Kinky and filthy things that have happened to us, all explicitly told

Tag: Public (Page 2 of 2)

Climbing The Greasy Pole (Part One)

Victoria has always worked in a male dominated industry and was good at her job, and yet around nine years ago (when she was about 23), she was passed over for promotion several times. Despite receiving feedback, she was never sure why, and just got more and more frustrated over time.

One night, in her head, she was screaming “Who do I have to fuck to get promoted?” Desperation really, but over the course of the night, she rationalised that it was a good idea. She liked sex, she was pretty used to mediocre sex, and who knows, the boss she chose to fuck might actually be a good lay.

She had already worked out the power of her body, but she had never given thought to actively using that power. In fact, it disgusted her really: the whole thought was totally the opposite of her personal moral code.

But over the following weeks, several things happened that convinced her she needed to put aside her revulsion and start fucking her way to the top. None of her rivals for promotion were playing fair, so she decided it was time to use what she had.

It was strange that once she’d taken the decision, she felt a new calm. Finally, she was doing something about it. But who to fuck? Her current supervisor was a sleaze (and probably the reason she wasn’t promoted), so she definitely wasn’t fucking him. She went up the command chain, ruling each one out until she got to the managing director of the company. He seemed like a decent guy, and he had clearly taken a shine to her on the odd occasion they had come into contact. And there was the added bonus that he had other sites to look after, so he wouldn’t be there every day.

An opportunity emerged a few weeks later when the company was looking for volunteers to man a stand at a trade show. She knew he’d be there for quite a bit, so this was her chance. She was a bit disappointed though, as despite flirting relentlessly with him, he showed no flicker of interest. On the final evening in the bar, she virtually threw herself at him (she described it as she had the dignity of a baby giraffe), and still nothing. She was resigned for her plan not working, and had started thinking about a plan B.

But then, a few days later, out of the blue, she received an email from him saying he wanted to take her out to dinner to thank her for the hard work she put in on the stand. She was all excited but realised the email might not just be an excuse to get together but might actually be being truthful about the reason. She needed to stay calm and see where it went.

She put on her tightest figure-hugging dress and the best bra for it, which happened to create a really good deep cleavage, and paired it with the tiniest sexiest thong panties she owned. She popped a toothbrush in her clutch bag (a sign of intent if ever there was one), and she prepared herself for a night of hot sex, or a night of disappointment.

The first hour or so was business like, without a flicker of interest, and she had resigned herself to it just being a nice gesture. At one point in the conversation, he spoke about the fact that he wasn’t comfortable with not being in charge, which is why he loves running a business. She didn’t realise the significance of that comment until a little later.

The turning point was whilst waiting for their dessert order to arrive. She decided that she needed to powder her nose (in a very English lady kind of way), and after she excused herself, as she got up, he said in a very matter of fact way that he didn’t think she’d need to be wearing panties when she came back. It was such an out of the blue comment that she just found herself nod once as if in confirmation, and she turned to go to the ladies.

Now she was getting excited. If he wanted her without panties, he’d get her without panties. She wasn’t blowing this now. She felt a tingle in her cunt, giving her feelings she didn’t often experience – that of an aching desire to be filled with cock. This was more than about promotion now; this was about her getting a good fuck.

She was both nervous and exhilarated as she rammed her tiny panties into her clutch bag. She kept reminding herself not to jump him, and to act suave and sophisticated. It was the not knowing that made this delicious. As she left the ladies, she was trying to channel high class escort rather than cock hungry slut.

She walked back to the table and sat down opposite him. He said something she couldn’t remember and she just opened her clutch bag and showed him the contents. He lifted them up a little with a couple of fingers, smiled and said how much better that was.

And then the desserts turned up. She had to pretend to give a shit about a slice of cheesecake whilst the small talk returned. Once they had finished, he asked her if she wanted a nightcap back at his hotel. (No, she wanted a fuck, but a nightcap might get her there). It was all business on the journey back, through reception and right into the suite. It was massive and had a private balcony overlooking the city skyline all lit up.

She went out on to the balcony and looked at the view. She got a little lost in the view and didn’t really register him behind her. She felt his hand in the small of her back, bending her over the balcony rail. She looked over and registered him, realising his eyes were filled with lust. She smiled at him and turned back to face the view, as he lifted up her skirt and pushed his hard cock into her cunt in a single slow deliberate movement.

