Kinky and filthy things that have happened to us, all explicitly told

Tag: Pubes

Keeping It Secret From Her Family (Part Two)

Kate was rubbing my now husband’s cock through his trousers, whilst trying to suck his tonsils out and clean his teeth with her tongue. When she thought his cock was hard enough, she broke away from the kiss, leaning back a little to look at him, still rubbing his covered cock whilst he played with her nipples. With her other hand, she stroked down the side of his face. Almost ashamed to say it, she whispered “I’m a virgin”. He leant in, gently kissed her, then leant out and said in a soft and gentle voice that she wouldn’t be for much longer and that her cherry would belong to him. She smiled. That was all she wanted to hear.

She got up out of her chair, gently pushed him backwards onto the bed and started undoing his belt. As she unzipped his fly, his cock sprang out, hard to the touch. She grabbed hold of it with both hands, rubbing them up and down his length (making him get harder with every stroke), before leaning in, making her tits swing away from her body and sway tantalisingly as she moved. She opened her mouth a little, then in one steady motion, she pushed her mouth down over his cock, her lips ending up nudging at his balls.

She had never had a cock in her mouth before, but she had seen girls do it at parties, so she had a decent idea. Running her mouth up and down his cock, with not just her lips surrounding it, but her fingers forming loops around it and working up and down as her mouth was nearly empty. He got very hard very quickly, and she suddenly had a panic that he was about to cum in her mouth. She’d do that soon, but today, she wanted him to cum in her virgin cunt.

She released his cock and clambered onto him, lifting the showy skirt up to reveal her cunt to him for the very first time. He noted her pantyless state and she was glad she had taken the trouble to shave her pubes into a very neat and precise triangle (and to clear her armpits, which she felt was important for the impact of the hair brushing).

She gave him a few seconds to stare longingly at her cunt, before she finished her repositioning, her right hand grabbing at his cock whilst her left steadied herself on the bed. She always wanted her first fuck to be cowgirl, and this was perfect.

She felt him lift the front of her skirt up, and she held onto his shaft and rubbed his glans against her cunt lips, spreading his pre-cum out across the exposed parts of her cunt. She loved that sticky feeling, but almost immediately, his glans nudged into the right place, and she was able to slide her body right down his cock. Oh, it felt so good to finally have a cock inside her, and she was looking forward to feeling him cum.

As he held up her skirt to enjoy the view of her cunt being impaled by his vertically standing cock, her pert unleashed hanging tits were moving rhythmically. She let go of his cock and put a hand on either side of their bodies and started sliding up and down, increasing speed a little as she gained confidence.

He knew he wasn’t going to last long. She had him really worked up, but she was in a position where his cock was rubbing up and down the top of her cunt, a glans rub that he knew was likely to bring her to orgasm imminently. He was just willing her to not change positions, and she didn’t, her body tensing not many seconds later. Here was her first cock induced cumming, and he lifted his hips off the bed to carry on the strokes, as she had stopped moving almost as soon as she started to cum. His little strokes kept the orgasm coming, whilst as soon as her body relaxed, he thrust in deep and she felt his cock spurting cum into her several distinct times.

She looked very happy, as she sat on him, cock slightly softening, but still buried in her cunt. After his cock shrank sufficiently, she climbed off, but he grabbed her hand and pulled her face down towards his cock. She got the idea; his cock, which was coated in their combined juices, was soon back in her mouth, her tongue cleaning their taste off his cock and her mouth and fingers slowly bringing his cock back to life. Over and over, she ran her mouth down and up, her fingers following close by. Towards the end, her mouth and tongue were starting to ache, but it was worth it, as that magnificent cock was getting back to peak hardness. She wondered if he had any cum left. She had to find out.

By rubbing the tip of her tongue down the underside of his shaft, she seemed to be able to milk a tiny pearl of precum out with every stroke. She liked the taste of precum, even more than the taste of their combined juices.

