Some of the spankings I have described in the blog are a long way from where I started. I wouldn’t contemplate spanking at all until I got with my now-husband, a result of being terrorised by threats from my parents as a child.

During one of our late-night fantasy chats, my husband spoke about spanking. In his fantasy, he loved it (both giving and receiving). In his fantasy, he didn’t wield his paddle or hand for control, he did so for fun and love, and in his fantasy, so did I.

It was that night I opened up to him about why I hated spanking. He cuddled me as I sobbed in his arms. I had come a long way, but sometimes, my past still spikes the present. He didn’t want to upset me, so he said he’d leave it as a fantasy.

But I wasn’t prepared to leave it. If I left it, I let the ghosts of the past win. So, a few days later, we were cuddling in bed, and I brought spanking up. I had questions, but most of all, I wanted to know why he wanted to try it. He spoke about erotic stories he read online, that talked about a close connection that came out of spanking. Like with most kinks, these stories came with a good dose of control or punishment, but as we don’t do power, he thought our spanking would be another close connection filled with love. On top of this close connection, he liked the idea of a glowing red ass, radiating heat and very pleasing on the eye.

He also found the idea of someone not being tied up, just lying there and taking a hard spanking or paddling very erotic. The fact that they could choose to get up and leave but choose not to was a mega-turn-on.

He grabbed a tablet and showed me his favourite piece of erotic art. It is an animated image called Dish Duty and depicts a woman bent over a sink, with a bright red ass and cunt on display. I can instantly see why he loves the picture. As well as being exquisitely drawn, it is such a multi-faceted picture. It would be very easy to see control or abuse in that picture, but that isn’t what I saw. What I saw was love and contentment – a happy woman carrying on with daily life despite an extremely hard spanking. She seems content, she seems happy. Her panties are around her knees, indicating that she was spanked there, and has carried on with the washing up after. I think he could see some of me in her, including her mid-back length blonde hair, her happiness to display her cunt and I love being fucked bent over the sink with my tits dipping in the water. Yes, that is a very good choice for a favourite piece of erotic art.

After I had finished taking in the breath-taking image, I cuddled up to my husband, and as often did, I ended up kissing him with one of his hands on my ass. I whispered in his ear to slap my ass once. I was expecting a short crisp clip, but it was somewhat more than that. It was quite a high velocity impact with his hand. I kissed him and got out of bed to look at my ass in the mirrors. There was a faint but clear hand print on my ass, with fingers splayed apart. We were both admiring it and my husband photographed it, but I told my husband not to do that again unless I asked.

But I didn’t hate it. I didn’t recoil. The terror didn’t show up. As I went to sleep, my ass was still stinging. I felt happy. I had the first inkling of why people like spanking. I drifted off thinking of the woman in Dish Duty and imagining myself as her.

A few weeks later, we were playing around, and my husband ended lying across my lap with his ass in easy reach of my hand. I didn’t give it much thought; I just raised my hand and gave his ass a good crisp spank. He looked at me and smiled, wiggling his ass as he did. I spanked him a second, a third, a fourth time. I stopped at 24 spanks (according to his sex log). My hand was stinging, yet it was clear he was eager for more.

The following morning after he had gone to work, I ordered our purple satin paddle. I figured that I would be able to do more strokes with a paddle than with my hand. A couple of weeks later, I got him over my lap again, with his ass up, and then I produced the paddle. His eyes nearly popped out of his head. I only used the soft side for his first paddling and got up to about 30 before I called time. I was still nervous about overdoing things, but he clearly loved it. Over the following months, I quickly increased to 60 strokes, with a few of the hard side. It turns out he much prefers a high number of strokes from the soft side than fewer with the hard side. I did my best to oblige.

But amongst all this spanking fun, I couldn’t get Dish Duty out of my head. You see, over time, I realised that I really wanted to be her. I wanted to be someone who was spanked with love, with devotion. I wanted to be the person with the ass so red that it would take days for the stinging to wear off. I wasn’t sure if reality would be like my fantasy, but I was becoming more and more certain I wanted to find out.

So, I bought three picture frames to give to him. In one, I put a print of that picture, and in another identical frame, I wanted to put something about me. I left a third one to put an actual picture of me recreating Dish Duty, with a bright red spanked ass.

I knew my husband liked the phrase “a well-behaved lass has a bright red ass”, although he wasn’t keen on the behaviour and control bits. I started playing around with the words before lass, starting with “a kinky lass”, before realising that to be specifically about me, it should be “my kinky lass”. A good start, but “has” wasn’t appropriate, as at the time, I never had. I mused with “wants” and “needs” before settling on “craves”, a much stronger sentiment more in keeping with how I felt.

He opened Dish Duty first and loved it, he opened my words second, and you could see the excitement in his eyes. He opened the third frame, in which I had put a piece of paper that said “Reserved for my eventual recreation of Dish Duty.” He had a big smile on his face, but I didn’t say anything; I just produced our paddle (around which I had tied a bow), I rearranged him on the chaise and bent over his lap, bearing my near white ass to the world in close proximity to his right hand.

I could hardly believe it. I was craving being spanked, and here I was bearing my poor ass in the hope that I was about to receive my first proper spanking.