Kinky and filthy things that have happened to us, all explicitly told

Category: Kink (Page 3 of 8)

Centenary Orgy

I was starting to get really excited. I had been planning this for months, especially to celebrate my blogging centenary. I always planned to have a massive sex party to celebrate the half-centenary, but fate intervened and that didn’t happen. So, many months ago, I decided that we had to have a party this time.

But, as we got nearer to the hundredth post, my thoughts began to change a little. I realised that what I really wanted to do was to celebrate the amazing women that have appeared in this blog, women who all love sex, who embrace orgasms, who really go for it sexually (even if they aren’t really sure how things might work out), and who defy the stereotypes or societal norms meant to keep women in their place (sexually or otherwise).

In this blog so far, we’ve named twelve women, some I don’t know, many I do, some from recent times, some longer ago. But all the women mentioned here are amazing, because of their attitudes, because of their love of sex and sexual adventure, and because they are, for the most part, up for giving things a try. This blog is fundamentally about women, and so it does seem fitting that the centenary post is about women too.

For the most-part, the men referred to here are part of the women’s stories, and in making the posts about the women, I somewhat (and a little deliberately) downplay the men. I wanted to maintain this female focus, as so much of what is out there is about and aimed at men; I wanted something to be about us.

That having been said, there is one man whose story is intricately woven into this blog. I never intended to have stories of women my husband fucked, women I’ve never met, but a lot of the stories seemed to fit my female viewpoint of the blog. So, you are reading more of my husband’s story than I ever intended, and therefore, I think it wouldn’t be appropriate to exclude him from the centenary celebration altogether.

Over a few weeks, a plan coalesced into view, a plan centred around and staring the women, but with a small, sustained part for my husband, a part that he would never forget.

This very special party happened a couple of weekends ago. It was an all-girl party (apart from the cameo from my husband), where anything between the women went; masturbation, oral, strap-ons, tits, asses, cunt, whatever. The only request I made of each and every woman was that if they came, they wouldn’t hold back. They’d just take full advantage of the other wonderful women in attendance, all willingly, all in fun, all with love, all for the O. I guess I was thinking orgy, where anyone was game for anything with anyone.

And this is where it was quite an ask, because a number of the women didn’t actually know anyone else there in reality, only from the pages of the blog (although I can tell you now that some people there haven’t even been published in the blog yet).

If I’m honest, I’m amazed some of these wonderful women accepted the invitation, given what was expected of them. They are kinky bitches the lot of them, getting kinkier all the time. All the women were naked below the waist for the entire evening, and then totally naked for the second half. Nakedness in front of women in a social setting was a freedom that some were enjoying for the first time. I loved seeing so many beautiful cunts all on display, totally without shame and not a single attempt to hide anything. It was a beautiful liberating expression of womanhood, and one I will remember for a long time.

And I loved what we got up to, the sheer joy of sharing our sexual voyages with other women, of women (one had never been with another woman) allowing themselves to be taken to sexual crescendo with enthusiasm and without doubt or shame. There was so much bodily contact, including groping and pawing of tits and intimate and intrusive examinations of cunts and assholes. There was an abundance of masturbation, either solo or each other, singly and in groups. There were even a number of strap-ons deployed for use on cunt and asshole, with an astonishing amount of lube consumed in the process. Amazing women doing amazing things in the pursuit of amazing orgasms.

Not one of the women shied away from any of this: every single one joining in with making others cum as well as themselves. It was a delight, a visual feast. We even shared my husband’s cum loads directly from the cunt involved. That was a total joy too.

But of course, this wasn’t all about him. We had a chart to ensure that all the women got a fair share and to sample everyone, but that wasn’t really needed. The action came thick and fast, and the visual feat of all these orgasms from all these cunts kept everyone near the edge all the time. Without needing to resort to the chart, each woman masturbated and masturbated others, their cunts were licked out and they licked out others, their ass cracks were licked down and assholes teased, and returning the favour, and their tits were sucked on, pulled, squeezed and generally worked to maintain arousal.

All in all, it was an amazing night, and one totally suitable to celebrate one hundred posts on this blog. For one of the women there, it was her first lesbian experience, and given the enthusiasm of her tongue, the abandon with which she orgasmed and the eagerness with which she tried things with a woman, it certainly won’t be her last.

For some of the women involved, it was the first such party, and as such, their counts of connecting sexually with other females took a major increase.