Neither of them said a word as he started sliding his cock in and out, getting more and more frantic as he slammed his cock into her. She knew she wasn’t about to cum, so she used her cunt muscles to squeeze his cock with everything she had. It was clearly too much for him, as soon he got even harder and then she felt him spewing cum deep into her cunt.

When he was done, he pulled out and she started to move, to which he told her she hadn’t been given permission to move yet. She settled back down, cummy cunt on display towards him into the room. She sneaked a look over her shoulder and he wasn’t wearing anything below the waist and was walking round with his cock hanging out without a care in the world.

She waited with the cool air circulating round her cunt until she heard him behind her. He told her that if she wanted him to fuck her again, she needed to pass a little test. She was a little nervous but determined. After all, this was what she had planned – using her body to get ahead.

Two Over The Pool Table

It was five days after my now husband received his first blow jobs from his good university friends Debbie and Val, and he was disappointed that nothing else had happened in those five days, even though both of them had been into his room at some point during those days (as they often were). He tried to drop hints separately with each of them, but he saw no evidence that the hints were getting through. Just goes to show how rubbish he was with hints.

Their actions had lit a fire under his libido, and he was desperate for sex. He was at the point where he had started contemplating fucking other people he knew at university, but he really wanted to fuck each of them and hadn’t given up on the idea.

It was Saturday night, and instead of being out enjoying themselves, they had been working. They had a nightmare assignment due in on the Monday and they were throwing everything at it, and it was after midnight before any of them noticed. They all popped out for quick takeaway burgers (as everywhere for food on campus was closed) and got back to campus at about 2am. They had missed the bar as well and when they went into the Junior Common Room, there was nobody there. The girls were discussing what to do with themselves, as their brains were still buzzing with work, meaning that none of them would be able to sleep.

Whilst they were thinking about music or games, what popped into his mind was a delightful idea. There was this pool table, and the various discolourations of the baize gave away that more was done regularly on this table than just playing pool, and there it was ready to have someone bent over it to be fucked. He imagined them side by side, facing away from him across the table with their skirts up over their waists, their panties round an ankle and their legs spread wide, their asses proudly pointing upwards and their cunts poking out from between their legs at perfect height for his cock. They seemed happy to both be present for his blow jobs, so why not this? The thought was mesmerising.

He snapped out of his daze as he heard his name being called. They asked him what he was thinking about, and he just said that he had worked out something they could do, and he described in detail the position he wanted them to assume.

Val, who was the more daring of the two and who immediately realised what might happen, was straight onto the table, skirt flipped up, telling him to arrange her as he wanted. He went up behind her, pulled her panties down and off one foot, then moved her feet apart and pushed on her back to push her into the table. Perfect.

He looked at Debbie, who was seemingly concerned about them being interrupted. But she came to the table as Val pointed out that orgasms would help them to calm down, and that they had watched several lots fuck over the pool table and none of their reputations was damaged at all by the incident: in fact, the reputations were somewhat enhanced. So, if they were seen, no harm would likely come of it.

Debbie was clearly thinking it through, but soon took her place next to Val, bending over and flipping her skirt up. Val grabbed her hand and squeezed it whilst smiling at her, as if to reassure Debbie she was doing the right thing. He arranged Debbie in the same way, then stepped back a few steps to admire the wonderful view.

The women heard a chair move and realised that he had sat down to take his time taking in these two wonderful women on display.

Debbie asked him what his plans were, but he hadn’t got that far. He wanted to fuck both of them, so sat contemplating whilst he watched and admired their bent over bodies, their cunt flaps gently quivering as they breathed. His cock was hardening without manual intervention, as a particularly mean game popped into his head.

The girls realised that it was mean as he outlined it. One timed minute of him fucking one cunt, before withdrawing and fucking the other for one timed minute, and backwards and forwards until he came. One of them would get to feel his cum flowing into their cunt, the other would not. And even worse, the girls would get nowhere near orgasm, as any momentum built up in their minute would be lost in the next minute.

Both women complained at the selfishness of his plan, but there was a method in his madness. By switching between cunts, he could cover for his comparative lack of experience (at this point, he had only fucked Anya, and he didn’t want to show himself lacking in front of these two gorgeous friends he wanted to fuck).

But with their cunts exposed as they were, making them feel horny, it was only a matter of time before they caved, agreeing to let him play his evil game. They only agreed to do it if he agreed to scoop some of his cum from the winner’s cunt and put it in the loser’s, followed by finger fucking each of them to multiple orgasms.

