Kinky and filthy things that have happened to us, all explicitly told

Tag: Sexual Worship

Cunt Worship And Queening Chairs (Part Two)

I’ve already written about the three easier steps that Olivia laid out for embracing Cunt Worship. These are more of a challenge.

Fourthly, my husband always wanted to lick my cunt a lot more, but there were two issues. Firstly, I didn’t appreciate the act in its own right, and just wanted him to hurry up and get on to making me cum. Secondly, my aches and pains were always a blocker. So, for us, finding a Queening Chair was the key to much longer and sustained cunt lickings.

After trying both types of Queening Chair in France, they had distinctly different uses, so I was greedy and wanted both. The French engineer built and shipped both to us, and they arrived about a month after we got back. He even modified them a little, to include clips for holding spreader bars for my ankles or wrists and other clips to secure cuffs for my ankles or wrists behind my shoulders. I would have previously been horrified at the thought of my wrists being bound, but I liked this concept and potential here.

Olivia felt we needed to make the Queening Chairs a big focus of our Cunt Worship, by using them regularly. I intended to do that anyway, but channelling that enthusiasm meant a lot of cunt focus. She thought we could easily get up to an hour at a time licking me out, and that she considers an hour to be the minimum time a cunt should be licked for as a worship session. She also suggested I might at times like to use a mask, ear and nose plugs to deprive myself of my senses, to really focus me on my cunt.

The Queening Chairs are so comfortable that I can sit there and have my cunt worked for hours, and both Vicki and my husband now work my cunt for over an hour at a time. Vicki in particular seems to be addicted to my cunt, so will be down there savouring its taste, its smell, and its look for hours.

I find it relaxing to just close my eyes and let whoever get on with it.  The contact and the feeling of closeness is great, and I have got used to orgasming and then having more contact immediately after, a circumstance where I used to want my cunt left alone. I am very sensitive to touch, and feel every little touch, every lick, and every suck. It is very intense, but I’ve just embraced this intensity and now enjoy it.

Victoria and my husband are both so careful and so diligent in the way they work my cunt, paying attention to every part of it. I quite often can’t believe I didn’t want this for so long over the years – all that pleasure I missed out on.

I had several unsuccessful attempts at getting a mask that worked to block out the visuals, so I reluctantly went for a garment that I wasn’t planning to go near – hoods. I found a correctly sized cock-sucker hood, which is a full head neoprene hood with a large hole over the mouth through which you can breathe, or a cock can be inserted; there is no other holes, so that combined with a pair of good earplugs and a pair of good nose plugs means sight, smell and sound are all totally removed. Once I got the hood, it achieved what Olivia talked out, which was a total focussing of all your sensory capacity on touch, and if all that touch is only to your cunt, it produces the most amazing sensory experience, almost overwhelming at times, and makes you feel, for that period, that you are truly totally focussed on your cunt and that everything does indeed go through your cunt.

Fifthly, we needed to learn cunt massage. It is often called Yoni Massage or Vulva Massage and is predominantly an emotional thing rather than a sexual thing. I have been known to cum whilst he’s doing it, but normally I don’t and cumming isn’t really the aim.

There are lots of things to try, but I’ve found the best is for him to start massaging my tits, starting with the outer fleshy parts, moving on to my areolas but leaving my nipples alone for at least a couple of minutes. Once he does get to them, he squeezes, pinches and tugs at them.

Then he heads down my body over my belly, massaging as he goes, occasionally revisiting my nipples along the way, and after a suitable time period, he gets down to my pubic mound, which he again massages and strokes. I normally have my eyes closed by this point to focus on his work.

Then he heads lower and starts massaging my cunt. using techniques like circling (where he circles my clit with larger and smaller circles without touching it much), cupping (where he cups my cunt, making circular motions, then flattening out his hand to increase pressure), pushing and pulling (where he pushes down on my clit, making small repetitive movements or pulls down the side of my clit with his finger), rolling (where he rolls my clit between finger and thumb, eventually like he is trying to snap it off) and tugging (where he tugs on various parts of my cunt, pulling it away from my body – parts include my clit, my lips, my hood and anything else he can find).

