Why on earth does sitting my cute pert ass on a perfect pink creamy sponge cake feel so good? I had absolutely no idea that it would.
Hi, it is Victoria again, and I’ve spent the last fortnight trying to get my head around why such a simple act feels so amazing.
I mean, there is so much going on in this one act. You’ve got the fabulous squelching and oozing (with something that feels perfect for that), you’ve got the destruction, the ass imprint and the ruining of the perfect princess thing all rolled into one perfect act.
Just thinking about the oozing and squelching, of how the cake felt in my ass crack and oozing its way into my cunt, makes me ready to cum by thought and memory alone. I’ve never been that excited by an act I’ve done ever.
I love the opulence and exaggeration of the swirls of fluffy pink icing, and how it feels as I lower my spread ass onto it. I love how the icing round my asshole feels like it flutters as I fart on it. I love the stickiness and how it seems to glue the cake to my cunt and ass, and it is that same stickiness that allowed Mira’s husband to stick large amounts of squashed cake to my tits.
My 32GG tits can also be described as pendulous, and in a similar way to Mira, her husband loaded my tits with cake. He knows me well though, and he knows how I love for my tits to feel they have had a workout. I love them aching from where they’ve been swinging backwards and forwards and if he can make them swing quiet viciously through the motion of my body, then he does.
It is the reason why when I use the exercise bike (which I have been quite a bit in the last few weeks) that I’m topless, as I love the way my tits snap side to side as I peddle. (For the record, Mira, quite sensibly, keeps hers strapped down on the odd occasion she uses it).
So, having loaded my tits up with cake, he presented his cock to my mouth, and had me suck it, and as I moved backwards and forwards, my cake-laden pendulous tits swung backwards and forwards in an amazing way. The extra weight made a lot of difference. As well as dreaming about having my tits heavy with cake, I’m wondering about other ways of adding weight to my tits.
Whilst I was sucking on his cock and my tits were viciously swinging, I orgasmed really quite hard, so later when Mira ate the cake from my cunt, she got to eat cum soaked cake. She did give me a little to taste though and it tasted divine.
The whole thing was a sensory and emotional treat, and certainly wouldn’t be my last time doing any of it. I’m really glad that they chose to leave my cake sit until right at the end of Cake and Cunnilingus Day, as anything after would have been an anti-climax.
I didn’t get a lot of sleep that night. I was trying to work out why it was so good, masturbating at the memories, and wondering what other foods may feel great when sat on.
As I reminisced, I remembered steam puddings, those upturned from a pudding bowl, vanilla ones covered is sticky jam and toffee ones covered in toffee sauce; they’d have to be cold rather than hot, but I bet they’d work well. I remembered the pink tray bake cake from school; I bet that icing which was sticky and held together as a sheet would feel amazing wrapped around my ass. I remembered upturned blancmanges but wondered if they might not have enough resistance. I then remembered trifle, and spent ages trying to work out if I could sit on a trifle. I so wanted to sit on a trifle.
I remembered chocolate éclairs, then mused that the cream would probably spray out of the ends. Then I remembered choux buns covered in chocolate and split around the middle and filled with cream. That was a probably more pleasing cream ooze pattern. And then I remembered profiteroles, a lovely big pile of cream filled chocolate covered profiteroles and I thought how lots of little jets of squirting cream might feel.
I am well and truly hooked. It was only a few days after that first cake sit, and yet I had already done another one. I found an original school canteen recipe online for the pink iced tray bake, so I modified it to be gluten-free and made one of those. I’m not sure what Mira was more impressed by – the fact I wanted to do another cake sit so quickly, that the pink icing stuck to my ass so well, or that the cake tasted exactly like she remembered from school.
A couple of days later, Mira’s husband returned from shopping with a couple of good sized éclairs. So, as we sat down for dinner, he lined them up with our spread ass cracks, and we lowered ourselves onto them. The cream did indeed squirt out of each end, but because we rolled onto them (front first, then rolling backwards), the cream at the front squirted onto our cunts. He caught the cream at the back in his mouth and swallowed it. We then had the rest of the meal with our sticky desserts under us, every small move creating squishing and sticky sensations in our ass cracks. We were in no hurry to reach dessert, but when we did, it was divine – each woman bending over the table for someone to eat the éclair directly from our ass cracks (I ate Mira’s and her husband ate mine). I really enjoyed that meal!
I made a couple of gluten-free cupcakes earlier on today. I did a massive pink icing swirl on each, and I took one into the lounge to show Mira and her husband. Mira stood next to me, peeled the cake case off the cake and stood admiring it in her right hand. They were impressed, especially with the icing. She placed her left hand at the top of my ass, then in one fluid movement, she took the cupcake and squashed it into my cunt, cupping around my cunt to collect any loose cake and then squash it all in. It was oozing deep inside me and was filling me with something fantastically squishy and sticky.
When she was satisfied it was all in, she took her hands off me and licked at the hand the cupcake was in. She looked very mischievous and very pleased with herself. I felt over the moon. Even slight movements made the cake ooze and squish inside me. I would probably have stood there for ever, but Mira’s husband reminded me Mira wanted to post this article today, so he suggested I should finish that, then he’d get me in the Queening chair, use a wand on my clit for a bit and then clean me out.
So here I am, cunt full of cake, feeling in sensory heaven, trying to stay focussed enough to finish this post off. It isn’t easy because the cake feels so good.