Kinky and filthy things that have happened to us, all explicitly told

Tag: Health

Influences and Progress

I was genuinely concerned that I had permanently lost my desire for sex. Whilst I was ill, I had sex primarily because I wanted to feel close to my husband and Victoria and to make them happy. Normally I want sex for my own sake as well, for the penetration, for the genital contact and for the orgasms.

My husband did his bit to help my desire return by wearing his suit much more than usual. He’s a respectable senior manager and he looks fucking gorgeous in a suit. When he comes in from work wearing it, my cunt usually moistens up immediately and I have a desperate need for him to fuck me whilst wearing it. I’m glad we bought a machine washable suit, as it would become expensive to keep having it dry cleaned. Even though I was feeling like shit, I still needed his cock in my cunt whilst wearing the suit, so it got me having more sex than I might otherwise have done. Cunning, and brilliant that he found a way that worked.

As I’ve recovered, I’ve got my desire back with a vengeance; in particular, Vicki has really got me hooked on having my cunt licked, which is interesting as less than a few years ago (before meeting Olivia on holiday), I really didn’t like it being licked that much.

Vicki’s tongue is amazing: so gymnastic, so flexible, so strong, and so long. It always feels like she is digging her way into my soul, rather than merely licking my cunt. My husband has a great tongue and uses it well, but it has nothing on Vicki’s. I guess it is because she knows what works well on her own cunt, and therefore does that to mine. That, together with the agility of her tongue, makes for an utterly mind-blowing and deeply probing cunnilingus session. Vicki has had a lot more lesbian experience than I have; sure, I’ve been with a good number of women before and I’ve had and given some wonderful orgasms, but Vicki is much more about the experience, the whole package, the love making; “The Vicki Fuck Experience” I call it (she said I make her sound like a theme park ride, and what a ride she is!).

Whilst I was feeling down and melancholic, I was thinking about how fragile sexual desire is. Up until that point, I had always wanted sex and had always found sex when I needed it. In morale terms, it was absolutely crushing to not want sex. I forced myself to do some stuff, a lot of anal for my husband to enjoy and a lot of cunnilingus for Victoria to enjoy. At the time of each act, I did enjoy myself, but for some reason there was no connecting that enjoyment to desire.

When I was at my lowest, I thought a lot about all the people that helped me to get here. Obviously, my husband and I (and now Vicki) encourage each other, and he has been positive not judgemental when I’ve made “disgusting” suggestions, and I don’t think I have suggested anything that we haven’t tried.

But there are others who had a big influence on where I’ve ended up.

The first was my sexual education teacher at school. I was only fourteen, and here was this beautiful young woman teaching a load of girls about relationships and sex. She was body positive and sex positive, telling us about female empowerment and how women should enjoy sex too and how to go about making sex what we want or need. My family always treated sex as if it was disgusting, yet here was a positive role model teaching us how to enjoy sex. Here was somebody strong, sassy, sexy and eloquent, and she almost instantly became a role model to me.

I still have the book she gave us in the classes. Amongst the advice was to never trim or shave your pubes as they have an important function to perform. Our teacher did a really good job of selling this to us; we didn’t find out until just after leaving school that she began the day of that particular class with trimmed pubes and ended the day (in an act of rebellion) with her cunt totally waxed. She was my hero and my inspiration.

I still remember the key bits of advice that she gave us. Never say no when you mean yes, masturbate frequently to build up your stamina, and always wear your panties on top of your suspenders to aid a quick fuck. Three important pieces of advice, and I suspect that isn’t quite what the government had in mind.

A few years later, the latter piece of advice became useful, as I realised that tights brought on cystitis, and just what a cock magnet stockings were. The men I encountered loved fucking me with my stockings on, a love of sex whilst clothed that is still going strong today.

Getting my panties off wasn’t a problem; finding them or remembering to look for them was quite a challenge. I lost count of the number of pairs of panties I left in unfortunate places. My favourite was I left a pair drying on a radiator in an Indian restaurant; I didn’t have the nerve to go back and ask for them.

