I have just realised that I teased a post on Cunt Worship ages ago, and I never actually finished and posted it. I even mentioned our Queening Chairs in later posts without mentioning how we got them. So, I will rectify that now.
I had a lot to think about after our holiday in France (about a year ago now and seems like a lifetime ago). I think the essence of what Olivia was getting at is that our cunts are amazing things that should be celebrated, loved, cherished, honoured, and worshipped. From discussions I’ve had and research I’ve done, not many of us women pay much attention to our cunts, other than to be filled with cock, as part of an orgasm or as a way to deal with our partners.
I think men are generally more appreciative of our cunts than women are (on average), and certainly the men I’ve been with have looked, touched, and caressed mine for as long as I would allow, which until recently wasn’t very long at all. At the time, it gave me great pleasure for my cunt to be filled with cock and cum, but I have to admit that I underappreciated my cunt otherwise. My husband always got pleasure from looking at my cunt and playing with it in various ways, but until this, I let him do it because it made him happy, rather than being something I totally wanted, even though when he did play with it, I did enjoy it enormously.
So, whether you believe in the energy flows or whole essence of a woman being channelled through her cunt, or the power a cunt holds over men or indeed a lot of women, or just that a cunt is a thing of wondrous pleasure that should be celebrated, then a bit more Cunt Worship is probably in order, and I ended up looking forward to valuing and appreciating my cunt more.
It is clear from talking to Olivia that Cunt Worship means different things to different people, and we each need to choose our own meaning and make changes accordingly. For me, I think I need to embrace my cunt’s beauty, its pleasure, and its power.
Olivia was enormously impressed with my pantyless way of life, something she had not achieved at the time (although inspired by me and my rules, she did go pantyless permanently last July), particularly the way I never cover my cunt up (apart from for wetting purposes). She loved the fact I always let my cunt have air flow around it, and even wetting is about my cunt and what comes out of it. She said my whole pantyless setup was a perfect example of Cunt Worship, and with my love of displaying my cunt, I was a Cunt Worship natural.
She suggested a number of steps for me to think about for my Cunt Worship journey.
Firstly, she suggested that we should both spend more time looking at and admiring my cunt. My husband did this quite a bit, and he never tired of it. But I never did it, and indeed, I had never seen the beauty of my own cunt. I had never really looked admiringly at my cunt – I had at Victoria’s and my other female partners, but never my own.
Olivia suggested I use an adjustable mirror to allow me to see it in comfort, and she suggested that I should spend at least thirty minutes doing so at least twice a week. She said during these half hours I should not masturbate, but look and admire, explore the folds, and generally see the beauty my cunt exudes.
I found these half hours to be a little like medication, that a calm descended over me and that I began to appreciate the beauty between my legs in a way I had never done before, and in a way, I think my husband long did.
I got my husband to tell me what me thought was beautiful about it. Clearly, it is aesthetic, but he loves the folds, the hole and the shapes and colours. He loves the way it can look completely different at times depending on how it is arranged, but it is clearly still my cunt, and he says he could clearly pick it out of a line-up. (I might test that one day). But the thing that really brings it to life is how it moves, as I breathe, or it slightly vibrates seemingly on its own. This is what makes him feel it is a very special part of my body and worthy of worship.
During these half hours, my actions were very slow, partially to avoid starting me down an orgasm path, but also this is a time for slow and deliberate actions; you don’t get to really admire, appreciate, and learn about something in a hurry.
It actually wasn’t very long before I really started to see the beauty and power of my cunt (in particular it’s pulsing and vibrations at times made me feel that). I suppose I started viewing it like a piece of art, with all its detail, its intricacy, and its movement, and only then did I start really appreciating how it looked.
Secondly, I needed to spend much more time solo on my cunt. I had never really taken the time to embrace what I have between my legs for itself, focussing instead on the act of making myself cum. I have made myself cum with toys quite a lot (although she said I should do more), but for me to embrace Cunt Worship, I needed to fully embrace my cunt, and that meant to play with it, to work it and to please it. So, a lot of playing, slow build up, work it with fingers and toys and yes, eventually orgasms, but after a good time, not as quickly as possible.
Thirdly, my husband needed to do more of all those acts and actions on my cunt that he often does, and I needed to focus on them as acts of worship, rather than stand-alone events, increasing the importance and emotion of them to a new level; things like lifting up my skirt to touch my cunt, playing my cunt when we are watching TV, parting my lips to watch me piss in close up detail, and cleaning or wiping my cunt.
More cunt inspections were in order, again as acts of worship. There is no tongue involved here, just his fingers for detailed and methodical inspections of every part of my cunt.
I finally bought the speculum he wanted. I’ve been scared of speculums since I had two of them snap closed on me during medical procedures. But needs must, as there really is nothing as good for cranking open a cunt and allowing inspection deep within it.
I’ve been told a couple of times when having my coils fitted that I have a long vagina, so I bought a large speculum, and it fits really well. When he has me cranked open and is using a torch to inspect deep within me, I really feel the depth of gaze, like he’s looking into my soul and my heart.
Those three steps are more about me and my attitude to my cunt. The other three steps (which will be in the next blog post) are more of a challenge.