What was particularly magnificent was those that had not met anyone else at the party (apart from my husband, but he was hardly in a position to help) came and just got their cunts out and joined in wholeheartedly. I could not have expected more, and yet they delivered. What totally wonderful, determined and up for anything women they are. I suspect it won’t be the last time I get to taste their cunts too; if the party is anything to go by, they seem to have acquired a taste for it. What a dream situation I’m in at the moment. I’m so lucky to have access to the magnificent cunts of so many wonderful women, and I really can’t get enough.

And then, there was my husband’s cameo. A small yet important part in proceedings for the women, and yet a fully immersive experience for him, crossing off one of the few items on his list that he has yet to do. When you read about his cameo in the next blog post, it is important to remember that some of the women in the room had never done anything like this before. Stage fright could have curtailed their involvement, but it didn’t happen, and all the women took a full part with him. And he’ll never forget it. The women probably won’t either, but a centenary party that introduces people to new things, that changes their lives forever and that creates memories that will never fade is a perfect way to celebrate.

Here’s to the next one hundred blog posts (and the next few cunts I get to taste!)

She Wasn’t The Only One

Victoria realised she wasn’t the only one he was fucking. But it was a relief that when the managing director had a heart attack mid-fuck and died, he wasn’t in bed with her. She was very upset though, as she had become slightly addicted to their sessions, which by this point had been going on for nearly a year and a half.

As far as the original goal was concerned, it was a success. Fucking him had not given her promotions, but it had contributed to her having more opportunities to prove herself and probably to her pay rises.

Ever since her first introduction to the chopsticks clamps, whenever they got together, he had asked her to wear chopsticks in her hair (crossed and poked through buns to pin her hair up) as a sign of her happiness to have the clamps used on her. She did this willingly, especially as the chopsticks he bought her were customised for her and very expensive. (He also didn’t actually use them or torment her nipples or tongues – he always used cheap ones for that, as they bend better and applied the pressure better.)

She decided to wear the chopsticks to his funeral, as it was the last time they’d be together, and it was the end of a particularly important chapter. Seems like she wasn’t the only one who had that idea.

When she got to the funeral, the first thing she noticed was Sabina was wearing chopsticks, virtually identical apart from the customisation. Sabina was who he was fucking when he died. That must have been awful. Sabina was at a different office, so Vicki’s guess of him having a woman in every port was probably spot on. A further three people arrived with chopsticks, each from different offices.

After the funeral, all the chopsticks wearers all seemed to congregate together, and after a suitable period, they decided to slip away to Sabina’s home, which was near to the cemetery, so they could discuss him and their experiences.

It seems like Vicki’s sessions were replicated for all four of the others. Sabina made a point of failing the test each and every time, as she craved the chopsticks sessions. The others tried their best to succeed in each clit test. Vicki was more in line with Sabina, not really trying too hard to beat her previous clit test.

In some ways, it felt like the other three didn’t really enjoy the sessions, whereas Sabina, like Vicki, actually really wanted them. Sabina was much more in tune with Vicki than the others, and the others soon left, at least one of them seemingly embarrassed to have been in that club.

With the others now gone, Sabina and Vicki both relaxed in each other’s company, and really got into talking about the full filth of their separate sessions. It turned out that Sabina had been threatened with having someone else’s nipples share her chopstick nipple clamp, forcing her to be face to face with someone else going through the same ordeal. They both thought it would be a fitting memorial to him to try it out, as Sabina had the chopsticks and bands at hand.

Neither of them wanted to use a chopsticks clamp on their tongues, but for each of them, he’d used one on their clits occasionally, so they decided to do that, but separately on each clit for practical reasons.

It was an interesting experience, as previously, they have been restrained, but this time, they were free to move. Again, for practical reasons, they decided to apply them to each other’s clits first, Vicki applying the bands quite loosely to the chopsticks round Sabina’s clit, but Sabina was much more brutal in adjusting Vicki’s, so Vicki went back and they both adjusted the bands until the chopsticks were very tight and rather painful. It’s what he would have wanted.

So next, their nipples were the target, and Sabina knew how to make this work the best. Four nipples along one set of chopsticks, alternating to each of them (and obviously poking through from opposite sides). But there needed to be bands between nipples, so some of them could not be adjusted once they were put on.

Vicki went first, with her right nipple, and Sabina made it as tight as Vicki could bear (with another two twists of the band for luck). Sabina then put her left nipple in and Vicki applied the band, trying to match the tightness with her own. Their faces were very close, but Vicki worked on Sabina’s right nipple before Sabina worked on Vicki’s left. All 4 nipples were clamped in the same chopsticks and very very tightly, so the pain was overwhelming. After they had finished admiring their handywork, they looked at each other, their faces close, and it was only a matter of a few seconds before they started kissing, a full-on tongues special, kissing like teenagers that had never kissed before. Fuelled by their shared ordeal and overwhelming emotions and pain, they kissed and kissed.