He agreed and quite quickly, they felt his glans rubbing against their slightly open cunts (open by virtue of their legs being a good way apart). That was it. Any thoughts of doubt had gone as they felt his glans repeatedly applied to the outer folds of their cunts.

As he was doing it, he spun a coin on the baize and asked Val to choose heads or tails. Val called heads, and it was tails, meaning his glans gently pushed its way into Debbie’s folds first. Debbie loved the feeling of a cock nudging its way into her, gently taking its rightful place filling her cunt with throbbing muscle. But all too soon for Debbie, Val called a minute was up and, in an instant, her cunt was empty, and quite wet in the gentle breeze from the air conditioning.

He was a little swifter impaling Val, as he realised that her cunt would be more than ready. In amongst the empty feeling from her cunt, Debbie remembered she needed to time the minute, as he upped the pace with Val just a little. The minute seemed to really drag for Debbie (and particularly her empty cunt), but it raced by for Val, who had the first tinglings of an orgasm, just as Debbie called time and he extracted his cock, transferring it back to Debbie. Frustrating wasn’t the word.

Even the small break caused by him taking his cock out of one cunt and putting it into another was causing him to last a long time too. At one point, Val seriously thought about stopping the game, but she didn’t want to be the one to stop it, and anyway, he’d promised to finger fuck them later, so she stuck with it. She wasn’t the most patient of sorts, and she didn’t really like edging, and this was a massive ball of edge. Debbie however didn’t mind a nice edging session. She loved a nice slow build up: it was what made her legs go weak after an orgasm. She’d take this all day.

Both girls could feel his cock getting harder, both knew he was nearer to cumming, and both had decisions to make. They each wanted him to cum in their cunt, so had to decide whether to try to speed up his orgasm by squeezing his cock whilst he was inside them, or to just let him be and only resort to that if he is literally seconds from blowing. Debbie took the latter course, Val the former (impatience again), and unluckily for Val, her squeezing got him really hard and about to blow just as Debbie called time. Val cried out in frustration as he removed his cock from her cunt and forcefully impaled Debbie, fucking her hard as she clenched at his cock, forcing him to fire his cum into her in under half a minute.

Whilst he was still throbbing in Debbie’s cunt, he started working on Val’s with his fingers. He didn’t want to really piss her off, so very quickly brought her to an initial orgasm. She relaxed a little, as he scooped some cum out of Debbie’s cunt and pushed it into Val’s, before starting another slightly rougher finger fuck to give Val another three orgasms. His fingers then left a contented Val and gave Debbie four orgasms of her own.

Whilst he bent each of them over the pool table separately to fuck several times during the two years they were all there, they never repeated this. He did wonder if Val would back away from him, but she didn’t and she fucked him very frequently. But Debbie seemed to get confidence from this and came out of her shell a little. After all, she was the one who had made him cum, and that made her feel great.

A Bar Full Of Nakedness (50th – Part Two)

As we left the ladies toilets, we were invited to a table with our cum-buddies. More cocktails and some very explicit conversation ensured, and Victoria and I took a very full part.

After another hour or so, the cute female barmaid yelled that the doors were now exit only – nobody new could come in. This was about ten to eleven. According to our table mates, that was normal here. The thing she yelled at eleven was much more interesting: “OK ladies, tits out.” I looked her way, and she was topless and had lovely swinging tits.

This was going to be difficult, not because we didn’t want to get our tits out, but because we had dresses that wouldn’t fold down to the waist. Some of our table mates had got up and taken dresses off and were naked, and I looked at Vicki, who was already half out of her dress, so I followed suit. I had to put my dress and bra in Vicki’s bag with hers, as my bag was way too small to hold even a tiny dress like mine.

I looked around and everyone was topless, and most were naked. I feel really at home naked in public, so enjoyed the nakedness as we had further conversations and more cocktails.

And they had a pool table. I love naked pool and hadn’t played it for years. Have you ever tried to play pool with tits swinging as you try to cue? It adds an extra challenge, and we had a giggle. There were only three fouls because our tits touched some balls!

At twelve, the barmaid yelled “Cunts out ladies if you want to be served” and the last few remnants of clothes were shed. Shortly after she shouted that, I decided I was going to the bar again, via the toilet to deal with my very full bladder. One of the other ladies on the table got up to come with me (as us ladies always go in pairs!) and she needed a piss too.

