Kinky and filthy things that have happened to us, all explicitly told

Tag: Strap-On

Centenary Orgy

I was starting to get really excited. I had been planning this for months, especially to celebrate my blogging centenary. I always planned to have a massive sex party to celebrate the half-centenary, but fate intervened and that didn’t happen. So, many months ago, I decided that we had to have a party this time.

But, as we got nearer to the hundredth post, my thoughts began to change a little. I realised that what I really wanted to do was to celebrate the amazing women that have appeared in this blog, women who all love sex, who embrace orgasms, who really go for it sexually (even if they aren’t really sure how things might work out), and who defy the stereotypes or societal norms meant to keep women in their place (sexually or otherwise).

In this blog so far, we’ve named twelve women, some I don’t know, many I do, some from recent times, some longer ago. But all the women mentioned here are amazing, because of their attitudes, because of their love of sex and sexual adventure, and because they are, for the most part, up for giving things a try. This blog is fundamentally about women, and so it does seem fitting that the centenary post is about women too.

For the most-part, the men referred to here are part of the women’s stories, and in making the posts about the women, I somewhat (and a little deliberately) downplay the men. I wanted to maintain this female focus, as so much of what is out there is about and aimed at men; I wanted something to be about us.

That having been said, there is one man whose story is intricately woven into this blog. I never intended to have stories of women my husband fucked, women I’ve never met, but a lot of the stories seemed to fit my female viewpoint of the blog. So, you are reading more of my husband’s story than I ever intended, and therefore, I think it wouldn’t be appropriate to exclude him from the centenary celebration altogether.

Over a few weeks, a plan coalesced into view, a plan centred around and staring the women, but with a small, sustained part for my husband, a part that he would never forget.

This very special party happened a couple of weekends ago. It was an all-girl party (apart from the cameo from my husband), where anything between the women went; masturbation, oral, strap-ons, tits, asses, cunt, whatever. The only request I made of each and every woman was that if they came, they wouldn’t hold back. They’d just take full advantage of the other wonderful women in attendance, all willingly, all in fun, all with love, all for the O. I guess I was thinking orgy, where anyone was game for anything with anyone.

And this is where it was quite an ask, because a number of the women didn’t actually know anyone else there in reality, only from the pages of the blog (although I can tell you now that some people there haven’t even been published in the blog yet).

If I’m honest, I’m amazed some of these wonderful women accepted the invitation, given what was expected of them. They are kinky bitches the lot of them, getting kinkier all the time. All the women were naked below the waist for the entire evening, and then totally naked for the second half. Nakedness in front of women in a social setting was a freedom that some were enjoying for the first time. I loved seeing so many beautiful cunts all on display, totally without shame and not a single attempt to hide anything. It was a beautiful liberating expression of womanhood, and one I will remember for a long time.

And I loved what we got up to, the sheer joy of sharing our sexual voyages with other women, of women (one had never been with another woman) allowing themselves to be taken to sexual crescendo with enthusiasm and without doubt or shame. There was so much bodily contact, including groping and pawing of tits and intimate and intrusive examinations of cunts and assholes. There was an abundance of masturbation, either solo or each other, singly and in groups. There were even a number of strap-ons deployed for use on cunt and asshole, with an astonishing amount of lube consumed in the process. Amazing women doing amazing things in the pursuit of amazing orgasms.

Not one of the women shied away from any of this: every single one joining in with making others cum as well as themselves. It was a delight, a visual feast. We even shared my husband’s cum loads directly from the cunt involved. That was a total joy too.

But of course, this wasn’t all about him. We had a chart to ensure that all the women got a fair share and to sample everyone, but that wasn’t really needed. The action came thick and fast, and the visual feat of all these orgasms from all these cunts kept everyone near the edge all the time. Without needing to resort to the chart, each woman masturbated and masturbated others, their cunts were licked out and they licked out others, their ass cracks were licked down and assholes teased, and returning the favour, and their tits were sucked on, pulled, squeezed and generally worked to maintain arousal.

All in all, it was an amazing night, and one totally suitable to celebrate one hundred posts on this blog. For one of the women there, it was her first lesbian experience, and given the enthusiasm of her tongue, the abandon with which she orgasmed and the eagerness with which she tried things with a woman, it certainly won’t be her last.