Eventually, they stopped kissing, and Vicki suggested they, one at a time, each reach down between the other’s legs and masturbate each other. Whilst their clits are captive, they can still twist and move it by manipulating the chopsticks, and they can work the rest of their cunts with their fingers. Sabina said that would be lovely, and they had to shuffle their asses apart slightly to give themselves room (as their clits were almost touching).

Vicki moved her hands down between Sabina’s legs, started stroking what of her clit was bulging from the top of the chopsticks. It was (perhaps unsurprisingly) very very sensitive, so her light touches were like a bolt of electricity for Sabina. Vicki gently started touching against Sabina’s vulva with a couple of fingers, before nudging them into her cunt bit by bit. Soon, her fingers were buried in Sabina’s cunt up to Vicki’s knuckles, so the light touches of clit, together with fingers working the full length of Sabina’s tunnel had an immediate effect. But Sabina’s nipples were tied by chopsticks to Vicki’s, so Sabina’s movements also twisted Vicki’s nipples. It was very distracting for Vicki, who had to concentrate hard to keep the rhythm. Sabina came pretty easily, but Vicki was set on another orgasm, which took some work, but was enormous when it arrived, with Sabina arching back as she came pulling Vicki over.

After a brief period to allow Sabina to recover, Sabina started work on Vicki’s cunt, and Vicki’s first orgasm only took seconds to arrive. Her second was much harder work, and Sabina’s tits were pulled and twisted as Vicki’s body moved to ride Sabina’s fingers, her fingers working quickly but rhythmically inside Vicki’s cunt, and the thumb and finger tweaking Vicki’s bulging entombed clit increasingly getting rougher. Vicki fought to hold it off, in the process continuing her clit and nipple torment longer that it need be, but eventually, she got overwhelmed, and orgasmed hard on Sabina’s fingers, her body collapsing against Sabina and ending up in a cuddle.

That was enough for one day, and they thought he would be proud of them and would have enjoyed the show. They thought they tied the bands a notch tighter than he ever did, as the pain was a magnitude greater, but the orgasms were harder too.

Vicki and Sabina met occasionally for work purposes after this, and repeated this whenever they did, until they each moved on to other companies. They both got their promotions and pay rises, so all that clit, nipple and tongue pain ultimately proved to be worthwhile; Vicki’s career would not be as it is now were it not for him.

What Happens When You Fail The Clit Test

Victoria had fucked the managing director of her company now six times over about four months. Each time, she had passed the clit test, but it was inevitable she would fail, and she did on the seventh occasion. She was a little distraught, but he told her it would be OK, and that there is a special kind of retest that she could take if she wanted to. She did want to, even when he told her that once the wand had connected with her clit, there was no way for her to stop the test no matter what. That was her choice: a clit assault that she couldn’t stop or leave now and for good.

The problem for her was that over the last few months, this had gone from fucking her way to the top to a primal need for well-functioning cock. She really didn’t want this to end, so she chose the retest, which pleased him.

He said this would push her clit way more than had been done before, and he had a special treat for her nipples and tongue too. She couldn’t wait and was a little scared at the same time.

He led her over to the bed and got her to lay in the middle, her ass up on a pillow. From under the bed, he produced the ends of a set of under-bed restraints and proceeded to attach them to her wrists and ankles, loosely at first, and then expertly tightening them bit by bit so that soon, she was held tightly in place. He asked her to pull against the restraints, and further tightened them as a result of what he saw, repeating this a few times until he was happy she could not move.

Next her produced 4 chopsticks, and he carefully wrapped rubber bands around one end of each pair. Her eyes widened as she knew what these were for. He rolled and twisted her nipples to get them harder, and then he put one pair of chopsticks around her right nipple (one chopstick above and one below) and he wrapped the rubber band round the middle of the chopstick, before bringing her other nipple in between the chopsticks and wrapping another rubber band round the other end of the chopsticks. It was painful and got more so as he tightened the rubber bands on each end.

He looked at her and said it was to distract her from the pain her clit was about to feel, and he got the other chopsticks and asked her to stick out her tongue. He did the same to her tongue, meaning it was held out of her mouth and therefore it was impossible for her to speak.

He told her that she would need to be quiet, and the chopsticks round her tongue would remind her of that.

