Kinky and filthy things that have happened to us, all explicitly told

Finding The Seedy Underbelly (Part Three)

Anna had already cum once, quite massively, pressed against a wall being masturbated by my husband’s fingers, but she was already so close to cumming again, quite a surprise as she really hadn’t had a cock inside her cunt for that long.

But it was my husband’s cock, and he had a thing for her. He had wanted to fuck her ever since he first met her, and two years of anticipation and pent up lust was manifesting itself in the size and rigidity of his cock and the vigorousness and relentlessness of his fuck, and she absolutely loved it, and would happily take every second of his adoration, every inch of his cock, every drop of his cum, every lick of his tongue. Even after such a short time, she knew it was a special fuck and her body gave away just how much she loved it. Even though she was fighting the orgasm, she knew it would be massive and draining, and was totally inevitable. She just knew he’d love making her scream, making her twist and turn, making her shudder, making her cum.

My husband had warmed up fingering Rose to orgasm, licking her cunt clean and then sliding his cock into and out of her cunt, so when he switched to fingering Anna, his cock was already very hard and fingering the cunt of the one he desired did nothing to reduce his hardness. So, when he finally impaled her cunt with her bent over the bottom of the stairs, he very quickly began rubbing all those sensitive places deep inside Anna’s cunt.

She was trying to fight it, trying to stop her orgasm with every fibre of her being, but he was hitting all the perfect spots inside her, relentlessly, precisely in rhythm, so she knew she wouldn’t last much longer if he just kept that rhythm up. She had a quick look round, and Tanya seemed to be on her way to cumming too, but Rose and I were nowhere near. Of course, Anna didn’t know Rose had already cum once, so would have a long build up before the next one, and I had effectively been edged by successive men, with breaks in fucking when I was well on the way to cumming. I was desperate to cum myself, but I was loving the visual feast and breathing in the all round aroma of sex.

Anna’s orgasm caught her unawares as it broke, her cries making everyone look at her, breaking the rather forced and breathless conversation for a moment.

All through her orgasm, as she had little repeated shuddering bends of her waist as the contractions happened, he kept to rhythm and kept slamming in. His rhythm just extended her orgasm, making it both massive and drawn out.

As the orgasm finally came to an end, she went to stop him, her intention was for just a moment’s pause to recover from such a massive cumming, but then she remembered she wasn’t allowed to. No matter how exhausted she was from her two huge extended orgasms, she knew she had to let him ruthlessly keep driving into her, pounding away at her sensitive and well used cunt. She knew, like all the women there, that they had to let the men keep fucking them, and she knew that the men would drag orgasm after orgasm out of them. They would be relentless. They would be unforgiving. And she liked it that way. We all did.

You see, the morning after their first and unplanned fucking, no one really mentioned the sex before they left. It was a little surreal, ignoring the elephant in the room, but everyone seemed happy though and there wasn’t even an ounce of regret on display. It was only when the women got together a few days later that the event was discussed in some detail.

Fundamentally, they all agreeing they wanted a collective fuck again. As I well knew, multiple men cumming inside you, whilst making you cum until you could cum no more, all under the watchful eyes of others, is rather addictive.

But a planned orgy is a very different thing from an unplanned fuck-fest, and the women soon realised that there needed to be rules of engagement for a planned fuck, just so that everyone knew where they stood, but they wanted to keep the number of rules to a minimum.

Anna was rather persuasive in explaining how the unplanned fuck had basically been a Free Use event, and the women all eventually agreed to formalise Free Use for the next one.

In the context of their party, Free Use meant that any of the men could sexually do anything they wanted to any of the women, and the women could not say no: they had to do it, whether they wanted to or not. That’s big, but in the context of their first fuck-fest, that was actually not really a change and had basically happened naturally. The women loved how they were passed around mid-fuck, with the men really taking charge of this and ensuring everyone got their fair share of fucking and cumming, and no one said no to anything, the central tenet of Free Use.

Anna had become rather obsessed with watching Free Use porn (as indeed have I over recent months), and she loved the whole Free Use world, especially those scenarios where the sex isn’t even mentioned, and Anna got tremendously excited and was very happy that they all agreed to not mention the sex at any point. They also decided that, as with the first fuck-fest, the men each had to fuck all the women and not focus on one. Whilst the men giving way to other men was voluntary, as a new twist, if a woman was being worked on by her husband and one of the other men wanted to work on her, the husband had to give way: in effect, the husbands were the lowest men on the pecking order.

And as an additional twist, whilst the men were recovering, they would be ordering the women how to play with each other. The women could choose to play with each other too, but the men’s orders overrode the women’s choice.

The set-up was divine, and I do love the lewdness that seems to come from fucking someone else in front of your partner; it seems to hype up the intensity.

And they wanted to invite me and my husband to join them. They thought we were a perfect couple to add to the mix. I mean, we are!

I don’t think there was any doubt I wanted to accept, but the Free Use thing did force some discussions with me and my husband. I used to have concerns about anything that seems forced or coerced, and it was a big turn off. But recently, with the role play scenarios I’ve been coming up with, I’ve clearly been drifting towards a more forced vibe and I’ve been OK with it. When my head is in the right place, I actually really enjoy feeling and being used sexually, and I have come to enjoy those forced scenarios. And I was going always going to do join the party, because, fundamentally, I’m not going to miss out on a fuck-fest on my doorstep. I wanted to see my husband have the ecstasy of fucking Anna. I knew what she’d be getting. And the others. I wanted to taste some glorious cunts. I wanted to get fucked over and over, being watched and having fucking to watch.

And most of all, I wanted to totally submit to Free Use. I was excited, I was ready. And I got my way.


  1. Mal Ross

    This just get better and better. Absolutely fantastic that you ladies allow the men to do anything to you, great amount of trust between you all which is such a wonderful thing to have.

    There doesn’t appear to have been any anal yet…is that to come?

    Also on a different subject, how’s the laser hair removal doing? Are you and hubby still hair free or has it started growing back? 🤔

    • KinkyMira

      Hi Mal,
      You’ll have to keep reading to find out about the anal.
      You are absolutely right, the trust is amazing. It wouldn’t work if there wasn’t any.
      We are still perfectly hairless. I was perhaps expecting some by now, but to date, nothing. It was expensive, but certainly delivered.