My boyfriend of the time was always taking them off me at parties, mostly to masturbate me, and when I looked for them later, they had gone. Someone had a nice present, but my bank balance was stretched with having to keep buying new ones. It really wouldn’t have surprised me if he was selling them to his mates. He was ultimately an abuser who I saw for what he was and dumped, but he was an important influence in that he took sexual activity out of the bedroom and into the public arena, something my husband has built on.

The next person who influenced me was a girl at college called Di. We were flat mates who quickly descended into lesbian friends with benefits. Neither of us knew what we were doing, but we found our way through trial and error. We ended up most nights snogging, cuddling, and masturbating each other, and she taught me how to really let go when I orgasmed, as before her, I was rather quiet and reserved. I would love to have a session with her now, as I have come on leaps and bounds as a lesbian lover.

My final influence is a guy I knew about a decade after Di, and someone I have mentioned before. He has a condition that makes him between male and female (in that he has a small but functioning cock and decent sized breasts). He presents as male because his wife and soulmate didn’t want to be a lesbian, but he was amazing with me with encouragement and advice, about who I am as a person, about sexuality and getting what sex I want, and not following convention. He taught me a lot about gender identity and presentation, about being bi and pan, about how wanting and craving sex and going to get it is a good thing, and he introduced me to a whole community of interesting people, a community my husband and I are still very much involved in today.

I have been very lucky to have a lot of good influences on my development into my kinky self, and into a person who is able to talk about and support others who have made non-mainstream choices. After all, that is what this blog is really about – being the sexual animal you want to be, not the one society expects you to be.

What A Difference A Couple Of Years Make

What a difference a couple of years make. It is Victoria here, and I thought I would write a post whilst Mira still isn’t up for writing much (although she has edited this post for me). She has been diagnosed as coeliac, has taken the gluten out of her diet completely and is now starting to make progress. Amongst other things, she is actively seeking sex now, which is a big improvement. She wanted a big reverse cowgirl session with her husband last night, and afterwards she wanted me to fuck her with a strap-on whilst we were both wearing butt plugs. I’m glad her kinky side is coming back!

Anyway, to the difference a couple of years make. Back then, I was undersexed, woefully lacking in orgasms and generally feeling sorry for myself. I needed sex, and yet I had a woeful record of choosing partners. It didn’t matter who I found; it always quickly went wrong somehow. That is what was great about Mira and her husband. It was just fucking great sex with no strings and no commitments.

But over time, we got closer. I found myself really looking forward to spending time with them and hated leaving them. It was so nice to be wanted and cared about. What I was really in awe of though was their relationship. Yes, there was an awful lot of sex, but their care and love for each other’s wellbeing was fabulous. They were both always looking out for the other one and working to make the other one happy. I found myself quite jealous and wanting that in a partner. I started out as a third-party fuck, but over a relatively short amount of time, I started to feel included and cared for. Over the months, I think we had all realised we had something special, but none of us were really sure what to do with it.

One thing it took me a while to get my head round was amount of sexual interaction they had. Whether it be passing each other in a corridor, sitting down cuddling, standing at a shop counter or at a kitchen counter, there is always groping or stroking going on – it is part of the reason Mira stopped wearing panties: to give him better access to her cunt and ass. If she’s sitting on the loo about to piss, he might come in and gently tip her head back and full tongue snog her or grab a rough handful of tit or even shove his hand down the toilet between her legs so that she pisses on his hand. Whilst this initially felt somewhat intrusive, I realised how loving it was and how it helped to keep them sexually connected. Their relationship seemed to be built on the other partner taking exactly what they want when they want, and the level of trust they have in each other to be able to do this is amazing.

It is a very special type of relationship, and I am incredibly lucky to be part of it, so, realising that I was totally at ease with it, I am now totally on board with this, and I decided to actively encourage it in their interactions with me.