For some of the women involved, it was the first such party, and as such, their counts of connecting sexually with other females took a major increase.

What was particularly magnificent was those that had not met anyone else at the party (apart from my husband, but he was hardly in a position to help) came and just got their cunts out and joined in wholeheartedly. I could not have expected more, and yet they delivered. What totally wonderful, determined and up for anything women they are. I suspect it won’t be the last time I get to taste their cunts too; if the party is anything to go by, they seem to have acquired a taste for it. What a dream situation I’m in at the moment. I’m so lucky to have access to the magnificent cunts of so many wonderful women, and I really can’t get enough.

And then, there was my husband’s cameo. A small yet important part in proceedings for the women, and yet a fully immersive experience for him, crossing off one of the few items on his list that he has yet to do. When you read about his cameo in the next blog post, it is important to remember that some of the women in the room had never done anything like this before. Stage fright could have curtailed their involvement, but it didn’t happen, and all the women took a full part with him. And he’ll never forget it. The women probably won’t either, but a centenary party that introduces people to new things, that changes their lives forever and that creates memories that will never fade is a perfect way to celebrate.

Here’s to the next one hundred blog posts (and the next few cunts I get to taste!)

A Real Cock And My Husband’s Asshole

There was much anal penetration over the following few days, with my husband introducing Sara to his hard up against the wall anal fuck on the second evening, and her wanting a repeat on the third. Her husband learned from the demonstrations, and he practised on me, something I was very happy with, although it was a bit of a head fuck to have my husband giving him angle tips and advice on how to make the position the most eye-watering and overwhelming that it can be. The pre-breakfast fuck was always vaginal and never with our own husband, including out on the patio one sunny morning when they knew their neighbours were out and my favourite kitchen tits dunking in a sink full of water fuck.

But there was one asshole in particular I was desperate to get filled with a real cock, and that was my husband’s. I had explained to Sara why I was so desperate for my husband to feel a real cock, and it put the idea in her head for her husband too. Like us, Sara regularly pegs her husband, so he is used to having substantial things in his asshole, but as she well knows, a real cock is so different that they really needed to feel for themselves.

It was the fourth night, and Sara and I decided that was the night for their respective ass deflowerings: the first time each of them would have a real hard cock up their ass. I know my husband is pan, and Sara (for whatever reason) was of the opinion that her husband would be amenable to man-on-man penetration.

However, we decide to get them all excited and hard by acting all dom, dressing the part, and then ordering them to butt fuck each other. By lovely coincidence, we both had underbust corsets, mine in a glorious purple, Sara’s in black studded with black sequins. We both had black stockings and suspenders and Sara produced a couple of military style commanders’ flat caps: perfect to finish off the outfit.

We knew the men were a bit excited by our outfits; the amount their cocks sprung up from flaccid showed us that. We told them what was about to happen to them, and they were drooling so much at our outfits and tits, cunts, and asses that they didn’t object. They lapped it up as we told them we’d warm them up by giving them a visual feast of Sara and me using strap-ons on each other’s asses, and we probably went on slightly too long fucking each other.

Sara put me into the diaper position, with my legs up her front and spread apart so that her tits were visible between my legs. Her feet were on the floor, allowing her to get good drive and her hands were on my hips, ensuring I didn’t travel up the chaise and felt the full force of each thrust. But what was most sexy and emotional was that we could look into each other’s eyes whilst she was fucking me. We totally forgot the men were in the room, as Sara rhythmically drove her strap-on dildo into my asshole, all the while focussing on each other’s eyes and tits. Strapped on to the top of the strap-on was a rabbit that connected with my clit on each thrust (Sara making sure my clit was uncovered before we started). Repeated rubbing of the rabbit on my clit made me cum multiple times, all the while Sara was keeping up the rhythm in my asshole and looking lovingly into my eyes.

