A rather tousled looking Victoria stood in the doorway to the kitchen. She was quite a sight. Gone was the perfectly presented executive and instead was a recently fucked slut. She was naked from the waist down, with cum evident round her cunt. Her hair was all over the place, and she had a glow about her and a mildly smirky grin; she clearly enjoyed that fuck against the wall from my husband about twenty minutes ago.
I was standing in the kitchen preparing food. She came up behind me and said that my cunt hadn’t had enough action yet, and that she was about to sort that. She unbuttoned and removed my blouse and bra, to reveal my 34Hs to anyone looking in through the window. Then, she pressed a little at my shoulders to bend me over and she slid my skirt up over my ass, gently nudging my feet further apart with her feet. The anticipation was delicious!
She set about working two and three fingers into and out of my cunt, her thumb contacting with my asshole as she worked. She sped up and got more vigorous (and my husband reported she was biting her lip in concentration and determination). It didn’t take me long to get near, and as I felt my cunt start to orgasm, she removed her fingers (with a flourish apparently) and my cunt went from feeling very full to very empty. After a good few seconds of unfilled cumming, she returned her hand and built me up again, repeating the withdrawal flourish. She made me cum like this a total of five times, each time starting my cunt off full and leaving it empty as I came. I did orgasm hard each time, and yet it felt somewhat cruel to not allow me to cum against her fingers.
I looked round to see my husband and Vicki both looking very happy with her efforts, as she slowly rubbed at my clit and asshole after my five orgasms. I told her that she was mean to not let me orgasm full, and she said she’d see to plenty of filled orgasms later, but she didn’t want to totally satisfy me now. Bitch. Absolutely right of course, but still a bitch!
We spent the next couple of hours snacking and chatting about sex and sexuality, learning lots about each other, and looking at and touching each other’s bodies. We didn’t want to overdose on food, as this might impede the sex. We also stopped my husband from having anything to drink, and he knows exactly what that means.
I knew Victoria had been looking forward to one particular kinky activity ever since I spoke to her about it. She seemed to be obsessed with it. Ever since I told her that my husband had become my favourite toilet, and that he would drink my piss directly from my pisshole, she had wanted to try it. Well before she arrived, she had already asked whether I minded her trying it, and I had decided that I would like her to. I love my favourite toilet, and I wanted to see if she did too. This would be the first time anyone else had used my favourite toilet, and both my husband and I knew she wouldn’t be able to go a whole night without trying it out: she would need a piss, and she would want my husband to lie on the floor and drink it.
During those two hours, she took on quite a volume of liquid, and you could see from how she was fidgeting in her seat that she was becoming quite desperate. Eventually I took pity on her and asked her if she wanted to use the toilet, and I offered to demonstrate how it worked. I had enough piss in my bladder for the demo: my husband laid on the floor with a pillow under his head, I knelt with my legs either side of his head and lined up my cunt over his mouth. I talked her through how to line up and how to regulate her flow to enable him to swallow it all – he hates to waste a drop. He attached his mouth over my pisshole, and I began to release my stream of piss. He eagerly sucked at my piss and once I’d finished, he licked me dry, but I got up before he licked me to orgasm. I thought I’d leave his tongue for Vicki. I also talked her through the code for his commands – simple taps on her ass which tells her whether to slow down, speed up or stop.
Victoria then assumed the position, with her cunt lined up over his face. His tongue licked across her cunt and he cleaned his cum off it. She looked down past her 32GG tits into his eyes as he looked back. She said she hoped he was thirsty and before he could answer, she lowered her cunt down until he locked round her pisshole. She was intently looking at his face as she released her stream. Her face was covered in joy and contentment as she emptied her bladder. He was directing with the ass taps, but he seemed to be keeping up with her stream. She pissed for a long time, demonstrating a large capacity bladder. When her bladder was totally empty, my husband started flicking his tongue across her cunt, tasting her juices and bringing her close to orgasm.
As she did so, I noticed his cock, pointing slightly towards Vicki, but mostly vertically and very hard. Breathlessly, and close to orgasm, Vicki suggests I ride it anally. What an exquisite idea. I grabbed the bottle of lube we always keep in the lounge and lubed myself up as best as I could. Then I crouched over his cock and lowered myself onto it. Impaling yourself anally on a cock is never easy to achieve, and it took a couple of goes and lots more lube, but eventually, his rock hard cock slipped into my ass, and expanded a little further, as his cock realised it was in his favourite place.
Just as I achieved the ass impaling, my husband brought Vicki to orgasm. Her cries were quite loud and her orgasm was strong. She climbed off to rotate, and I saw a brief flash of his cum covered face. Her cunt was now lowered onto his mouth the other way round with his nose in her ass crack. She leant forward and met with me doing the same. We kissed very passionately, and Victoria then slipped her three fingers into my cunt again, and vigorously worked on my clit, filling my cunt as she went.
That was the first time in a long time that I had been filled in cunt and ass with flesh. (I’ve done it loads with toys and love it). What with her working my clit and cunt, and my husband’s hard cock in my ass, I was very quick to cum, and this time, she left my cunt stuffed with her fingers for me to orgasm against. She warned me that I had five filled orgasms to have, and she delivered, whilst all the time, having her cunt licked by my husband (and me having his cock in my ass). His tongue finally gave out at about the same time as I had my last orgasm.
It was getting late, so we retired to bed to get some sleep; my husband in the middle of our Super King-sized bed, me on his left as always and Vicki on his right. Vicki and I were both orgasmed out, and were totally exhausted, so we both got to sleep quickly, snuggled up in my husband’s arms.