Kinky and filthy things that have happened to us, all explicitly told

Month: February 2025

Free-Use Rules (Part Two)

Having already seen about the scope of our free-use, the quirk of our community and the punishments for rules violations, this post describes how the group actually operates on a daily basis.

The women have to signal their availability, and do so in one of two ways, by a chat group and by optional flowers in our hair. All 8 of us are in the chat control group, and we women have to put our availability in the chat group (and our location, so we can be found and fucked), and we can use flowers as well if we want to. (It is only the women that have to signal our availability, as it is the men that start the free-use and just take us.)

If a woman puts a white heart in the chat group, it means she is available for free-use (and can do it there or elsewhere as the man wants). A red heart is the same as a white one, but the woman is on her period: Anna and I both have Mirenas, so only Rose and Tanya can use that heart. A black heart means she’s not available for free-use. Any other coloured heart means that she is available for free-use, but must go elsewhere to do it. The heart is valid until the next one is posted, and she can put timed hearts on the group, (e.g. white heart until 6am, then black heart).

I’m particularly pleased for my husband. He loves period fucks, and hasn’t had many since I got my first Mirena, so you can guarantee a red flower or heart will see him repeatedly using the menstruating woman, with him arranging his working from home around their heaviest days, and both Rose and Tanya seem to love it.

In addition to the hearts, wearing flowers of the same colour in our hair means the same thing. It is basically so the men don’t have to consult the chat to see if we are available while we are out and about in the village. If there is a conflict between the flower and the heart, the most free meaning colour is assumed, and at some point the woman will be punished in the usual manner.

Availability can be changed at any time, but if she is being used, that usage will complete and if there is a queue, those in the queue will complete their use before the new availability status is valid.

Inside the village, but not in our own properties, a white flower is more likely to be a good grope, a tonguey snog or being taken somewhere to fuck, although full sex out in the village is permitted and has happened (subject to all the usual caveats about such things). Most fucking happens in our own homes or gardens though.

There are three other chat groups. One administered by the women, but visible to the men, where we track who has done what to whom. One is solely for the women, where we discuss plans and scenarios for parties etc. One is solely for the men – no idea what they discuss, but we’re fairly certain, amongst other things, they coordinate our fuckings, because at times, there are certain similarities with consecutive fucks (where the other men are not present to see what went on before).

If multiple men are present, the free-use is first come first served, although the woman’s husband is the lowest priority and must wait until last, even stopping mid-fuck if another man wants to take over. In practice, this often means the husband moves on to another woman if there is one available. If it isn’t the husband doing the fucking, the second man must wait until the first is finished (but often, they will give way repeatedly in a sort of tag team prolonging the fuck for all involved).

We’ve decided that each woman must be available for free-use for a minimum of a half of the hours they are in the village each day (averaged across the week), rising to two thirds of the hours whilst they are menstruating, and that at least one woman must be available for the bulk of each day: others can and do make themselves available, but the nominated women are as follows: Mon & Tue is Rose and Tanya, Wed is Tanya, Thu is Anna, Fri is me, Sat is Rose, Sun is Anna and me. Friday is a particular challenge, as Anna and Rose are both working, and Tanya is out of the village with her mum, so I’m normally the only one available, and often all four men are working from home winding down their weeks, so I get fucked a lot on a Friday. It is often the case that I get fucked 8 times (2 each) before teatime on a Friday. I’m working from home too, so I have to mix fucks in between video conferences, sometimes quite a challenge. My husband also tries to work at home on a Thursday, so he can make the most of Anna being the nominated woman. The third of the week rule is relaxed at holiday times like Christmas (as this will be difficult to manage), but the women do all need to be available as much as possible, and any missing hours must be made up in January and February. If Rose or Tanya’s period is over Christmas, they must make themselves available within 1 hour for the man to enjoy their chosen level of menstruation, and illness or visitors at other times don’t change the time requirements, they just make it much more of a challenge.

Another rule that applies to our properties is that us women aren’t allowed to clean ourselves up or rearrange our clothes without permission. If he gets cum on our face, he has to clean it up, but only our faces (unless he wants to clean up more of course). If we are dripping, or have cum somewhere, it has to stay there until a man tells us we can sort ourselves out or one does it for us. If our skirts (say) are round our waists, they have to stay there until gravity intervenes or a man tell us we can change their positions (or again, do it for us). If we need to go out or have a video conference, we can adjust only our clothes that will be visible and clean away any visible cum or evidence of sex, but if it isn’t visible, it has to stay. The reason for that is that it keeps us on heat and craving sex, craving use. And it fucking works. The men used to clean us up at the beginning, but now, the men don’t want us cleaned up, as they all like seeing the cummy evidence of us being used before. Thus, these days, we are often in a hell of a state.

We are all fucking so much more than we did before free-use, and we women crave even more cock, even to the point of trying to work out how to get more men into the group, and who in the village to invite. I think we all realise this won’t go on for ever, but we are all thoroughly enjoying it whilst it does, and long may that continue!

Free-Use Rules (Part One)

I’ve had a number of people ask how our free-use sex community works in reality. After all, often in stories online, the free-use world allows someone to be fucked at any time by anyone. We don’t live in that world, we don’t want just anyone to fuck us, only those that are part of the group, only those that will uphold our rules and only those that will fuck us as we mean to be fucked. Obviously, we have to have rules that govern our free-use: we all signed to say we understood and accepted the rules, and they have served us well.