On the way, she suggested something interesting. As this was a female only night, we could go into the gents and use a urinal if we wanted to. This was very exciting. I had seen pictures of women using urinals before and always fancied a go. It certainly explained why the ladies was so empty earlier.

When we got in there, three women were already using them. The technique for a woman using a urinal differs depending on the urinal design (I researched this years ago!), and the three women in question were each doing what I had previously decided was my favourite position and the one I really wanted to try; that is reversing on to the urinal, knees bent to get the ass close, and bent at the waist with your arms pressing on your knees to support your weight. My bladder was ready to burst, but all those times where my husband made me hold on as long as I could stood me in good stead.

One became available and the woman accompanying me took that one, and I waited for the next. Shortly later, there it was. I turned round, planted my feet firmly, then bent at the waist and my knees. I braced my arms against my knees and then looked back through my legs to make sure I was in the right place, and then I let go and my stream of piss started emerging.

I could hear the sound of it hitting the urinal, seemingly magnified under my body. The feeling of my bladder finally getting relief was fabulous, but it was topped by a sense of freedom and wonder at finally getting to use a urinal.

I noticed the woman next to me have a shake, then just get up and wash her hands. At that moment I realised there was no toilet paper, and nobody was making an effort to use any from the cubicles – just a quick shake. I did the same, and it delighted me that there were a good number of slightly pissy cunts in the bar.

I washed my hands, and we went to the bar on the way back. The barmaid was naked too, and I remembered an old trick my husband told me about getting a barmaid to get something from the bottom row of the lowest fridge to make her bend over. I got a fabulous flash of her cunt though her legs as she bent over, and her tits swung wildly.

Seeing that was the final straw and I needed to cum again, and I was so horny, it would be quick. I whispered it into Vicki’s ear to keep it subtle, and Vicki just asked out loud round the table whether we needed to go back to the toilet as I needed to cum, or were there other options this time of night?

One of the women from our table asked us to hold on a second, and she got up and skipped over to the barmaid. She came back a few seconds later and said Vicki could make me cum bent over the pool table. She must have heard my comment about liking to be bent over a pool table, and how it doesn’t happen often. The last time I orgasmed bent over a pool table was at university; I had wanted to do it again, but opportunity had not appeared, until now.

It was clear I was going to have an audience, as everyone got up from the table. As we got to the pool table, I went to bend over, but someone stopped me and gave me a cue – arranging it so it rested between my tits and stuck out to the left of my ass and to the right of my head.

Then I bent over, and Vicki put her hand between my legs. She was the opposite of in the toilets. She was quite rough, far less gentle, and delicate, but I came very quickly, and she carried on for a couple of minutes and made me cum again.

I collapsed over the table as Vicki stopped, and someone else bent over the other end of the table hugging a cue and having her cunt worked on. One by one, the couples worked on their partners, each partner having two hard orgasms, and when I had recovered enough, I had Vicki bent over the table too. I was as hard and unforgiving as she was as I made her cum twice.

None of us washed our hands, so each one of us had a hand smelling on cunt and juices as we sat and had a few more drinks and more filthy discussion, slowly getting more drunk, heading towards closing time.

At one point, Vicki and I went back to the gents for Vicki to try a urinal, and I couldn’t resist having another go; after all, I had switched to higher volume sparkling drinks to fill my bladder quicker.

I don’t remember how, but we ended up in the right car in the right clothes with the right bags. We were so drunk; I wasn’t sure how much use we’d be for him when we got back home.

Celebrating 50 Blog Posts (50th – Part One)

When I set out writing a sex blog, I was scratching an itch. I had always wanted to write a sex blog and finally my sex life had something interesting worth reading. What I didn’t realise when I started was how my life would develop during the course of writing it.

I also never expected to get to 50 posts. I thought I’d run out of steam or enthusiasm or things to say. I thought nobody would read and nobody would want more. I am amazed that none of those things has happened, and more to the point, people like what I write and look forward to more. That has really spurred me on. Thank you for all those who read, and who have engaged with me here and elsewhere. The support has been truly amazing, from people I know in person, the many of you I know only online and also from people I don’t know at all.

Around the turn of the year, we took the decision to have a big sex party about now to celebrate the 50th post to give me something lavish, opulent, and fabulous to write about, but this year hasn’t worked out like that.

