Kinky and filthy things that have happened to us, all explicitly told

Tag: Licking (Page 3 of 3)

My Sexy Secretary Self (Part Two)

I have no idea how much work he did whilst my dripping cunt was on display for him. It felt so exhilarating to have his cum dripping from my cunt in full view, and I didn’t want to move as I didn’t want this to end.

But end it had to, and he eventually told me to get up and take a seat opposite him. As I went to sit down, I thought it was naughtiest to undo the cunt access zip and sit with my legs apart so that he could see. I adjusted my position, and he said that was perfect. The change of position had made my cunt start to ooze again, but I didn’t dare touch myself.

He started talking about the role as his secretary. Behaviour, appearance, and professionalism were all mentioned, as was making good judgement calls and he commended me on my judgement so far. He then went to say that the best secretary he ever worked with understood that she was an extension of him, and she was very good at thinking what would he want or like her to do, rather than what she would want or like to do. He said he would also help her when she didn’t do what he wanted to help her to understand and remember better for the future. I smiled, as I knew exactly what that meant – spankings. He had beautifully set the scenario up, like the film but better.

I said I understood, and he said he thought I did, because what I’d done so far was perfect. He then gave me a load of stuff to get on with and started work himself; after all, he was there to actually work.

I did a few tasks successfully, as he popped out of the office. When he returned, he had me bend over the desk again. This time, he licked down and back up my ass crack, and then focussed his tongue on my asshole, circling it as well as pushing his tongue against my pucker. After a sublime couple of minutes, he stopped licking and I felt a squirt of cold lube hit my asshole. I was going to turn round and look but decided a good secretary would just lie there and take it without turning a hair. He had his cock in his hand and was rubbing his cockhead against my asshole. Then I felt the smooth plastic of a lube syringe depositing a load of lube inside my asshole (the way we always do it), then he put a knee up on the desk and worked his cock head through my pucker and into my asshole. As usual, my ass was able to suck his cock the rest of the way in, and then he quickly started growing as he was rocking backwards and forwards. I sometimes need to ask him to slow down his rocking to slow down his growth, but I really didn’t want to here – I wanted to be a good secretary and just take his cock filling my ass.

When I made a slight gasp at his size, he did slow down a little but nevertheless carried on with his strokes. When he was massive, he whispered in my ear that he wanted us standing up, and we both started gently shifting position to standing. Once we were upright with his cock still in my ass and his rhythm re-established, he put his arms under mine and roughly grabbed a blouse-covered tit with each hand. Whilst he was roughly squeezing on my tits, he put his lower arms against my belly, and used them to hold me in place and to increase the drive into my ass by bracing me against them. I could hear from his breath that he was fighting again cumming, but after a good minute of driving hard, he could no longer resist, and I felt his cock repeatedly pulse and spew cum deep into my ass, and no sooner had the throbbing stopped than he shrank and slipped out of my asshole. He bent me back over the table and I felt him wipe his cock on my asshole (something he has never done before), then he told me to stay exactly as I was (as he said before), this time with a cummy asshole and a cummy cunt on display.

I was finding this so exhilarating, that when I did return to the tasks he gave me, I made a careless mistake. With my mind was too wrapped up in sex, I got the numbers 14 and 18 the wrong way round. It was easy to fix, but he thought I needed to take more care and needed something to remind me.

He had me bend over the desk (again!) and undid the zips to reveal my ass again. He ran his hand over my ass as he explained that I needed to say “18” 14 times and then he would spank a cheek each time. He said I needed to take care not to mess up. Well, I didn’t. He spanked each cheek of my ass with a full force hand seven times, producing a nice sting on each cheek.

Then just in front of my face, he put a black leather strip paddle on the desk, padded on one side and unpadded on the other. He said that the other half of my “aide memoire” was to say “14” 18 times and then he would spank across both cheeks each time with the padded side of the paddle.

At the time, it was the biggest spanking I had taken, and I was a little apprehensive, but I said with my best professional voice “I’m ready. 14” and he quickly accelerated the paddle into my ass, striking what I now know to be his favourite position right on the bottom of my ass cheeks. Ow, that fucking hurt, but I knew better than to move or say anything other than “14”. One by one the paddle rained down blows on my ass, all striking near enough the same position. I got to the end and said I had finished, but he told me I had messed up; I’d called out one too many “14”s, something he would usually repeat the whole “14”s exercise for, but as I was new, he would just administer 3 strokes with the hard side of the paddle, and this time, I was to be silent.

