe our continuing record to something my husband has perfected, the sleepy anal fuck.

It started one morning when he woke up with a rock hard cock. I was face down with my ass uncovered, and he really wanted to lube up my asshole and slip his cock in. He didn’t though, as it seemed a little rapey given we’d never spoken about it, and without waking me, he wouldn’t have my consent. I love him so much for that – a lot of men would have ploughed on regardless.

Anyway, whilst he was cunt fucking me later in the day, he was talking about what he saw and what he wanted to do to my poor asshole. We’d never done anything sleepy sex wise, but I knew someone who loved it, because of its dreaminess and unreal feeling. So, I told him next time he was in that situation, he was to give it a go (unless I pushed him off or showed signs of distress).

A few mornings later, I awoke and was aware of a fabulous dream where I’d been ass fucked for quite a long time. I felt so relaxed and that sort of happy you only get from a dream, and I felt tremendously loved. I put my hand round to my asshole, and sure enough, there was the sticky evidence of lube round my asshole. It wasn’t a dream. He really had fucked my asshole, and he managed to do so without waking me from my dreamy state (which is quite an achievement in itself).

That dreamy ecstatic feeling didn’t leave me all day. I only had fuzzy memories of the fuck, so I was keen to hear from him (when he got in from work) what had actually happened. He said rather than tell me, he’d demonstrate on me, if I would pretend to be asleep. Any excuse for an ass fuck!

Anyway, he stripped me off and loaded me onto the bed in roughly the right position, and I closed my eyes and let him start. It was slightly weird, as we’re pretty chatty during sex, but this was quiet. He slightly moved my position and began lubing up my asshole. I then felt the tip of his cock nudging against my hole, as he started to push in. I couldn’t help but smile as he began a very slow and deliberate fuck. He was on top of me and was trying to hold his weight off me (more than he would if I was awake). As he put his mouth towards my ear, he started whispering things, like how much he loved me, how greedy my asshole was and how much cum he was going to deposit. He was so gentle, careful, and yet firm and deliberate. He’d clearly been planning how best to fuck me and not wake me, and it worked well.

It lasted about forty minutes before my husband exploded and dumped a massive load of cum inside my ass. I actually wondered if I was starting to drift off then, as I had a dreamy sort of happiness. He withdrew and just left my ass is a mess – my way of knowing what he had done whilst I was in my dreamy state.

Sleepy anal is unlike anything else we’ve tried in how it makes me feel. I love the feeling of sleepy anal, the fuzziness of the memories, the trying to work out if it was real or not. I love that he deliberately doesn’t clean up my asshole, so that I had something to feel when I put my hand round – he thought it was important that I knew that I had been ass-fucked.

On several occasions and because of the heat, the early morning sleepy anal fuck was the only sex we had on that day. That kept up the record, as well as exercising my asshole and my imagination. But getting a fuck in early also meant there was much more chance for a second fuck in the day too.

You see, I’m horny a lot at the moment. We have busy lives, so only normally get a couple of hours together of a weeknight. During that time, we fuck and are generally kinky and filthy. Of a weekend, we often fuck twice a day (or sometimes more if we can), but we’ve never found a way to fuck more during the week, without him waking me up. We never thought of this, and yet it is so obvious really. I wake up with a warm fuzzy and loved feeling, and it gets our average up to near twice a day.

But far more important than keeping up the record is my mood. We worked out a long time ago that my mood and mental health deteriorate if I’m not getting fucked regularly, and the longer I go, the lower I get. My husband sometimes jokes that he’s giving me my medicine, but actually, it is very serious. The more I’m fucked, the happier I am; the less I’m fucked, the lower my mood gets. I had a patch of low mood over the summer, despite daily fuckings, but I quickly pulled out of it this time; at times in the past, it has been very bad. I put that down to the daily fucks, and to sleepy anal, which sets my mood better early in the day.

My husband takes his responsibilities of keeping me thoroughly fucked and making me feel loved very seriously, and this year has been my best year since we’ve been together mood-wise. I think that it is in no small part down to our fabulous sex life – it is 261 days into the year, and (thanks to my husband’s diary), we know we’ve fucked 417 times (as well as being kinky at other times). We averaged 10 fucks a week early on, but sleepy anal has allowed us to get our average nearer 13 fucks a week. If we get the average up a little more, we should get to 600 fucks in the year, and that is definitely our target now. I was convinced I’d get bored of sex, that it wouldn’t be special because of the volume, but as yet, that hasn’t happened. The more sex I have, the more I want, and the quality hasn’t deteriorated either; if anything, it is better now than it was a year ago. I realise some people have real issues with this amount of sex, but in our case, our sex drives are now pretty well matched. We want to fuck or be kinky or filthy all the time.