So, I was wondering what to write about in this my 50th blog post, and Victoria suggested I wrote about an evening she and I had last year. It was in that period where the three of us were all fucking, but before we decided she should move in.

My husband and I were staying with Victoria in her place for a few days. My husband was working nearby and on this particular night, he would be working until gone midnight. Vicki and I (over a glass of wine the night before) decided we should go out as a couple for the first time, and one of her friends had previously told her about a safe gay bar we could go to. This night was a female only night, but not to leave out my husband, as well as being our taxi to collect us at the end of the evening, we told him that he was to use us both as he saw fit when we got home, even if we were drunk. We both gave him explicit consent to fuck us that night, even if we got totally paralytic, and we told him that he needed to treat us like the sluts we are.

Victoria and I walked into the bar hand in hand. We acquired a couple of bar stools, and perched on them, each showing rather a lot of thigh. We were (of course) pantyless, so more than likely flashed rather more. We ordered some cocktails from the cute female barmaid and then had a good tonguy kiss while she mixed them. I was wearing my shortest little black dress (which has a plunge at the front to below my bra) and a very cleavagey bra, which showed off right down between my tits. Vicki was in a little black sequined dress, with a four-inch hole in the front showing between and the underside of her tits. Her dress had some structural support in the tit area, so she didn’t need to wear a bra. We had many admiring looks on the way to the bar, but tonight was for each other.

It was lovely to be out and to be behaving like a couple with Victoria. At that point, we rarely demonstrated affection for each other in public, so we had decided tonight to show everyone that we were lovers. Snogging, a brush of our thighs, a handful of tit. We were all over each other and rather enjoying ourselves.

We began talking to another lesbian couple who invited us to join them. We had a couple of armchairs, with each couple sharing an armchair. I sat on the chair and Vicki draped herself over me across the arms of the chair. We spent a lovely hour or so talking to them (and consuming cocktails), whilst simultaneously probing and groping each other’s bodies. It was slightly surreal and very erotic.

All that touching and groping was making us quite horny, and Vicki decided she needed an orgasm. I haven’t had sex in a pub toilet for ages, and never with a woman, but Vicki was insistent and dragged me off. Amazingly there wasn’t a queue, so we bundled into a vacant cubicle in the ladies.

Vicki leant against the cubicle wall and lifted up the front of her skirt. I dropped to my knees and began licking at her cunt. Being on your knees licking cunt in a public toilet is about as slutty as you can get, and I was loving it. I could tell from the taste that she was already excited. It didn’t take much for her hips to start bucking. I held her on the edge of cumming for as long as I could, but in her aroused state, that wasn’t going to be long, and she gave way to a massive orgasm.

After she came, I carried on licking for a while to taste her cunt juices. After she was cleaned up, I stood up, leant in, and kissed her (sharing with her what is left of her cunt juices), whilst putting my hand down to her cunt, which I started to manipulate. Her clit was already pretty hard, so rolling it between my fingers and working fingers in and out of her cunt soon got her hips moving again. I carried on snogging her as I worked her cunt, and this time I was able to hold her on the edge of an orgasm for a bit longer. When she came, her legs gave way a little, but my hand under her cunt was able to stop her dropping.

I brought my hand to her mouth, and she eagerly licked her cunt juices off her hand. She then pushed me back to the other cubicle wall and dropped to her knees to start working on my cunt. She is very talented with her tongue, and I was already hot and heavy, so my first orgasm was very quick. But it was strong, and I was noisy.

After my first orgasm and as Vicki was still licking me out, we heard a number of women in the communal bit of the ladies. Someone was organising people. I think Vicki realised what was going on, as she got up, opened our cubicle door, and ushered me (with skirt pushed up to my waist) out to lean on a sink. There were three other women also leaning on the sinks, all with their skirts up revealing their asses, either pantyless or with panties round their ankles. In front of me was a big mirror, and there was one on the wall behind, so I could see the line of asses all with their legs slightly apart ready to go. We were instructed to bend over a bit and a woman stepped behind each ass (Vicki behind me), and each woman put her hand between the legs in front of her and started working the cunt.

There is something enchanting about a line of women bent over all cumming at the same time. The visual feast only made me more horny and Vicki was particularly cruel in stopping me cumming when I was right on the edge, before she finally allowed me to cum roughly in time with everyone else. When we had all finished cumming, we adjusted our dresses and left the toilets as if nothing had happened. The evening was still young!

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