I have no idea how I didn’t cry out as each of the three strokes impacted with my ass. My ass was totally on fire, and I was a little delirious from the pain, but I was very happy.

He left me bent over the desk for a while, the heat radiating from my bright red ass. Usually after a spanking, I had a cuddle, but not in this scenario, he just left me on display. After I’d been there a while, he “sent me home”, as he said I’d done enough for one day. He said I needed to ask my husband when I got home to apply some moisturiser to my ass; something he willingly did, but only after spanking me a little more “because I probably deserved it”.

I love these roles and we return to them again and again. I love the dynamics and the mental aspects, and I love the fiery ass I almost certainly end up with.

Queen For Half An Hour (The Curtsy Chronicles – Part Three)

We entered the bar and headed to the far right wall as suggested by Eva, and there they were – four queening chairs for us to try. My heart leapt with joy when she suggested them, and here they actually are, available for us to use.

I’ve loved the idea of queening chairs for some years. When I got together with my now husband, he was very disappointed that I didn’t really like my cunt being licked. It wasn’t about the actual licking though (I did rather enjoy that), it was much more about bodily and muscular comfort, and the fact that it always ended up being frustratingly cut short by aches and pains. We have tried various positions to improve how long he can lick me for, but the cutting short nearly always happens. Trying to find a solution to supporting us both during cunnilingus lead me to discover queening chairs.

We would have bought one years ago, but it was very clear that they needed to be fitted to our bodies and tested, especially as our issue is related to bodily support and pain, this fitting and testing seemed essential. There were two designs here for us to try, one where the ladies seat was at regular chair height, and one much nearer the ground. A cute brunette barmaid came over to explain them to us.

Starting with the one at regular chair height, I would sit on the chair, with my back and head supported at a reclined angle of my choice. There is a semi-circular notch cut out of the front of the seat, where his head pokes through, putting his face in close proximity to my cunt. Behind his head is a support, and his back is supported in a reclined state with his legs pocking out of the back of the chair at ground level. With the amazing amount of adjustment in the chair, we could get the position perfect for him licking away at my cunt, and with us both being fully supported, hopefully the licking can last a lot longer than at we can without the chair. The whole chair can rotate vertically though, so that my cunt can end up being pushed by gravity into his face, this being a more forceful face-sitting position. There are also straps to tie down his wrists “because we don’t want him focussing on wanking his cock, we want him totally focussed on licking your cunt”. If I were to sit the other way hugging the back rest, he would have access to my asshole instead.

The lower height queening chair has a large groove from front to back of the seat instead of the notch in the seat. This groove means that regardless of whether I was to recline or sit the other way and hug the back of the chair, he has access to both my asshole and my cunt. His head is nearly on the ground, and his body is therefore almost flat, again with wrist restraints as before. The barmaid suggested for that one, I should part my ass cheeks before sitting down, as it would much improve his access.

There were two examples of each chair, and I knew over the coming days, I would try both, but on this day, I decided to go for the first option, the higher chair and not using gravity to force my cunt down on him. The barmaid helped my husband to get in, then adjusted his seat to get his head in the right position, then I got on and she adjusted mine, before as a final point, moving my body towards my husband a notch, bringing my cunt right up to his face, and pinning his head against the back support.

She gave me a digital timer, and she suggested the usual protocol is to time how long he’s licking me for, and for him to grunt when he wants to stop but for me to then tell him when he can actually stop – usually after the next orgasm. She then bent down behind me and restrained his wrists, as I clicked go on the timer and my husband’s tongue started work.

It was totally dreamy. We were both fully relaxed and totally supported in a position that allowed him to lick my cunt without either of us having to put strain on our muscles. I noticed a few people come to sit at the tables close by to watch us, but my attention rarely strayed from my cunt, and soon I felt an orgasm start to build. I didn’t want this to end too soon, so I resisted the orgasm for as long as I could, but at 6:34 on the timer, he licked me over the edge, and I came with a massive shuddering orgasm. When I finally stopped vibrating, I felt his tongue flicking round my cunt, scooping up my juices and swallowing them, and then he started licking me again.