Once this is done, he moves to massage the inside of my cunt, inserting fingers and massaging the inside using small circular movements and changing the speed from fast to slow. He tries to massage every part of my cunt that he can reach, ending up with my G-spot using a “come to me” type finger shape. The aim isn’t to make me cum, but I can do and have.

He sometimes combines the G-spot massage with the clitoral massage, and that can make me squirt. There is a big emotional difference between squirting in the full-on heat of a good fuck and squirting in the process of a cunt massage. He can now make me do both and regularly does, but a squirt under massage feels like much more of a gentle controlled almost coaxed release.

Sixthly, and to the most controversial thing Olivia said. Newer cunt worship, mostly powered by porn, has the woman in total control with the man worshipping her cunt. In more old-fashioned style Cunt Worship, in which both of us (or now all three of us) worship the cunt, she said that I needed to understand that my cunt belongs to my husband (and as it turns out to Vicki) as much as to me; the implication is that we all have an equal right to worship it whenever and wherever we like, and that, as the bearer of the cunt, I have to make it available for worship whenever wanted, and I should display it whenever possible.

This feels like a seismic loss of bodily autonomy; a transfer of rights to my cunt away from me and gets even more interesting when you bring Vicki into things. After all, if we all worship both her cunt and mine, this rule would mean I have just as much right to Vicki’s cunt than to my own. Very strange indeed and a bit disturbing, but Olivia said this was critical to proper (in her mind) Cunt Worship.

Vicki and I are certainly not ready for that at the moment, but we do certainly do the other five. I need to talk to Olivia again to find out why she feels six is so important. Neither Vicki nor I are saying never, just not now.

Cunt Worship And Queening Chairs (Part One)

I have just realised that I teased a post on Cunt Worship ages ago, and I never actually finished and posted it. I even mentioned our Queening Chairs in later posts without mentioning how we got them. So, I will rectify that now.

I had a lot to think about after our holiday in France (about a year ago now and seems like a lifetime ago). I think the essence of what Olivia was getting at is that our cunts are amazing things that should be celebrated, loved, cherished, honoured, and worshipped. From discussions I’ve had and research I’ve done, not many of us women pay much attention to our cunts, other than to be filled with cock, as part of an orgasm or as a way to deal with our partners.

I think men are generally more appreciative of our cunts than women are (on average), and certainly the men I’ve been with have looked, touched, and caressed mine for as long as I would allow, which until recently wasn’t very long at all. At the time, it gave me great pleasure for my cunt to be filled with cock and cum, but I have to admit that I underappreciated my cunt otherwise. My husband always got pleasure from looking at my cunt and playing with it in various ways, but until this, I let him do it because it made him happy, rather than being something I totally wanted, even though when he did play with it, I did enjoy it enormously.

So, whether you believe in the energy flows or whole essence of a woman being channelled through her cunt, or the power a cunt holds over men or indeed a lot of women, or just that a cunt is a thing of wondrous pleasure that should be celebrated, then a bit more Cunt Worship is probably in order, and I ended up looking forward to valuing and appreciating my cunt more.

It is clear from talking to Olivia that Cunt Worship means different things to different people, and we each need to choose our own meaning and make changes accordingly. For me, I think I need to embrace my cunt’s beauty, its pleasure, and its power.

Olivia was enormously impressed with my pantyless way of life, something she had not achieved at the time (although inspired by me and my rules, she did go pantyless permanently last July), particularly the way I never cover my cunt up (apart from for wetting purposes). She loved the fact I always let my cunt have air flow around it, and even wetting is about my cunt and what comes out of it. She said my whole pantyless setup was a perfect example of Cunt Worship, and with my love of displaying my cunt, I was a Cunt Worship natural.

She suggested a number of steps for me to think about for my Cunt Worship journey.

Firstly, she suggested that we should both spend more time looking at and admiring my cunt. My husband did this quite a bit, and he never tired of it. But I never did it, and indeed, I had never seen the beauty of my own cunt. I had never really looked admiringly at my cunt – I had at Victoria’s and my other female partners, but never my own.

Olivia suggested I use an adjustable mirror to allow me to see it in comfort, and she suggested that I should spend at least thirty minutes doing so at least twice a week. She said during these half hours I should not masturbate, but look and admire, explore the folds, and generally see the beauty my cunt exudes.

