As we got back to the patio, the staff were setting a fire in the fire pit. It would probably go sharply chilly in the evening this early in the year, so a late night fuck in the flickering glow and warmth of a natural fire would be enchanting. People were starting to arrange the furniture around the fire to take advantage of it, but we went inside to find the rest of the guests.

We only got as far as the reception, as there was a man bent over the arm of one of the large couches in reception, with another man driving his cock into the first’s eager ass. Hmm, anal would be dreamy right now, perhaps my cunt would have to wait. I left my husband watching and no doubt fantasising about having a real cock filling his asshole, and I nipped off to our locker (which everyone has downstairs as no one has any pockets!) to get our lube and applicators. I wanted to be next one over the arm.

I got back quickly and was able to watch the joy of a cock driving into an asshole and a dangling but reasonably hard cock waggling in time with the drives. My husband wasn’t the only one fantasising – I really wanted to see his semi-erect cock wobbling as a rock hard real cock drives into his asshole (I’ve seen it enough with a silicone cock, and I internally vowed to redouble my efforts to find a friendly cock to fuck him).

The guy on top clearly came, and after a lingering moment cuddling up, he climbed off and the guy on the bottom got up and bowed (the all-male equivalent of the curtsy I assume) for the crowd who were applauding the show.

I stepped forward and bent over the arm of the couch, which was still warm from the previous occupant. My husband used his foot to move my feet apart to lower my ass and to put my cunt on display for the gathered crowd. I then settled my head down onto the couch seat and got myself comfortable, whilst my husband filled the lube applicators with lube.

He knew what he was doing putting my cunt on display like that. I love being displayed, and the fact that the crowd grew, and they were mostly looking directly into my displayed cunt was such a turn on and made it slick. But my poor cunt wasn’t going to get serviced, my asshole was, and my husband gave me the filled applicators to pass back to him when I needed them. Then he started to pour the lube into my ass crack and start to work it into my asshole. This is a well-rehearsed practice, but instead of being behind me so that he can enjoy the view, he was to my left, leaving the view of my asshole and my quivering cunt for the audience.

He is always very deliberate in his lubing operation, but here, he seemed to be taking an unusually long amount of time. I think he was enjoying my cunt being so obviously displayed to the crowd too. Even the receptionist came over for a view.

When he had inserted sufficient lube in my asshole, he began teasing my asshole with his finger, first the end, then more and more, then two fingers, and then he mounted up above me, kneeling on the arm of the couch. As he lined up the end of his cock with my asshole, he nudged it in a few times, waiting for that all important point when I suck the end of his cock in. He took an applicator off me, and inserted it into my asshole and draining it, then he recommenced nudging with his cock, gently pushing his cock head at my pucker. And then it happened, my eager asshole sucked in his head. He began rocking slowly backwards and forwards, gently nudging further and further in and his cock got harder as it rubbed against the tight ring of my asshole. As is often the case, I had to get him to stop, as he was growing quicker than my ass was getting used to him, so I needed to wait for my ass to get accustomed to his size. He took the opportunity to insert more lube alongside his cock. Once I was ready, he began rocking up and down into my ass, and I realised his legs were now outside of mine and that the crowd had a very clear view of my impaled asshole and my cunt. No wonder the crowd was growing, and it wasn’t the only thing!

I don’t always cum from anal, but I was so excited about being displayed in this way that I did cum this time. My orgasm was so powerful that I shrieked the house down, but my asshole was far from done. I knew he would cum, and how he kept growing made me realise that this wasn’t too far away.

He whispered in my ear what a slut I was, and what a greedy asshole I have, and I breathlessly and huskily retorted that he’s an anal queen too, and his asshole takes bigger invasions than mine. That was the dirty talk that did it. I felt that tell-tale final swelling that stretched my asshole enough to make me moan again before I felt him pulse cum into my asshole. That was a big one for him, as sometimes he can carry on again, but not today, I left him shrink out of my very quickly, and when he popped out, I felt him get off and I stood up and curtsied. I was surprised at the size of the applauding crowd, and their faces showed they had a good time watching us.

As the crowd started drifting away, I slumped back onto the couch to recover, my asshole still feeling empty having been so full, as my husband went off to thoroughly clean his cock. That was some fuck. The receptionist, who had gone back to reception came back over again and sat with me. She said that was one of the best fucks she’d seen in some time (and she’d seen a lot).

It was the receptionist that checked us in (her collar revealed that she was called Eva), and she said she was really pleased to see that we had joined in so quickly. It does help that I love showing my cunt and asshole off, so this place is perfect for me. Often, people are shy when they arrive (as the bravado when they book wears off). We had no such problem.

I told Eva that I still had a cunt in need of servicing, but his cock was recovering and would be some time. Then she made a suggestion, which was music to my ears. She also said she’d be in the bar in just over an hour with her boyfriend (who also works there), and she would be getting fucked herself, if we wanted to watch. Why wouldn’t we?  – she was a gorgeous mid-30s woman with dark bobbed hair, a pretty face, long legs, and a hairless cunt, and I would love to watch her being fucked.

My husband arrived back, and I got up, telling Eva we’d see her fuck later, and I told my husband that he was about to service my cunt without using his tired cock and took him towards the bar.