Next, he took the panties out of her clutch bag. He always insisted she had a pair with her, but also insisted she never wore them. He opened out the panties and found the only bit of fabric (a small triangle at the front) and rubbed the inside that over and inside her sopping cunt. Her cunt was slick with juices and had some cum in it, so the fabric was a sticky mess in no time at all. He carefully folded them so that the sticky part was outside and he pushed it to her nose, holding it in place with a larger rubber band. The strong smell of her cunt, her juices and his cum was pretty overwhelming, and that was in itself a distraction.

Then he got the wand with the clit cup attachment and sat next to her. He told her that this was her last chance to back out. Once that clit cup touches her clit, there was no way she could stop it. The pain in her nipples and tongue was to distract from the pain in her clit, and with her head being lower than her ass, she was likely to get a bit light-headed too. He knew how much she was short of the target, so he will hold the cup to her clit for that shortfall, plus the whole original target again. Every time she made a noise, he would add a minute, although each time she orgasmed, he’d take a minute off.

He reminded her that only a few minutes ago, her clit was under assault as part of the original clit test, so this was pushing her clit much further than it had ever been before. He then asked her if she agreed to the new assault on her clit, and it not stopping no matter what. Yes. Yes, she did. She needed to do whatever it took to get his cock again. She nodded approval.

He got her clit between his thumb and forefinger, and he roughly twisted it a few times. She had a very hard time not crying out there. To not cry out would need focus like she’d never had before, and what with the overwhelming sex smell, the likely light-headedness, her tongue and nipples trapped by the chopsticks and her clit being worked by the ferocious wand, she had a lot to contend with.

And after he finished twisting, he applied the cup to her clit and turned on the wand, slowly at first and then building to maximum power over the course of a minute.

And there it stayed, on full power, ravaging her poor clit like never before. She focussed on keeping quiet, pulling on her restraints occasionally in an involuntary way, but never being able to move a lot.

She was totally lost in the sensations, and she had no idea of time. Quite frankly, he could have had her there for hours and she would have had no idea, she was that overwhelmed with sensations and pain. But as her orgasms started to grow, her pain seemed to subside a little. At one point, he tightened the rubber bands on the chopsticks, thereby increasing the pressure and pain from them. She pulled against the restraints again as she came, the unfulfilling nature of an orgasm without something in her cunt only added to the frustration.

She lost all track of time, of orgasms, of pain, and was settled in for the long haul. But suddenly, the cup vanished from her clit. He undid the rubber bands and freed her tongue and nipples and he released the restraints, freeing her limbs. She assumed he deliberately left her panties there, so she did so too.

He stroked her hair and said she did amazingly well and passed the test, so he’d give her an hour, then she’d get a bonus fuck before she left. But she’d still need to pass the clit test next time as well.

She didn’t care. Her body performed, and she got a massive kick out of it. She wasn’t scared of failing now (although she did fail to realise that the retest got longer the more you failed the first tests).

Her body recovered lot in that hour, and her fuck this time wasn’t an unconnected from behind fuck, but a “Cuddle Huddle”, still firm powerful strokes, but in a position that is mostly cuddling, and this fuck included something she had never done with him – kissing him. She was happy. She was getting something she didn’t expect, and she wanted to work out why it was so good.

Not Wanting To Miss Out (Part Two)

Val was sitting on my now husband’s university room sink, desperate to piss and yet unable to do so because of how long she’d been holding it. In an attempt to help, he was rubbing at her clit, continually circling and brushing over it. He was hoping a distraction would allow her to start to piss, but to this point, it wasn’t working.

Over the course of a few minutes though, he saw a definite change in her body language; her body was moving like the last time she was nearing orgasm. He didn’t even know it was possible to orgasm whilst having a full bladder, but it turns out it is, and she got there comparatively quickly. She later said the full bladder seemed to magnify the rise and the orgasm, not deaden them. Her breathing got very shallow and her back started arching as she started to cry out. He did small burst of small motions on her clit to try to extend the orgasm, which from the way she was shaking seemed pretty strong.

Her cries calmed down, and she slumped back against the mirror. Just at that moment, there was a glint of piss emanating from her pisshole. My husband brought his hand back down and used a finger on each one to spread her pissflaps wide, just as the glint turned into a drop, which turned into a small stream, steady and relentless. The look of relief on her face was divine, but he didn’t see that – he was focussing on the jet of piss coming out of her body in all its exquisite glory.