But obviously, he decided enough was enough as he gently slid her mouth off his cock. Then he got off the bed and manoeuvred her round, her ass now being in the centre of the bed and her lying down on her back on it. He climbed onto the bed, repeatedly kissing between her nipples (her glorious tits were still pert and hadn’t disappeared into her body) and her mouth. She found his cock again with her hand and began working it up and down with looped fingers. She didn’t want him to lose any of that hardness.

He helped by folding back the front of her skirt, to reveal her cunt to him once again. Now, the poor innocent girl was about to get one of his hard fucks, and with him having cum already, he knew it would be long and physical. He didn’t think she realised how long he would be able to last. She’d soon find out.

He sat up and rubbed his glans against her sticky, slightly shuddering cunt lips, and pushed past them with ease pushing in as far as he could get. She gasped as she felt his cock in further than it ever had been, and he gently kissed her before starting long strokes in and out, each time pushing in a little harder, until eventually he had built up a good speed and was slamming deep in full flight. Her gasps had morphed into screams as the speed built up, and her face had gone from amazement and pleasure to a gritted teeth determination to hang in there. She didn’t want this over too quickly, yet she knew she was close. His cock felt so hard and so big, and his speed and thrust showed no sign of reducing. But her control of her orgasm was fading, and she knew she was mere moments away. She decided to squeeze on his cock, using her muscles to tighten around his cock. As the dam broke on her orgasm, she involuntarily clamped down hard on his cock, and that was all he could take. She felt the throb of his cock again and again as he squirted cum even deeper in her cunt. So, he did have more, and she started to fear she had already become addicted to it. Losing her cherry, feeling a man cum in her, hadn’t sated her appetite at all – in fact, it made her want cum more.

Forever Smooth (Part Two)

It has been all change for us recently as a family. Since being priced out of renting our current home, we had decided to move halfway across the county for a better and healthier life. My husband has been told he would be mostly working from home permanently (as long as he could go in once a month, all would be good), and it doesn’t matter to Victoria or me where we were based. So, we decided to head north to a less polluted atmosphere and a more leisurely pace of life. But this monumental decision lead to a little more urgency about a number of things, including our hair clearing exploits. We wanted our electrologist to finish the job, so we accelerated the treatments, but we really didn’t help by extending the scope. I do think that last bit was somewhat inevitable.

My husband first had his armpits and balls cleared and followed with his shoulders and ass. He certainly got the bug, because having decided he loved the feeling of hair free balls, he decided to have what our electrologist calls a “Boy Shorts Clearance”, this being a strip all around the body, encompassing the pubes, balls, frenulum, and ass, with his chest and back hair being nicely shaped just above the waist (also dealing with his asymmetrical back hair problem). Finally, he decided he was going to keep his facial hair, but he did have her remove a good number of stubbornly thick hairs from under his chin on his neck; that made the task of shaving a lot easier.

So, he did keep hair on his chest, back, arms and legs, but cleared everything else, and he really loves it. I was just pleased that what he had left looked very sexy. I love running my fingers through his chest hair, but equally, I love getting my tongue into his ass crack, running it along his frenulum and sucking on his balls, now all are hair-free. It is the best of all worlds, and already both Vicki and I are spending more time with our mouths connected to his ass and balls, and that can only be a good thing!

As for Vicki and me, a couple of weeks after the events in part one, my husband managed to get us to just be honest with ourselves, and admit we were both going to be hair-free from the neck down. We were dancing round the decision, but in our hearts, I think we all knew exactly where we were going to end up. Vicki loved the smoothness of my hair free legs and could barely stop stroking them. I loved her pube-free cunt and really didn’t want to stop licking it. Not getting pubes in your teeth really does encourage more mouth to body action. Vicki has grown obsessed with armpits and is now licking them on an almost daily basis.

I think it is the perfect silky smoothness that makes all the difference. Electrolysis is expensive, but for me, it is worth every penny. We were very “touchy” before this but are unbelievably so now. We do full body moisturising sessions as well, making the most of that silky smoothness. As much as I would love to say the effects of being hair-free on the mouth is the best thing about it, I think it is the effect it has on stockings. With nothing to catch on the stockings, I can now use the ultra-fine ones in safety, and that feeling of pulling a fine silky stocking up smoothly is wonderous.