Normally after a licking orgasm, my cunt gets sensitive and he has to stop licking and move on to something else, but not today. This was a challenge to override my sensitivity and to hold my cunt in position for much more licking and another orgasm or two. I found myself focussing on my cunt and how that was the only physical connection between us at that moment, and I found myself feeling like at this time, the whole energy of our relationship flowed through my cunt and into his mouth. These feelings were overwhelming, but addictively good.

My second orgasm was at 11:04. I didn’t fight that one, I just let it come. I was so in the zone, in the moment, that I let my body do what it wanted. There is a really interesting juxtaposition in him being restrained both by my body and wrist restraints, and yet he was the one in total control of my body, through my cunt. I orgasmed again at 20:21 and was starting to build to orgasm number 4 when, at 26:56, he moaned (his signal that he was nearing the end). I told him that he was doing a wonderful job, and that I was so near another orgasm that I needed him to carry on. He hadn’t broken rhythm and carried on with renewed speed. I decided I was going to resist the orgasm until he got to 30 minutes, and he got me so near. I had to hold on to it for my life, but as soon as the clock flicked over 30:00 and then 30:01, I let go and let the orgasm flood over me.

After I had finished twitching, he again scooped up my juices with his tongue and swallowed, then he stopped and waited for me to move. I opened my eyes to see the audience applauding (I had totally forgotten that they existed) and one of the couples came over to help to get us out of the queening chair. I remembered I had to curtsy and was appreciative of the applause. My poor husband’s tongue had already started to ache, but I was proud of him for getting to 30 minutes and I was totally satisfied and exhausted, so I suggested we get some sleep after watching Eva fuck. What a fabulous place, and what a fabulous day, and we had ten more here before we had to leave.

Cake And Cunnilingus Day – April 14th

Ever since I first heard about this day a couple of months ago, I’ve been really looking forward to it. After all, I love cake and I love having my cunt licked. To combine the two sounds divine, all on the same decadent day.

Cake and Cunnilingus Day is a response to the male-centric Steak and a BJ Day (March 14th). My husband and I have observed that in recent years (even though I don’t like steak and I can think of much better things to do with his cock than a blow job, but Steak and a BJ Day is not about me, it is about my husband and his pleasure).

Steak and a BJ Day is in itself a response to Valentine’s Day (February 14th), and all the corporate bullshit and sales opportunities that surround it. We’ve never observed Valentine’s Day, but I decided it would be nice to observe Steak and a BJ Day, as he’s a wonderful man who deserves all the pleasures I can throw at him.

He did express a desire for an equivalent for me, and we were both pleasantly surprised by the existence of Cake and Cunnilingus Day. I know his tongue is up for the challenge, as in our version of Cake and Cunnilingus Day. there is lots of cake, and lots of cunt licking.

On the day before, I made three cakes, a Country Farmhouse cake with sultanas and crunchy sugar on the top, a gooey Chocolate cake with chocolate ganache on the top and cherry jam in the middle, and a traditional Victoria Sponge. That’s a lot of cake to get through (and I decided to be kind and let my husband have some too!)

In our version of Cake and Cunnilingus Day, each time I eat cake, he needs to eat out my cunt. He’s not allowed to stop before I finish my cake, but he can go on afterwards if he wants. I’m not allowed to stop him licking me out once he starts, so he can make me cum if he wants, and he can continue to lick my cunt regardless of how sensitive it becomes (which is sometimes does with a lot of licking). (Remember, this is about me and my pleasure, in the same way that Steak and a BJ Day is about him).

I didn’t get far beyond midnight when I asked him to bring the chocolate cake. He placed a slice on a plate in front of me, then parted my legs and buried his face in between them. As I picked up the cake, he started licking, and had a nice rhythmic stroke up and down my lips with his tongue, occasionally burrowing deeper. I felt my cunt start to tingle in a way that meant I was about to cum, so I slowed down the cake eating. Now realising that I was about to cum, his tongue flick speeded up, and as I came, he buried his tongue deep into my cunt and sucked away at my juices. He saw I had finished off the cake, so he left my cunt and moved up to kiss me. He knows I love the taste of my cunt on his face, so I licked all my juices off his face, before kissing him passionately.