The jet seemed to go on for ages, but eventually started to subside, leaving her still slumped, exhausted, in a post-orgasm glow with a pissy cunt. Fuck, she was happy.

She needed cock. His cock. But she was so exhausted, she needed time to recover. In a position she may have felt rather vulnerable, she instead felt open to whatever he wanted to do. And right now, that meant he started, gently at first, sucking and licking at her nipples and squeezing and fondling her tits. Actually, it was really relaxing having him working her tits whilst she was slumped there, pissy cunt exposed. He carried on diligently working for over half an hour, all the time making her want that fuck all the more and making her cunt feel empty.

Eventually, she got some energy back, and got up out of that slump. She told him to get on the bed, as she needed her pissy cunt dealing with, and she sat with her legs either side of his head, this time facing down his body, his nose buried in her ass crack. He was great at licking, and soon, she felt like she was building to another orgasm, but she wanted his cock, so she slightly leant forward and started rubbing on his cock through his trousers. It went from fairly hard to very hard in no time, and so she undid his trousers and pulled his cock out. She bent forward, giving him an amazing view of her cunt and ass as she straddled him, taking his cock into her mouth. She felt his fingers playing with her clit again and working into her cunt a little. But this cock was hard, so she moved away from his fingers, turned round to face him, sat up a little and lined his cock up with her cunt.

Looking down at him looking up at her tits, she lowered herself onto his cock, sliding his cock fully into her cunt, and she began an up and down motion that made his hard cock slide right in and fully out of her cunt. He reached up and grabbed her tits, forcing them to twist with each one of her strokes.

Her smile was slowly replaced by gritted teeth, as her determination to make him cum took over. She adjusted her position until his cock was clearly doing something to her clit. Her language got very explicit, and she switched between telling him about his hard cock and her greedy cunt, and trying to convince herself to keep moving once she had cum. She was shrieking again as she came, and did her best to carry on in rhythm, him squeezing her tits and twisting them only acting as encouragement to keep going.

She was exhausted but putting all her efforts into squeezing his cock with her cunt muscles. Each time she did, he grew a little bit, so she kept doing it. By this point, he was enormous and rubbing on her clit with each one of her strokes. Her tits were starting to get uncomfortable where they were being twisted, but she felt like a proper slut and loved every second of it.

She could see him looking down his body at her cunt, and she put her hands down and spread her cunt lips to improve his view. Seemingly, that did it, because she felt the tell-tale throbbing that meant he was depositing a load of cum in her cunt. What a feeling. What a fuck.

As he was cumming, Val worked her clit and very soon had another orgasm, which she lengthened using her finger work. Once they had both finished cumming, she lay forward and snuggled down to him on the narrow bed.

That was the last either of them remembered, until the sun was shining round the curtains the following morning.

They lay there cuddling each other not saying much. His hand strayed down to her cunt and started playing again, and she just opened her legs a little to improve his access. He was encircling her clit with his fingers, as well as dipping his fingers into her cunt, and she could feel him oh so slowly building her to orgasm. She settled in for a very long drawn out gentle building orgasm. She loved having his fingers working her body. She loved his touch, and most of all, she loved the slutty things she had done with him.

He made her feel more alive, more womanly, more sexy and more sexual than any man she’d ever been with, and she felt like putty in his hands. And she liked it. This was the sort of no holds barred fun that she came to university to have.

And both Val and Debbie did have loads of no holds barred fun with him over the two years they were all together. The desperation was repeated lots of times, including the classic wetting of jeans, which Debbie had to buy a pair just to piss in. But these two women had found their sexual freedom, and in my now husband, they had found someone non-judgemental, who was up for anything and who spent more time trying to make them cum than himself.

And as well as having lots of sex and having his first taste of watersports, he also got a load of confidence. It wasn’t just Anya that he could bring to orgasm, it was Debbie and Val too, and them coming back to him again and again, despite being in an environment where there was lots of cock on offer, only boosted his self-esteem and made him a better lover for it.

Not Wanting To Miss Out (Part One)

A few days later, that friendly group were back in that bar and Val was looking gorgeous. But in the last few minutes, she was quieter than she had been earlier and seemed to be a tad restless and fidgety. My husband’s filthy mind wondered if she was doing a Debbie and had her bladder nearly full. After all, she kept looking across at him, with what he thought was a dash of pleading in her eyes. His and Debbie’s pissing exploits days before had woken him up to the possibilities and he wanted to make the most of them.