Laura was certainly surprised by our hairlessness (as she knew nothing about it, and it was 22 months since she last saw me naked), but over the time she spent fucking us just before we moved, she really got to love the hair-free experience, so at her request, we introduced her to our electrologist. Laura won’t tell us what she has planned, but I’d put money on another hair-free from the neck down. Time to sell a few more pairs of panties to pay for it, girl!

Being cleared of all pubic hair is somewhat of a massive turnaround for me. For years after being told at school that pubic hair is important and should be left alone, I wouldn’t touch it. I even managed to equate the hairlessness of porn back to pre-pubescence, and therefore turn it into a massive no-no. Over time, I was accepting of it more and more on others, but would not countenance it on me. Even though previous boyfriends had virtually begged, I could not get that linking out of my head, regardless of how many people I spoke to about it and how much porn I saw. It was a block, a massive red line.

Slowly, over the time he’s been with me, my husband has chipped away at my hang-ups, firstly through just trimming my natural pubic mass (which was fairly fine hair, so never covered that much anyway), through shaving (and then quickly onto waxing as shaving irritated), but this last decision was all me. I was finally prepared to kill the connection, and to go permanently hairless, and I have to admit it is one of the best decisions I’ve made. Even how water feels as it runs over your body is so much nicer.

And last weekend, I decided I wanted to share my new hairless body with the world (well, a small part of the world anyway), so all three of us went to our first ever naturist swimming event at a local swimming pool. I have to admit I felt really proud of my new look, and enjoyed people being able to see me in my full glory. Of course, being a naturist event, nobody was thinking sexually, but it was just nice to let my hairlessness all out.

We’ll definitely be back. The people were lovely, and we went had a little outdoor clothed picnic with some of them afterwards. But we’ll be back mostly because I loved the feeling of diving into the pool with unleashed tits, and I loved the feeling of the water flowing over my silky smooth naked body. Vicki could go up onto the higher diving board, and she said that the forces acting on her tits were amazing as she dived in. I really must pluck up the courage to dive off that higher board in the future, but for the moment, I could revel in the forces on my tits as I entered from the side, and how amazing the water felt sliding across my hairless body. As somebody who is sensitive to movement, I feel these things acutely. I’ve swum in the sea topless countless times before, and always enjoyed the feeling on my tits, but diving into a swimming pool is something else.

Being hairless is about us. About removing those annoyances like shaving and waxing. About being able to lick cunt or ass without getting hair in your teeth. About being able to do a cake sit on a whim, rather than having to prepare in advance. Being hair-free below the neck is great; I never knew it would be so good!

Forever Smooth (Part One)

So, what couldn’t I wait to be allowed to do again? Two things really, and not being able to do either had been a real downer for me during the lockdowns.

The first one was sex parties. I missed them. I missed the glory of watching other people have mind-blowing sex, I missed having an audience, I missed the visual feast, I missed the intoxicating sounds and smells, and I missed the exhilaration of performing. We have plans for a few sex parties, and they’ll set the house on fire when we can do them. Hopefully, that will be soon.

The second one was electrolysis. Having planned some treatments last autumn, I was stopped the day before the treatment plan was due to start, and 4 months later, I have only just got started. That has been a very frustrating time, but the delay turned out quite emboldening.

You see, me having electrolysis is not without precedent – about nineteen years ago, I helped a friend out who needed someone to do electrolysis on for her college qualification, by volunteering my armpits to have the hair removed. Now electrolysis is painful, but a few hours of pain has produced nineteen years of virtually hair free armpits, which I consider to be a very good deal. (Also, how painful is it really compared to 30 strokes on the ass with a tawse?) At the time, I got the electrolysis for a bargain price, but I haven’t been able to afford commercial electrolysis to have more done.

Well, one night during the first lockdown, we ended up discussing body hair, and it turns out all three of us have bits we’d like to have done. My husband had been shaving his armpits since well before lockdown started; he found it did wonders for smell and fancied making it permanent. Vicki, having seen and licked my armpits, wanted hers done too. And me? I hate my leg hair, I hate shaving leg hair, and I hate the way the slightest bit catches and interferes with stockings.