I drifted off to sleep thinking about how much he’d lick my cunt, how many orgasms I’d have, how much cake I’d have, and what a fabulous day this would end up being.

I awoke to him gently licking at my cunt. It is a lovely way to wake up. I looked down at him and smiled as he meticulously explored my lips with his tongue. I looked left to my bedside table, and there was a slice of the farmhouse cake, which I picked up and took a bite. I was in no mood to cut short the licking, as it felt really good. It was about 15 minutes before I finished the cake and he finished licking me. He then lay next to me and I snuggled in his armpit. I was feeling quite soppy and very loved.

My next cunnilingus was about an hour later. I needed a piss, so I had him lying on the floor, I crouched over him with his tongue flicking over my pisshole, and I drained my bladder into his mouth (as we often do, he swallows of course), then he carried on flicking his tongue over my lips and clit, whilst I had a slice of the Victoria sponge. In this position, it feels like he can get his tongue deep inside my cunt, and soon, I began to realise he was going to make me to cum again. I finished the cake just before he did and he got me to the edge of cumming, then held me there, only flicking his tongue across my cunt occasionally, having it buried deep but stationary the rest of the time. He held me on the verge for about 10 minutes before finally allowing me to cum. At least I didn’t have to beg this time!

A further hour on, and I was again squatting over him, this time the other way round, so his eyes were by my ass rather than my cunt, and he was again licking me out. I almost forgot the cake I was so zoned in on the licking, but he reminded me, and I had another slice of the Farmhouse cake.

My next cunt licking was at lunch. We had a light lunch, and for dessert, I slid forward on the chair, so my ass was precariously perched on the edge of the seat. He was under the table on his knees and licking at my cunt, whilst I had some Chocolate cake.

After lunch, he had me dress in a skirt and blouse, and we went for a walk in a secluded spot we know. We usually fuck when we are here, but today, he handed me a piece of Victoria sponge, he leant me backwards against a tree, flicked the front of my skirt up past my waist and he started licking me right there. Being outside and possibly being caught always adds to the arousal, and it was very clear that he was going to make me cum again, due to his unrelenting focus on my clit, with only occasional flicks across the rest of my lips. I take occasional bites of the cake, as I know when he does this, he builds me up for a massive orgasm, and that takes time. As he finally allowed me to cum, he held on to my ass, as he quite rightly guessed that my legs would give way and he’d have to hold me up. I think I yelled to as I came, but I could quickly flick down my skirt as we innocently went back to the car.

His tongue had a couple of hours break after that. It was pretty tired, but I didn’t want to wear it out. Our next cunnilingus was at dinner, like before with him under the table. After another hour, I was on the sofa, and he arrived with my mains-powered wand. He plugged it in, and he told me to get my cunt nice and tasty, and he settled down to watch me make myself cum with my wand. Today was a good day, as I was so aroused, I managed to get a rolling orgasm with it. I know that type of orgasm means my cunt and legs are very messy, and soon after I finished, he handed me more cake, and started licking me out. My poor clit was very sensitive, so his licking had me on the edge between pleasure and pain, but he persisted, and despite us having to slightly shift positions regularly, he licked me out for over an hour.

In no time at all, it was about 10:30, and time for my final cake and cunnilingus of the day. He again gave me the wand, and despite my poor sensitive clit, he told me to make my cunt yummy again. I’ve never managed two rolling orgasm events in one day before, but I did that day, what with his relentless focus on my abused clit, my general level of arousal, and my need for a final piece of that chocolate cake. When my rolling orgasm naturally died down, he took his place between my legs and started with a very gently licking, slowly getting firmer, faster and more probing with his tongue. He was certainly cleaning every drop of my juice from my cunt and was making me generate more to replace it. I reached the point where I’d normally tell him I’d had enough, but not today. I had more cake as he powered through my sensitivity and brought me to one last big orgasm, which he cleaned up with his tongue. Finally, his tongue had enough, and he left contact with my cunt. I sat there with my quivering cunt still on display, as he slumped in a chair and watched me.

We were both exhausted, I’d eaten far too much cake, and his tongue was barely able to function. What a brilliant day. We decided to book next April 14th off work, as we wouldn’t want to waste part of the day not being together. We are definitely doing a full-on cunt and cunnilingus day again next year!

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