Then, Mira’s health started deteriorating. You could see the love in his eyes as his kinky slutty bitch just wasn’t herself. She was totally selfless though, insisting on sexual activity for his sake, even though her body and mind wasn’t really up to it. They were doing positions that meant she could be in as little pain as possible, yet still get fucked. As a minimum, they had one face down on the bed anal session every day, and when I was there, she insisted me and her husband fuck loads to make up for her having less sex than usual. She “had to have her husband fully exercised”, and I returned the favour by making sure she orgasmed as much as she could, thus I spent many a happy hour licking her cunt – them buying that queening chair was so timely.

I did find Mira’s illness quite difficult to cope with at times. Apart from hating to see someone you love being in pain or discomfort (unless it is on the end of some spanking, in which case, you revel in it!), I did sometimes feel guilty that there I was pushed against a wall with her husband driving his rock-hard cock into my asshole, and she was relegated to watching. Of course, the reality was that she was in pain and her body was so sensitive to touch, she really wasn’t up for it, and she was perfectly happy to watch us to fuck like rabbits. She even sometimes commanded our sex from the side-lines which was fun, almost like a live webcam session.

Since all this gluten stuff started, I now feel like I’m an integral part of their family. Illness is problematic in itself, and it either pulls people together or drives people apart. Mira’s ill health has definitely brought us all closer together and I love being with them. I’ve spent virtually no time at home (bear in mind that is six hours away), so it was a natural step for me to give up my flat and move in. As I have a national remit at work, it doesn’t really matter where I am based, as I’ll need to spend a few nights a week in hotels. So, I am able to work going forward out of head office (which is a 30 minute commute away from Mira’s), and indeed, my company thought there were advantages to me doing so.

I rent a furnished flat at the moment, so all I have to bring down is my personal stuff, which I’m doing a bit at a time in my car. They have a small flat, so fitting my stuff in is difficult, but we are getting there. My under-bed restraints went straight on the bed, and he tested them out on me the first night with amazing effect. Mira isn’t too keen on being restrained, but I love being tied down and not being able to escape whatever thing is being done to my poor defenceless cunt or ass.

Whenever I’m with them, I’m always pantyless, but now I’m going to be there full time, I’ve given him all my panties to lock up with Mira’s. He has selected two pairs (my favourite pair and the pair Mira loves) for use for cunt stuffing, gags and for tying our hair up Sara Cox style, but we can never wear them as panties. I can totally see why Mira loves it so much – it does make me feel permanently naughty, and I find if so empowering to be in an important business meeting and to know I’m pantyless – I think it gives me an edge!

The final difference a couple of years makes is this, my sex life laid out on a blog. I never thought my sex life would be interesting enough to be blogged about, and yet here I am, having all my intimate details being laid out by my lovers, and I love it and I’m excited about it. So, the next time Mira is writing about how she’s opening my cunt to roll my clit in her fingers, or how she’s loaded a butt plug in my ass for us to go shopping, remember how much I love her sharing all the detail with you, and knowing it might be shared makes it all the more sexy!

They Think I Might Have Coeliac Disease

It would explain a lot: why my health has deteriorated of late, why my health has been bad for 15 years, why I have all these disparate medical conditions seemingly with no common cause.

Over the last couple of months, my health has been getting worse, and I’ve been feeling less and less like having sex or being kinky. Not me at all.

My husband knows if I don’t have regular sex and intimacy, my mental health suffers, so he has fucked me every day (I insisted on it – I’m not letting our record go either), and kept me well supplied with orgasms, squirtings and spankings, but I certainly haven’t been on my full sluttiest form. Pain does that to you. Feeling like shit does that to you.

And I’m having to make myself feel worse for the tests. I’m having to crowbar gluten in at every turn to make sure the endoscopy gives a true result, and I’m struggling – it isn’t easy eating things you know will make you feel worse.

And I hate not wanting to fuck all the time. It really isn’t me. My husband has been an absolute star. He hasn’t pressurised me at all over the months, but when I’ve felt I could do something sexually, he’s jumped on it and made the most of it. We’ve been having anal most mornings first thing. Anal is the least painful position at the moment, and it made our challenge for the year quite easy too – we ended up doing 58% anal and 42% vaginal, smashing our target of more anal than vaginal.