My husband of course rather fancied Vicki and I both being hair free below the neck, even though he did enjoy waxing our pubes. Neither Vicki nor I were sure whether we wanted to go that far, although I did like her idea of leaving pubes in a heart shape and clearing the rest.

My husband did point out how much hair was an impediment to cake sits, which is why he waxed us both to within an inch of our lives the day before. Trying to suck icing out of pubes is very annoying, and I hate getting pubes stuck between my teeth, but it would be fantastic to be cake sit ready at all times and therefore able to have an impromptu cake sit.

Now, I like my man to have a little fuzz on his chest, some hair to run my hands through, and his chest hair is so fine and soft, it is lovely to snuggle against.

But there is certain hair on his body that I wanted to deal with. He had a strip over each shoulder that made him look like he’s wearing a tabard, and his back hair wasn’t symmetrical, so I thought it would be good if this was all tidied up with some nice shaping towards the top of his body. Vicki isn’t keen on back hair at all and would like him to lose it completely. I wouldn’t mind that one bit. The other thing I’d like to deal with is his balls and round to his ass. Both Vicki and I would suck his balls and lick his ass a lot more if they were hair free. Obviously, there is a lot there to excite him.

Now I know these sound like easy decisions, but as my armpits showed, these are permanent changes. It is not like you can decide you have made a mistake and just let the hair grow back. Once they’ve been done, there is no changing your mind. No winter fuzz and summer shave, no deciding you want a pubey triangle after years of being hair free. Once you’ve had the electrolysis done, there is no going back, and therefore it is a big decision. We could have waxed our whole bodies as a test for whether we liked it, but none of us fancied the hassle of waxing everything – that is why we were considering electrolysis in the first place.

As we were still earning pretty near full money throughout the lockdown, and we were saving through the combination of Victoria moving in and a lack of commuting, we could afford to splash out a little. So last November, we booked a consultation with an electrologist with a very good reputation. All three of us talked through our desires and concerns and each had committed to a first step – leg clearance for me and armpits for Vicki and my husband, but as I said, we never actually got started.

But it turned out that the wait did us good. It allowed us to think each think it through without any particular pressure. The longer we went on, we were all frustrated and emboldened: I went all “take it all off. I’m not having this again. All of it!” (Actually, when I described it to our electrologist, she thought it was hilarious, but she suggested we start with the legs anyway). Vicki had decided on armpits, pubes, and ass (to be cake sit ready), and my husband decided on armpits, balls, ass, and shoulders. That’s a lot of electrolysis between the three of us, and we did get a bulk discount!

And with the enforced wait, the more each of us was thinking of having removed. Vicki had suggested my husband have his pubes cleared too, which would leave him with isolated patches of hair on his chest and possibly his back, as well as his legs. She found some pictures online of hair done this way, and I have to say, if it was done well, it would be nice. I was still thinking full clearance (apart from the pube heart) for me, particularly to be cake sit ready, and Vicki might yet do her legs, which would amount to a full clearance for her. We’ll each be able to check out the other’s bodies before making a decision to press on, and I can see smoothness only encouraging us more. I suspect my husband might be proved right, as I can see Vicki and I ending up with no hair at all below our hairlines, and that wouldn’t be a bad thing. I told you I’d come over all “take it all off!”

So, we all got sixty minute slots roughly every two weeks to get us started, and we are two sessions in. My legs and thighs have had the thickest hairs removed, and so I’m currently left with just the soft fine hairs. She’s also started on my ass, as I want to be cake sit ready for my birthday next month. My husband’s armpits and balls are mostly cleared, and his shoulders and ass have had the thickest hairs removed. Vicki’s armpits and ass are mostly cleared, and her pubes and bikini line are being cleared from the outside in.

Our electrologist is very meticulous, but also very quick, and if we all want everything cleared, we should need no more than 6 more sessions (followed by the occasional follow-ups over the coming year). So, by late summer, we should have removed all the hair we are going to, and we should be ready for sex parties, cake sits, nudist beach visits, naturist gatherings, swingers clubs or anything else we hope to get up to!