I found these half hours to be a little like medication, that a calm descended over me and that I began to appreciate the beauty between my legs in a way I had never done before, and in a way, I think my husband long did.

I got my husband to tell me what me thought was beautiful about it. Clearly, it is aesthetic, but he loves the folds, the hole and the shapes and colours. He loves the way it can look completely different at times depending on how it is arranged, but it is clearly still my cunt, and he says he could clearly pick it out of a line-up. (I might test that one day). But the thing that really brings it to life is how it moves, as I breathe, or it slightly vibrates seemingly on its own. This is what makes him feel it is a very special part of my body and worthy of worship.

During these half hours, my actions were very slow, partially to avoid starting me down an orgasm path, but also this is a time for slow and deliberate actions; you don’t get to really admire, appreciate, and learn about something in a hurry.

It actually wasn’t very long before I really started to see the beauty and power of my cunt (in particular it’s pulsing and vibrations at times made me feel that). I suppose I started viewing it like a piece of art, with all its detail, its intricacy, and its movement, and only then did I start really appreciating how it looked.

Secondly, I needed to spend much more time solo on my cunt. I had never really taken the time to embrace what I have between my legs for itself, focussing instead on the act of making myself cum. I have made myself cum with toys quite a lot (although she said I should do more), but for me to embrace Cunt Worship, I needed to fully embrace my cunt, and that meant to play with it, to work it and to please it. So, a lot of playing, slow build up, work it with fingers and toys and yes, eventually orgasms, but after a good time, not as quickly as possible.

Thirdly, my husband needed to do more of all those acts and actions on my cunt that he often does, and I needed to focus on them as acts of worship, rather than stand-alone events, increasing the importance and emotion of them to a new level; things like lifting up my skirt to touch my cunt, playing my cunt when we are watching TV, parting my lips to watch me piss in close up detail, and cleaning or wiping my cunt.

More cunt inspections were in order, again as acts of worship. There is no tongue involved here, just his fingers for detailed and methodical inspections of every part of my cunt.

I finally bought the speculum he wanted. I’ve been scared of speculums since I had two of them snap closed on me during medical procedures. But needs must, as there really is nothing as good for cranking open a cunt and allowing inspection deep within it.

I’ve been told a couple of times when having my coils fitted that I have a long vagina, so I bought a large speculum, and it fits really well. When he has me cranked open and is using a torch to inspect deep within me, I really feel the depth of gaze, like he’s looking into my soul and my heart.

Those three steps are more about me and my attitude to my cunt. The other three steps (which will be in the next blog post) are more of a challenge.

An Introduction To Cunt Worship (The Curtsy Chronicles – Part Four)

I’m not going to document every day of our stay in this fabulous place. We fucked a lot, and we talked a lot with other people who were happy to fuck with you watching. One unexpected thing that I really enjoyed about this place was the conversation, the freedom to have discussions about sex, likes, kinks and other sex related topics that you would rarely have the chance to discuss in public in normal daily life. Let’s face it, when people have seen you fuck with the abandon that you do here, a lot of the walls that stop these kinds of discussions are simply blown away.

One such couple we discussed things with were the couple who helped us off the Queening chair. Her name was Olivia and she and her husband were Canadian. They live in a small town where most of the residents had an even smaller mind-set, so coming here gives them a taste of sexual freedoms they only get behind closed doors at home.

We first talked whilst we were waiting for Eva on that first night and continued when they joined us for breakfast the following morning. They were clearly eager to talk about my experience of the Queening chair. I explained how fabulous it was for my body to be fully supported and how that allowed me to fully focus on my cunt and the actions on it, probably for the first time ever; there was no other touch between us, no one else touching me and no aches and pains to distract me. I said that, in those moments, I found myself so focussed on my cunt that I excluded everything else. It was an overwhelming kind of feeling, and one I can’t say I’ve felt before; I found myself feeling that the whole of our relationship flowed through my cunt and into his mouth; our mental and physical energy, our physical form and contact, not to mention my actual cunt juices that were being licked up. The comments about the energy and being overwhelmed brought about nods of heads and knowing smiles.