When Sara had tired herself out (which took quite some time), it was my turn to fuck her asshole. I can’t sustain the position she did, so I had her face down, holding a bullet vibe against her clit. I held her ass cheeks open whilst I inserted the tip of the strap-on and then pushed in, culminating in me laying down on her back, arms and legs outside hers and head to one side of hers. All the time I was thrusting into her, I was cocooning her and whispering filth that the men couldn’t hear. It is a very intimate position, and Sara did get quite overwhelmed with the emotions of the thrusting, the cocooning, and the filthy talk. As usual with a strap-on, I had rolling orgasms from the dildo rubbing on my exposed clit, and Sara had a number from the vibe and the fucking motions. All-in-all, we were deliriously happy.

But we forgot what we were there for: to warm up the men. They did get a great view of us butt fucking each other though, and as such, they were both fairly hard, but Sara’s husband’s cock was harder than my husband’s, so Sara unilaterally decided that he should fuck my husband’s asshole first. Sara lubed up my husband’s asshole, whilst I lubed up her husband’s cock, and then I brought the tip of his cock to nudge against my husband’s asshole, which Sara was pulling open by pulling on his cheeks with her hands. I grabbed her husband’s balls and massaged them in my hand, as Sara encouraged him to push in with some incredibly filthy words.

And slowly, he did nudge his way in. He had virtually no resistance from my husband’s asshole, which as you know is well used to taking large dildos. But a real cock feels different, and you could tell from my husband’s face just how much he loved it.

As Sara’s husband’s cock got a little deeper, Sara and I both let go and stepped back to get a good vantage point for this man-on-man ass deflowering.

They were really getting into it, as my husband was moaning loudly (although he does with a strap-on too), and her husband was getting faster and faster with big strokes and simultaneously yelling that my husband’s asshole was going to wish it hadn’t got up this morning. That sort of language really gets my husband going, and his asshole took every one of the long pounding drives that Sara’s husband was dishing out.

And as time went on, the penetrating cock got larger and larger, until in a frenzy of thrusts, he suddenly stopped moving and his ass muscles demonstrated he was filling my husband’s ass with cum. My husband was ecstatic, as was I. Finally, we achieved my ambition of getting a real cock to cum in his asshole, and what a glorious fuck it was too.

As Sara’s husband’s cock slipped out of my husband’s asshole, my husband was talking up what he was going to do to her husband’s asshole as soon as he had recovered. While we waited, her husband persuaded us to do another round of warm-up with Sara and I using strap-ons on each other again. I didn’t take much persuading, and I could see my husband’s cock getting harder as Sara’s strap-on was slamming into my asshole.

And soon it was her husband’s turn to be knelt over the chaise, with me lubing up his asshole and Sara lubing up my husband’s cock. My husband loves a good asshole, and he tormented her husband with a very long, very slow fuck, with his cock getting very hard and really testing the internal diameter of his asshole.

But her husband didn’t shy away from the challenge, and in fact, his language only served to intensify the ass fuck. Saying things like how his asshole deserved a dirty little cock filling it only increases my husband’s size and resolve to hang on as long as possible. Particularly effective on my husband’s cock was her husband saying how hard his cock would be and how long he’d fuck my husband’s asshole next time. He said he was too excited this time, but he’d punish my husband’s asshole from the inside next time and for way longer than before. I could see my husband’s cock was rock solid and nowhere near cumming, which meant that his torture of her husband’s asshole was long and unrelenting. But eventually, he could hold on no more, and he pumped a whole load of cum into the other man’s asshole.

Today was the day where both men had their first all-male ass fucks, both giving and receiving, and it was a glory to watch. I think they were both amazed how different a real cock was from a strap-on. The real cock was a tantalising mix of softness and hardness of the cock, smaller but with growing and cum depositing. The strap-on is almost brutal in comparison, what with unforgiving materials and larger sizes. They both admitted they love both and will want both going forward.

Indeed, as I expected, over the next few days, the two men ass fucked on a number of occasions, including once each in my husband’s against the wall hard anal fuck position: he got to see just how amazing that position is on the receiving end for himself. As they got better and curbing their excitement, their cocks got harder and maintained it for longer, giving them a glimpse of the amazing anal fucks us girls get every time. Even after we left, I knew they’d ass fuck again and again. Real cock in your asshole is addictive (I should know), and they’d got the bug. Nothing was going to stop either of them feeling it again.