They have been tweaked over time, and they have ended up more complicated than we originally thought they’d be. I suppose the reason for that is that we wanted to allow for as much free-use as possible, in fact, we wanted to force as much availability as possible, whilst keeping us all safe, both physically and from gossip.

At the beginning, we didn’t really know what we were doing. There was no guidance online, no list of rules we could use as a starting point. This was (and still is) very much an experiment, and we had to build the rules up from scratch. I don’t think any of us thought the experiment would last a couple of months, let alone be heading towards a year and still going strong. I guess we didn’t realise the addictive nature of free-use. I for one had no idea I would end up being disappointed and a teeny bit pouty if one of the men came round and didn’t fuck me. Such is the power and draw of free-use.

So, in this first post of two detailing our rules set, I talk about the locations and scope of the free-use, the major quirk of our community and the punishments for rules violation. In the second post, I detail the mechanics of our free-use.

To start, there are no free-use rights outside the village (and the village is well defined, so there is no doubt where is inside or outside the village).

Inside the village (whether in our homes or not), the women signal they are available for free-use, and if we are, the men just have the right to take us and fuck us. No asking, no concern as to what the woman is up to or wants, they just pick us, fuck us, use us sexually as they wish. In fact, one of the key quirks of our free use community is that the sex is never mentioned whilst it is happening, or in a mixed-gender group. The women can talk about it together whilst not fucking (and we often do), the men can talk about it together, again whilst not fucking (and I’m sure they do), but to have a mixed-gender discussion, free-use is suspended (and so is all fucking), so that a sensible discussion can be had.

I know it may seem strange, but not talking about it was absolutely key to me. This experiment wasn’t just about more sex with neighbours, it was about free-use, it was about us women being used, it was about the men just doing what they wanted. Vaginal, anal, oral, multiple men servicing the same woman, whatever they wanted. She doesn’t have a say. She just has to let it be done to her. That’s the whole fucking point. But believe me, when you have this much sex, you do enjoy every fuck, you crave every fuck. The whole free-use thing is built around people enjoying the sex, and consenting in advance to being used, to being fucked, to being a play thing really. I guess if you weren’t into it or enjoying it, you wouldn’t be part of a free-use arrangement.

It is totally allowed for the women to attempt to carry on doing whatever they were doing before they were fucked. Things like holding a conversation or typing something for work can be done whilst being fucked. It is a challenge, but it can be done. So, whilst the man dictates the fucking, the woman dictates what she does during the fucking. There is a beautiful symmetry.

The punishments for violating the no talking about the sex rule are quite vicious, and deliberately so. If the man does mention the sex in the wrong circumstance, it is deemed that consent for all free-use is withdrawn, and he has to leave all the women alone for forty eight hours (including his wife), and as an additional punishment, he has to watch every single time his wife is fucked over the forty eight hours, and he isn’t allowed to touch his cock, let alone join in or masturbate. Each of the other men is obviously allowed to use his wife as much as they want (because of the free-use), and he has to watch, he has no choice (and believe me, I’m sure the men would ensure she’s fucked as much as they can possibly manage within the forty eight hours, just to increase his punishment). And as a final punishment, at least one of the men will wank the offender’s cock and ruin his orgasm; it could be more and it could be repeated, but basically for forty eight hours, he can’t have sex, can’t masturbate, and will have orgasms ruined. When you are used to fucking several times a day, that is quite a vicious punishment, but it was turned into the standard punishment for any male rules infringement, and for that reason, the men just don’t talk about the sex (or break any of the other rules for that matter)!

When we originally started this, if the woman mentioned the sex in the wrong circumstance, she at some point would be spanked hard by each man for her error (and I was the first person to be punished in this manner). But as the women all got into free-use, spanking became far less of a punishment and far more of a joy, so it was no longer a suitable punishment. We really struggled with a finding one single replacement punishment, so we decided to select three, depending on person. For me and Rose, it was a good hard caning, twice over a forty eight hour period. Rose doesn’t like being caned at all. I’m not that fond of the cane, but don’t mind a few strokes in amongst other implements, but this is just a caning, no warm up, no love, a number of strokes that increases each time the punishment is used. Not nice, and a suitable deterrent. For Tanya, hers is to be restrained and to have a wand (or other suitable implement) applied to her clit continuously for a chosen number of orgasms, twice over a forty eight hour period. Her clit becomes sensitive after just one, very sensitive after two and painful after three, so this punishment is very painful for her, and again, is a suitable deterrent. Anna fears being deep throated. It is quite uncomfortable having a glans pushed into her throat and it makes her feel like she is going to suffocate, again unpleasant and each man doing this to her once in forty eight hours is a suitable deterrent. In the case of all three punishments, the effects are the same, humbling punishments inducing crying (and we have to wear mascara to show how much we are crying). These are now the standard punishments for any female rules infringement. It probably isn’t a surprise that none of these newer female punishments have been needed and the male one has only been used once.

The second post details the mechanics of our free-use community, the little details that make this all seem so effortless.