But the most fabulous part of the last few months has been Victoria, who has been an absolute angel. What she signed up for was staying with us for Christmas and New Year (from 21st December to 6th January), a sixteen day fuckfest and our first experience of us living with each other for a longer stretch, rather than just weekends. After all, it is different living with someone for a longer period rather than just staying occasionally.

You see, it turned out that it wasn’t just me that was feeling our relationships deepening and our love growing. Vicki was slowly drifting away from Friends with Benefits and towards Live-in Lover, which is amazing because when we started, all she wanted was sex; she definitely didn’t want the whole relationship and partners thing. The live-in lover part was perhaps in more long-term thoughts, but we both saw a scenario where, at some point in the future, we all lived together, fucking liberally, and acting as love and support for each other.

Which is how we ended up here. Vicki had been down nearly every weekend for two months now, and it was still fabulous. So, it was time for a test, a solid sixteen day stretch of living together, when life would get in the way of sex. This is the only chance we had for a long test, so we had to do it. Of course, we had no idea my health would have a wobble, so it turned out it was a really good test of life getting in the way of sex

Over the sixteen days, Vicki made me feel very loved, with lots of cuddling, licking, sucking, and fingering and she made me orgasm every day, but it was with my husband that she came into her own. You see he fucked her a lot, over and over. Where we normally share him evenly, she mostly had him to herself. He was as relentless with her as he is with me when it is just the two of us. I don’t think she has ever been fucked by a man as frequently as in those couple of weeks.

And it was a joy to watch. Whilst I certainly wasn’t feeling sexy and didn’t want loads of action of my body, it was fantastic to be able to watch them fuck, to hear her scream with pleasure and to see the look on her face as he brought her to orgasm again and again.

You see very regular sex is very important for his performance. In our early days, my husband and I went through a patch of fairly irregular sex and sometimes only a couple of times a month and his cock didn’t stay as hard for as long, and his ability to cum multiple times almost went away. He turned mortal. But once we got back to every day sex, and then progressed to multiple times a day, he got his performance back, he got his longevity back and he got his rock-hard cock back.

I don’t want that slipping away again, so it was important that he got to fuck someone repeatedly in the break, so Vicki being here and craving cock was an absolute godsend.

Vicki got to see what having lots and lots of sex and kink was really like. Some people tire quickly of sex multiple times a day. Some get bored, some end relationships because of too much sex. It was not a trivial concern, especially in the context of my husband and me, who both seem to need more sex the more sex we have, and it has been like this for years.

I am happy (and very very relieved) that Victoria not only coped with the level of sex and kink, but she seemed to revel in it and crave more and more as time went on. Throughout the entire period, she never said no to sex, not even once. Regardless of how long it was since her previous fuck, how sore she was, or how tired she was, she always said yes. A slut after my own heart.

I think she has become addicted to the taste of my cunt, as we spent hours in my queening chair with her licking me out. I find it pleasurable, very relaxing and it makes me feel very loved. She just loves the taste of a nice juicy cunt, and seemingly mine. It reached the point that she had to use sex toys on me to keep my cunt nice and juicy, so she could carry on licking me. I didn’t complain – I loved the attention my cunt was getting from her tongue, so she could do whatever she liked.

I am so excited for the future. I have my coeliac test next week after which I can cut out gluten completely and hopefully can start to feel less shit. Vicki has rearranged some work stuff so she can spend more evenings with us in the run up to the test, which means I get to watch more amazing sex, my husband gets his cock suitably used and I get some TLC from my amazing lover.

I’ve had trouble writing since I’ve been so ill (in fact, my husband helped me a lot to get this post done). Having a cloudy mind is one of the symptoms of coeliac, so I’m hoping removing gluten allows me to focus again. I hope to be back writing blog posts more regularly in February or March. but above all, I want to feel less shit and more like the slutty, kinky, sex obsessed Mira I love being. Here’s to gluten being the answer.