He left Val to fidget for a few more minutes, then decided to act on his hunch. As he finished his drink, he said to her “So do you want my help with that problem you’ve got or not?” She looked briefly confused (as she should, as she had no idea what he was talking about), but he thinks Val and Debbie both guessed what he meant, as Debbie had a wry smile and Val said she did still want help and that they ought to get on with it.

As they were walking down the corridor, she asked what the problem she needed help with was, and he replied, “Your bladder”. She nodded. He was right. As they walked down the corridor, she felt his hand resting on her ass. He had never done that to her in public and she liked it.

When they got to his room, he locked the door, then stepped up to her and put his hands round her waist, looking longingly at her. She leant in and put her head on his shoulder, as she clutched him closer, and he wrapped her up in his arms. She lifted her head off his shoulder, and they leant in towards each other for a really gentle kiss, which developed into a long slow tonguey kiss.

He felt her large fleshy tits pushing against him, and he really wanted to free them and bask in their naked glory. As he slightly pulled away, they ended up holding hands and looking at each other. Then she went “Erm, bladder?!”

He had no idea why he said what he said next, but it seemed to work for him. Because what he said was “Not yet. I’ll tell you when.” She answered with a simple “Yes, sir” as she looked a little distraught.

He was gambling now. He really didn’t want to clean a puddle of piss out of his carpet, yet he was so incredibly turned on by her predicament. She was starting to squeeze her thighs together now, so he felt it was the right time to remove her trousers and panties. She stepped out of them, and started grabbing at her crotch, trying to relieve her discomfort. He took her hands off her crotch, and then gently pressed on her bladder. It was very hard, and him pushing at it wasn’t helping her.

She straightened up a little, still desperate for some relief from the discomfort, and he fiddled with her bra fastener through her blouse, eventually unhooking it. She removed her bra without taking her blouse off (down the sleeve), and then he cuddled her again, feeling much more of her fleshy tits as their bodies press together. His hands were wandering across her ass as they were cuddling, which she liked, but she was distracted. She had her eyes closed and she was constantly twisting to try to relieve the pressure. Nothing was working.

He whispered “Just a little longer baby” in her ear. Not really what she wanted to hear, and hearing that made her think about begging. She knew him though, and thought that would only prolong her agony, so her only option was to stay silent and squirm for him. (She could have pissed there and then, but that didn’t occur to her).

She could feel from when their bodies were pressed together that his cock was pretty hard. She wanted that inside her. And she had to admit that all this desperation stuff was a massive turn on for her too. All very strange and she had no idea why. But in amongst all the discomfort of the desperation, she decided that it was a good idea, and that even if he wanted to do desperation every time they fucked from now on, she still thought it was a good idea.

She started snogging him again, trying to take her mind off her bladder. He was a great kisser, but the distraction only worked so much. She seriously had no idea how she hadn’t already pissed herself.

He let go of her and saw the pleading look in her eyes. His eyes looked at the clock, and as he stepped back to take in the full glory of her movements, he told her “Just another five minutes, then we’ll get you on to the sink”.

Seriously, how the fuck did he expect her to last five minutes? He was sat on the bed watching her dance the thigh squeezing dance, and her eyes were looking at the clock. Another fifteen seconds. This five minutes was taking soooo long.

She thought she had it under control, until two minutes to go, he went to the sink and turned the tap on, to a noisy trickle. She would have been swearing at him, but she was too focussed on not pissing herself. She wondered if that was his plan, but she was determined to hold on for that last one minute and 45 seconds. The pain, the pressure, was all too much. She had to hold on.

He turned up the flow from the tap with about a minute to go, adding to her predicament.

And then all of a sudden, he turned off the tap and held out his hands to her to guide her towards the sink. Far from being upset with him for lengthening her torment, she was instead relieved comfort was in sight. He helped her up, and this time, she stabilised herself. Her blouse was covering his view of her cunt flaps, so he undid the buttons and opened it wide, so that her marvellous fleshy tits were on display and her cunt was exposed. He squatted in front of the sink, so her pisshole was right at eye height, and he reached forward, and he held open her pissflaps. Then he told her what she so desperately wanted to hear – that she could piss now.

But she had been holding on for so long that the torrent didn’t start. She just sat there, and he looked up at her. She protested that she was trying, but her body just wasn’t doing it, despite the pain. How could her body do this to her?

After at least a minute, he asked her whether she wanted him to try to help, and she was desperate enough to say yes. He freed up one hand (by using the other one to hold both flaps away from her pisshole from underneath), then he used the free hand to start rubbing against her clit. She closed her eyes, not knowing how this was meant to help, but at this point, she’d give anything a try.

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