It is a very hard feeling to describe (and I haven’t really done it justice), but that feeling is one well known to Olivia, and embracing that feeling has led her and her husband to a much stronger relationship and a much more sexual relationship. They explained to us that the feeling led them to embrace Cunt Worship – in its original sense, not in the one used by the porn industry in recent years. The porn version is about domination and female led relationships, but the original type of Cunt Worship is something much more gentle. It stems from an almost hippy like belief in energy flows, specifically that the energy of the woman is directed both in and out through her cunt, and therefore through her cunt comes her whole life force. Because of these energy flows, the cunt is worshipped, an almost religious devotion to pleasing the cunt (as you would any other god), and it isn’t just him that worships her cunt – she does too, pampering and pleasuring her cunt at every opportunity.

Historically, this sort of Cunt Worship has been a part of a number of religious faiths, and indeed, the cunt was historically displayed as something to be revered and cherished, and they had noted my love of displaying my cunt.

Olivia and her husband have totally embraced the Cunt Worship lifestyle, and it was fascinating to hear them describe what they do. Her cunt is the absolute focus of their life, and the time and devotion they put into her cunt is amazing.

They consider a Queening chair to be essential for a Cunt Worship lifestyle. They first discovered a Queening chair here on their first visit five years ago, and they bought one and had it sent home. A local French engineer builds them, and when I expressed a desire to take one home myself, they offered to introduce us. Wow, our very own Queening chair would be fabulous.

Anyway, they use theirs every day for at least an hour, on weekends often for two one hour periods or more. If Olivia feels his devotion to her cunt has not been enough, she uses the Queening chair’s angled facesitting option, if she feels his devotion has been acceptable, she will go for the horizontal licking option that we tried.

Their average day includes a good amount of adoration. She displays her cunt as much as possible at home. She never wears anything below the waist at home, and always sits with her legs spread so he can look adoringly at her cunt; he even looks at her cunt when they are having a conversation. She has a full length mirror that she can locate so that she can look at her own cunt in its full glory, and they take endless photos of her cunt in full flower.

He sometimes sits between her legs so that he can adore her cunt close up, and it is from this position that he does regular cunt inspections, an intimate examination of her cunt, both externally and internally, with his fingers and with instruments. He particularly enjoys using a speculum on her, as that allows him to stare adoringly and photograph deep into her cunt.

He also learned cunt massage, which Olivia finds very satisfying, and he has the task of cleaning her cunt, especially if it is manky through heat or exercise.

They both generally pamper her cunt, through look, touch, and interaction. Her desire to please her cunt has made her use bigger and bigger toys to make her cunt feel full, and she rides suction dildos multiple times every day, and of course, his cock spewing cum into her cunt also pleases it, which normally happens at least twice a day (once before work and once after if it is a workday).

They believe that her cunt demonstrates its pleasure by orgasming and squirting. They expect to make her squirt once every day, and between them, they make her orgasm a minimum of ten times a day, either he makes her cum with his mouth, fingers, or cock, or she makes herself cum with some toys, both penetrative and suction.

That single minded devotion to pleasing her cunt and to making it happy is the drive of their life, and the power and bonding they get from the energy flows through her cunt is something to behold.

I can understand how this seems to be a small step to the domination model, but for them, it isn’t about domination. Their relationship is so much stronger since they have whole-heartedly embraced the Cunt Worship lifestyle, and they are now so much happier.

As you will probably know, I love my ass being fucked and fondled and generally filled. As part of their Cunt Worship, Olivia’s ass is totally ignored. I could never do that. But Olivia is of the belief that most couples and relationships could benefit from some focussed Cunt Worship, even if people don’t totally embrace the lifestyle. Let’s face it: many people already adore and worship a cunt to some degree, and how many of those people are going to turn down the chance to have some focussed cunt time. It really is upping the emotion to apply the traits of sexual worship to cunt actions you already carry out, and my husband and I decided we’d try it out.

I do feel like my cunt is second to my ass (that is entirely my doing, as I love anal so much), so I like the idea of a little Cunt Worship. Olivia suggested we were well on the way, and they gave us some tips to try…….